
From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

author:Tan Xiaofeisheng

In 690 AD, an incredible event occurred in the land of Shenzhou!

A 66-year-old woman, all of whom is of retirement age, has done something very big.

This woman is called Wu Zetian, the first and only female emperor in Chinese history, no one before and no one after, a proper heroine of the female middle, can be called a female man!

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

(1) The female man is emerging, and the woman is not allowed to have eyebrows

Wu Zetian was born in Wenshui, Shanxi in 625, where her father, Samurai Gong, was a merchant. Her mother Yang was from a noble background, a descendant of the Sui and Tang royal families, Wu Zetian had a very beautiful childhood, her father loved her very much, and her father died when she was just eleven. The change of fate and the cold state of the world made Wu Zetian become independent prematurely, and she was stubborn and wanted to escape the shackles of her family. At the age of 14, he was already a pavilion and a beautiful and moving like a hibiscus out of the water, so he was selected to enter the palace. Although Tang Taizong's side is as beautiful as a cloud, Wu Zetian is also the most eye-catching one, and what surprised Tang Taizong even more was her female man.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin loved the fierce horse very much, he had a sweaty and bloody BMW, the horse was strong and healthy, but it was wild and fierce, and no one in the palace could tame this fierce horse.

The great monarch of the great country, if the warriors of the dynasty cannot even tame a horse, then where is the majesty of the Great Tang? At this time, Wu Zetian stood up and said that he could tame this untamed fierce horse. Li Shimin was shocked, the dynasty and China were all warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles, how could she tame this horse with a female stream. Li Shimin was very curious, so he asked Wu Zetian how to tame? She slowly spoke: Although this horse is fierce, it is only a livestock, and it can be tamed with three things: an iron whip, an iron rod, and an iron knife.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

When Li Shimin heard this, he thought it was quite interesting, so he continued to ask how to use these three things to train horses. Wu Zetian said: Beat with an iron whip, if it is not possible, hit the head with an iron rod, if not, then the horse is useless, and directly killed with an iron knife to eat.

Tang Taizong was very happy after hearing this, thinking that her courage was admirable, and praised her more. Tang Taizong had to be impressed by Wu Zetian, who could be described as a hero among women.

Wu Zetian not only tamed horses, but also was good at horseback archery, heroic and sassy, and full of spirit. Polo and swings were popular in the Tang Dynasty, and Wu Zetian was also a master of polo, with first-class ball skills, and also served as the captain of the court women's polo team. In terms of swing sports, Wu Zetian can play swings in a variety of tricks, such as flying swallow wings, golden rooster independence, etc. This also made Wu Zetian stand out from many palace maids in an instant, and he was even turned upside down by Li Zhi, the son of Emperor Taizong of Tang.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

(2) Beautiful as a flower ushers in Ruyi Langjun

Looking back and smiling, the sixth house pink has no color. The only women in the history of the Tang Dynasty who were able to do this were Yang Yuhuan and Wu Zetian. Wu Zetian's beauty also has a slight beauty of a female man, soft with rigid, rigid and soft. For example, the popular folk legend of "elegant and beautiful, charming but not demon", is also known as "Wu Meiniang" by later generations

There are two men who are the most important in her life, one of them is Tang Taizong Li Shimin, who included her in the palace, although Li Shimin did not give Wu Zetian much high status in his life, but gave her a chance to show her prominence.

When Li Shimin was seriously ill, Wu Zetian sparked love with the second man in his life, this man is Li Shimin's son, that is, the prince Li Zhi, what is Li Zhi's feelings for Wu Zetian, if you describe it in two words, it is simply true love.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

In 649, Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, died of illness. After the death of Emperor Taizong of Tang, the crown prince Li Zhi ascended the throne for Emperor Gaozong of Tang.

After Li Shimin's death, according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, concubines who had no children were sent to Kanye Temple and cut their hair into nuns. Since then, Wu Zetian has been a nun like many concubines. From palace maids to nuns, the heart has mixed tastes, but this year, Wu Zetian is only 25 years old, it is the age of women waiting to be released, cardamom years, is Wu Zetian willing to drop all the green silk and spend the rest of his life in Kanye Temple? Who would want to do that? In her youth, few people are willing to give up the red dust world, and live at the end of life at a glance, and her female man Wu Zetian will not give up.

Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared, but fortunately, Wu Zetian of Kanye Temple is not idle, chanting, chanting, meditating, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and none of them have fallen. She is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to take her to escape from Kanye Temple, and there will be repercussions if she thinks about it, and the opportunity has finally come.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

In May 650, the day of the death of Emperor Taizong of Tang, Li Shimin, the opportunity came. Tang Gaozong Li Zhi went to Kanye Temple to pray for Li Shimin to pray for incense, after completing the blessing ceremony, when Li Zhi slowly turned around, a pair of shining eyes surrounded him, the two looked at each other, Li Zhileng took a long time to slow down, a green robe, Wu Zetian, who had a thin face but a vein of affection, only knew at that moment that confidants met, loved each other and hated late.

Then Wu Zetian took Tang Gaozong Li Zhi to visit his study, Li Zhi was even more concerned about Wu Zetian's recent situation, Wu Zetian just kept silent, even if he had all kinds of grievances in his heart, he didn't want to complain in front of Li Zhi. The two looked at each other again, but the more Li Zhi looked at it, the more distressed he became, and he couldn't help it, reaching out and hugging Wu Meiniang's plump and colorful body into his arms. At this moment, Wu Zetian in her arms was like a wronged girl, holding Li Zhi tightly, her hands trembling, and she burst into tears, she knew that the man in her arms loved herself.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

When the mood was strong, Wu Zetian took out a token to Li Zhi, and after Li Zhi read it, he had the idea of taking Wu Zetian back to the palace and growing old with him. This token is Wu Zetian's proud work "Ruyi Niang", which is a love poem written to Li Zhi with her heart and is also destined to rewrite her destiny.

Ruyi Niang

Look at Zhu Chengbi Si

Haggard and fragmented for the memory of the king

Unbelief is longer than coming to tears

Unpack the pomegranate skirt

Once the repressed emotions are ignited, the love is a mess. Li Zhi and Wu Zetian fell in love like glue, and then Li Zhi tried to take them to the palace. Wu Zetian returned to the palace smoothly.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

(3) From the Second Holy Dynasty to the reign of the world

After entering the palace, Li Zhi concentrated thousands of favors on Wu Zetian alone, this is the power of love, and Wu Zetian was subsequently named Zhaoyi. But other palace maids were jealous, especially Empress Wang finally couldn't stand it, Empress Wang and Xiao Shufei and other palace maids dealt with Wu Zetian together, and the palace fight was about to start again, all said that three women are one play, not to mention that this is three palaces and six courtyards, and Wu Zetian has to deal with not only Empress Wang and Xiao Shufei, but also the minister of Chinese and martial arts.

Wu Zetian entered Li Zhi's harem, like a fish in water, and soon gained a foothold in the palace, in terms of scheming and good use of intelligence, Wu Zetian was just right, and quickly defeated Xiao Shufei and Empress Wang, the harem concubines were not opponents at all, and soon Wu Zetian became the lord of the harem as he wished.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

In 660, Emperor Gaozong of Tang Li Zhi was weak and sick, which seriously affected his handling of imperial affairs. Wu Zetian was also gifted and intelligent, so Li Zhi asked her to help him deal with government affairs, and Wu Zetian waited for the opportunity to begin to participate in state affairs, and also gathered a group of confidant ministers. Li Zhi saw that Wu Zetian handled government affairs in an orderly manner, and he was very satisfied and greatly appreciated her. Therefore, Wu Zetian suggested to Li Zhi that she go to the dynasty with her and listen to the government in the dynasty. The two are collectively known as the "Two Holy Pilgrimages". Since then, Wu Zetian's experience and influence in political participation have further expanded.

The clever Wu Zetian obviously knew that it was difficult for a woman to convince the entire court and civil and military officials with her, so she had to have her own henchmen as a backer in order to deal with the traitors and villains who opposed her outside the palace. At this time, a large number of loyal ministers entered Wu Zetian's field of vision, Di Renjie was one of them, Di Renjie was also from Shanxi, the two were fellow villagers, and they were about the same age. Although Di Renjie was only a small sesame official at that time, he was iron-faced and selfless, strictly abided by loyalty and etiquette, and did not engage in corruption. In local governance, it is also a tax reduction and payment, loves the people and cherishes the people, and is called a parent official. Wu Zetian also saw that Di Renjie was brave and resourceful, and wise, and he could indeed cultivate to become a loyal minister by his side.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

Soon Di Renjie was promoted and reused, and Di Renjie also lived up to expectations, and assisted Wu Zetian in front of the saddle, helping her govern the country and the Qi family, and with his help, Wu Zetian was even more flat, and Wu Zetian also regarded him as his right hand.

In 683, Li Zhi died of illness. His son Li Xian ascended the throne for Emperor Zhongzong of Tang, and Wu Zetian as empress dowager. However, Li Xian became emperor for a few days and was demoted to the title of King of Luling. After Li Dan ascended the throne in 684, Empress Dowager Wu Zetian obeyed the government and held all administrative powers, at this time Li Dan was only a nominal emperor and had no actual power.

In 690 AD, Wu Zetian officially ascended the throne as emperor, Wu Zhou was officially established, the Tang Dynasty was changed to the Zhou Dynasty, and she became the first female emperor in history.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

(4) Life winners

Wu Zetian declared himself empress, and under her leadership, he listened to widely and underwent a series of changes. There is no war externally, exorbitant taxes are reduced internally, and the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and the road is not left behind, and the house is not closed at night. Especially in the system of selecting officials, Wu Zetian pioneered the palace examination to personally confirm the talents of selected officials. It can be seen that Wu Zetian is thirsty for talent. It also laid a good foundation for the subsequent Kaiyuan era.

Wu Zetian is the only female emperor in Chinese history and a successful politician, but as a woman, it is not easy, she must have extraordinary wisdom, extraordinary courage, win the support of everyone, and make greater achievements in order to be invincible in the patriarchal society.

The winners in life of ordinary people are: houses, cars, children, tickets. Wu Zetian is the real winner in life, the royal palace where the house lives, three palaces and six courtyards, the car has a special car to pick up, six children, and both children. The ticket is enough for a lifetime.

From the palace maid to the emperor, she did what women did not dare to do, and this is the legendary Wu Zetian

From an ordinary palace maid to the head of a palace. Since then, her life has reached its peak, and Wu Zetian has gained happiness from her work and a great sense of accomplishment. Her husband has pampered her all her life, she has the final say in state affairs and family affairs, and her children are complete, what could be happier and more comfortable?

In 653, 30-year-old Wu Zetian gave birth to his son Li Hong.

In 654, 31-year-old Wu Zetian gave birth to his daughter, Princess Anding.

In 655, 32-year-old Wu Zetian gave birth to his son Li Xian.

In 656, 33-year-old Wu Zetian gave birth to his son Li Xian.

In 662, 39-year-old Wu Zetian gave birth to his son Li Dan.

In 665, 42-year-old Wu Zetian gave birth to his daughter, Princess Taiping.

Wu Zetian can be regarded as a hero among women, in feudal society, Wu Zetian ascended the throne as a female stream, which can be said to be "no one before, no one after".

In the last moments of her life, she chose to reconcile with herself, the so-called Holy Spirit Emperor is just a dream, and all glory and wealth are just floating clouds. The hero is late, at the age of 81, she wants to return to the ordinary, return to the family, and be the daughter-in-law of the Li family again.

In 705 AD, a generation of empresses perished, at the age of 82, Wu Zetian left a will, went to the emperor, changed his name to empress, and was buried with Emperor Gaozong of Tang Li Zhi, there was not a word on the tombstone, meritorious merit, leave it to posterity to say.

No matter how the pace of history always moves forward, Wu Zetian is a strong mark in Chinese history, which is not only a piece of history, but also a miracle of a woman founding an emperor.

A good story

A legend

A woman's life!