
How can I tell if I am healthy?

author:Yili loves fitness

It is rare to catch colds or other infectious diseases throughout the year. This is a manifestation of good self-immunity, strong resistance to external viruses and bacteria, indicating that the body is very healthy.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Sleep: Adults sleep normally for 6~8 hours a day, sleeplessness at night, dreams, etc. are sleep disorders.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Breathing: Healthy people breathe steadily, regularly, about 15 times per minute, if the frequency of breathing, rhythm is abnormal, breathing is laborious, chest tightness, breath holding feeling, it is an abnormal performance, should seek medical attention in time.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Weight: Stable weight is also one of the criteria for good health, if the weight increases in a short period of time, then check whether there are high blood sugar, hypothyroidism and other diseases, if your body in a short period of time is not a good thing, you may have diabetes, hyperthyroidism, gastrointestinal and other diseases.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Defecation: Healthy people have a bowel movement in 1-2 days is normal, the elderly are not very exercise, so it is normal to have a bowel movement in 2-3 days, as long as the bowel movement is smooth, the stool is not dry is not constipation.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Skin: The skin is elastic, delicate and shiny, and the muscles are plump, which is also a manifestation of a healthy state. If the face is sallow and the skin is rough and dull, it is a manifestation of poor metabolism in the body and the accumulation of toxins.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Teeth, hair, glasses: clean teeth, no pain, no caries, normal gum color, no bleeding; shiny hair, no dandruff; Bright eyes, quick response, eyelids are not easily inflamed;

How can I tell if I am healthy?

Mental state: energetic, able to calmly deal with daily life and heavy work, and do not feel excessive tension and fatigue, strong adaptability, able to adapt to various changes in the external environment, optimistic and positive attitude.

How can I tell if I am healthy?

From the above 10 health standards set by the World Health Organization, human health requires nutrition, rest and exercise to be in a balanced state, which is reflected in the three aspects of physique, mind and society.