
How to protect prostatitis in winter?

author:Li Yuqing, a famous teacher of traditional Chinese medicine

In winter, the temperature is very low, and the prostate gland is easily affected by cold winds and induces prostatitis.

Therefore, in the winter season, male friends must do a good job in the prevention of prostatitis, so as to reduce the probability of prostatitis.


【Why is prostatitis more likely to cause in winter?】 】

In winter, if male friends do not pay attention to keeping warm, the prostate gland will be stimulated by hot and cold, resulting in congestion and eventually prostatitis.

This is because low temperatures stimulate prostate tissue, enhance the excitability of the sympathetic nerves of the prostate, contract the prostate, cause chronic congestion, and lead to increased pressure in the urethra, causing prostatitis.

Therefore, men should pay more attention to the maintenance of the prostate gland in winter, prostatitis is easy to recur in winter, and once it recurs, it will cause unspeakable pain for many male friends.


【How to protect prostatitis in winter?】 】

Don't sit for a long time

How to protect prostatitis in winter?

The cause of sedentary immobility directly leads to partial prostate congestion and compression of the prostate, so that the accumulation of prostate metabolites, easy to cause duct blockage and other symptoms occur, acute urinary retention may occur aggravate hemorrhoids, make perineal congestion and difficulty urinating, etc.

Eat less spicy and drink less alcohol

How to protect prostatitis in winter?

Tobacco, alcohol and spicy edibles stimulate the prostate and urethra, which will increase the burden on the prostate itself for prostatitis patients, and seriously affect the body for others, which will seriously lead to prostatitis, urethritis, etc.

Therefore, in terms of diet, we should eat more foods rich in zinc and vitamins to enhance the anti-infection effect of the prostate.

Avoid having sex too often

How to protect prostatitis in winter?

Frequent sexual life, repeated congestion of the prostate gland causes prostatitis, pay attention to appropriate sexual life, so that the body and mind are happy. In addition, the genitals are washed before and after sex to prevent bacteria and cross-infection.

Keep it hygienic and clean

How to protect prostatitis in winter?

The prostate is longer than the inside of the body, and if it is usually unhygienic, bacteria attach to the penis to cause inflammation and infection, and the prostate gland will also be affected, especially in winter.

Local insulation

How to protect prostatitis in winter?

The prostate gland is a relatively sensitive organ in the human body, with obvious characteristics of "heat and cold", so the protection of the prostate must be good, in the fall, we must pay attention to keep the body temperature low. Warms the prostate, reduces muscle tissue contractions, engorges the prostate, relieves and restores the state of the water pile.

Drink plenty of water

How to protect prostatitis in winter?

In autumn and winter, the weather is cold and dry, its metabolism is slow, and drinking too little water leads to reduced water in the human body, reduced urination, urinary tract not being flushed normally, and the urinary tract is prone to retrograde infection, which can also increase the probability of prostate disease. Therefore, men are advised to drink plenty of water and pay attention to personal hygiene.


【Why is prostatitis prone to high incidence in winter?】 】

1. Due to the cold weather, people rarely do outdoor exercise, more time is sitting in front of the computer, or watching TV, playing mahjong, etc., sitting for a long time makes the prostate gland be subjected to long-term compression and congestion, edema, and then induce prostatitis.

2. In winter, the cold wind rises, with the continuous cooling of the weather, the excitability of the human sympathetic nerve is enhanced, so that the prostate gland contractes, the gland and blood vessels expand, resulting in chronic congestion, so that the intraurethral pressure increases, and in severe cases, it can cause reverse flow.

Changes in the condition of the urethra will aggravate the stasis of prostate fluid, resulting in the onset of prostate disease, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, perineum, testicular pain and other symptoms, male friends need to pay great attention. Especially for many middle-aged and elderly men, many patients' conditions will worsen or recur with the decrease in temperature.