
"Go to a Windy Place" Ma Ye awakens: Life is actually a very simple thing

"Go to a Windy Place" is a drama used to heal, then in the "windy courtyard", a group of frustrated people live.

The first is the heroine Xu Hongdou, as a manager of a five-star hotel, because of the death of her best friend, she re-examined her life, so she came to Dali and lived in a "windy courtyard", wanting to heal herself with a short lying flat.

The second is Barley, she is an eighteen-tier online novel writer, originally wanted to achieve her ideals through writing, but did not want readers' bad comments to float like snowflakes, income was greatly reduced, she was more and more unable to write, caught in a vicious circle.

There is also Hu Youyu, such a sunny and cheerful boy, when he was studying, in order to pursue his musical dreams, he was opposed by his parents, and finally his father was angry with him, and he himself regretted it.

Then there is Li Na, a Shanghai girl, who has a humble, gentle and beautiful personality, because she has encountered an "Internet storm" before, in order to escape, she decided to leave her previous place and came here.

But compared to the four of them, the most mysterious is Ma Ye.

First of all, he is the oldest, "people of his age in the village, the dolls are in junior high school." Xu is because of this reason and does not have much common language with young people, so Xu Hongdou has lived in it for a long time, and they have not spoken to each other.

Secondly, he is the most mysterious, he likes to meditate during the day, and he sits all day, and no one calls him to make a sound. Even if he occasionally speaks, it is "tea no", "rice no" and "powder no", as if saying one more word will make him tired.

Third, his experience is the most legendary. Later we learned that the former Ma Ye was also a figure in the market, who made great achievements in the mall and obtained too high returns, and then he went bankrupt and hid here.

"Go to a Windy Place" Ma Ye awakens: Life is actually a very simple thing

Screenshot of the TV series "Go to the Windy Place"

 It's just that I didn't expect that such a person who regarded "cultivating immortals" as a pursuit of life would be awakened by Aunt Gui, who had not read many books.

That day, Xu Hongdou sat in the small courtyard to write the employee handbook, Aunt Gui came to clean the yard, talking to the cat while cleaning, really couldn't stand Aunt Gui's "noise", Ma Ye in meditation opened his eyes.

Seeing that Ma Ye opened his eyes, Aunt Gui instantly discovered a new continent - "Oh, it's amazing, have you already practiced to open your eyes?" Ma Ye, is the cultivation of immortals going to succeed? ”

Ma Ye, who was full of meridians, was instantly defeated, as long as he responded to Aunt Gui and asked her "tea no".

While drinking tea, Aunt Gui began to enlighten Ma Ye.

First of all, Aunt Gui hit the nail on the head and pointed out that "laziness is a disease" -

Xu Hongdou told Aunt Agui that the reason why he helped Xie Zhiyao was not to stay here, but to find something for himself to do. Listening to Xu Hongdou's words, Aunt Gui glanced at Ma Ye and said the finishing touch of "laziness is disease".

Because she hadn't read many books, Aunt Gui looked at the problem very directly, Xu Hongdou said that the tea made by Ma Ye was very fragrant, and she immediately came to the sentence "Isn't it just tea".

Think about it, no matter how good tea is, for thirsty people, there is not much difference, fragrant or not, the final result is the same.

Ma Ye succeeds because of creativity, but also fails because of creativity, he meditates all day to concentrate and calm his mind, so that he is not cranky, but in Aunt Gui's view, such an escape is laziness and irresponsible.

I have to admit that the truth of those written in books is far less direct than the spoken language of the working people. The originally simple truth was forced by cultural people.

"Go to a Windy Place" Ma Ye awakens: Life is actually a very simple thing

Screenshot of the TV series "Go to the Windy Place"

Secondly, Aunt Gui told Ma Ye that life must take on its own responsibilities.

"People eat grains, burp, fart, grind their teeth, live a day to do a day's work, can not be idle all their lives, the top must be filial to the elderly, the lower to raise dolls, very hard. Unless you're dead and buried in the soil, you're really resting. ”

The first time I listened to Aunt Gui's words, I felt a pang of sadness, feeling that life is about suffering, which is really boring.

Even Xu Hongdou feels that like Ma Ye, as long as he doesn't cause trouble to others and doesn't do things that hurt others, it's not a big mistake, after all, people have the right to choose their own lifestyle.

But Aunt Gui doesn't see it that way, in Aunt Agui's opinion, unless you are an orphan, you can do whatever you want.

"Are you hungry outside? Who cares about you out there? Your Abba and Aunt are old and sick, what are the three disasters and five difficulties you have, but you all need money? ...... It's too late to ask for food. ”

Although we don't like moral kidnapping, we have to admit that as human beings, we enjoy rights and should assume certain obligations. Because our parents raised us, it is natural for us to be filial to our parents.

Our parents are still toiling for us, while we ourselves choose to escape, which is not freedom, but irresponsible. Of course, we can also choose to live freely, and when we settle down what we give birth to and what we give birth to, no matter what choice we make, it is difficult for others to say anything.

From another point of view, many times, the reason why we can be resurrected over and over again is not because of these responsibilities on our backs? Responsibility to others, responsibility to oneself...

"Go to a Windy Place" Ma Ye awakens: Life is actually a very simple thing

Screenshot of the TV series "Go to the Windy Place"

Third, Aunt Gui told Ma Ye that "lying flat" is not the ultimate goal of life, "tossing" is.

In order to find himself under the steps, Ma Ye said his reasons——

"Anything in the world, the law of two eight, many things you work hard for, bow down, in the end it is also a bamboo basket to fight for water, since it is all empty, then why bother blindly?"

Hearing this, Aunt Gui was immediately happy.

"People, come crying with a bare ass, crying empty-handed, it's very hard, can't you not live because you are going to die anyway? What not to do except breathe fresh air without money, eat, drink and sleep? Can you still sit still? Since you can't sit still, go out to work, why do you have to be the boss? ”

Ma Ye chose to lie flat because he was too "tossed" before, and now he calmed down so that he would no longer "toss".

On the surface, Ma Ye's approach is indeed no problem, but he forgot one thing, life is not only the way to be a boss, as long as you are willing to work hard, no matter what you do, you can return to the top.

Seeing such a horse master, and thinking about ourselves, why are we not like this? Every time we encounter failure, we feel sorry for ourselves there, but we forget that as long as we change our thinking, we can find our true selves. Many times, it is not failure that traps us, but our own cognitive limitations.

After all, more than a thousand years ago, Lu You once wrote in a poem - "The mountains and heavy waters have no way, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village." ”

I used to like the phrase the most, "the hardest thing is to beg, not to die will always come out", now it seems that this sentence really makes sense, as long as we are alive, we should go to "toss", as long as we start to "toss", there is hope in life.

Of course, this does not apply to Ma Ye.

"Go to a Windy Place" Ma Ye awakens: Life is actually a very simple thing

Screenshot of the TV series "Go to the Windy Place"

Finally, Aunt Agui also told Ma Ye that the work of life is not only a measure of wealth.

"Even if you become a boss, a billionaire, and make a lot of money, that money is so much that you can't even put this yard down, and you can't spend it all... One day you're gone, and you can take these things with you. ”

"People are dead, so to send a lot, paper paste, cars, houses, villas, golden children and jade girls, hundreds of billions of heaven and earth banks, your descendants can't spend much money, all prepared and burned to you."

Hearing this, Ma Ye realized, Xu Hongdou realized, even Barley, who has always been reluctant to go out, realized, and I also realized when I sat in front of the computer and chased dramas.

In life, we all have to do something, but there is never a unified answer to what this action is. Is it to make a lot of money, it seems that it is not, after all, money does not bring death to life, it is basically enough; Is there a lot of power, it seems that it is not, there are more things in this world that "people go to tea cool", and when the moment of "tea cooling", it will bring deeper loss.

If you think about it, the biggest thing in life is to complete the mission you should complete, and don't let yourself leave with too many regrets, this is enough.

At the end of the movie "Later Us", there was a line that said this - "Feelings, it's good not to live up to each other, it's too difficult to live up to this life." ”

In fact, this sentence does not only apply to love, in our life, even if we can't do everything, we must try not to live up to our family, live up to our youth, live up to ourselves, even if we can't do everything, but as long as we try our best to do it, it's better than doing nothing.

Perhaps, this is the real meaning of Aunt Gui's words. Because life, in fact, is so simple.

"Go to a Windy Place" Ma Ye awakens: Life is actually a very simple thing

Screenshot of the TV series "Go to the Windy Place"

(The original is not easy, if there is any reprint, please indicate the source.) )

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