
Talk about the substitutes for rhino horn from rhinoceros horn ground yellow soup

author:Chinese medicine is similar

Xia Xiaojun Xiao is like a channel

Introduction: Rhino horn can not be used, what drugs can be used to replace it? This has to start with the rhinoceros ground yellow soup.

Rhinoceros yellow soup, derived from the Tang Dynasty Sun Simiao's "Preparation for Emergencies", is composed of rhinoceros horn, raw ground yellow, peony medicine, peony skin four flavor medicines, with "to treat typhoid fever and warm diseases, should sweat without sweating within the blood storage, and epistaxis vomit blood inexhaustible, residual blood stasis, yellow face, black stool" and so on, and emphasize its effect to eliminate blood stasis.

Since then, this party has been recognized as a representative formula for cool blood and stasis, and has been used and discussed by successive generations of doctors.

Although the name of the peony dihuangtang fang in the Jin Dynasty Chen Yanzhi's and Gao Wenzhu's "Sketch Fang Ji School" is different, it is exactly the same in terms of drug composition and functional indications, and it is speculated that Sun Believes that the main medicine in Fang is rhinoceros horn rather than peony.

Jin Dynasty Li Gao's "Dongyuan Trial Formula" said: "Vomiting blood comes from the stomach, and the real one is the master of the rhinoceros horn and the yellow soup.".

Wu Kun of the Ming Dynasty", "Medical Fang Kao" Yun: "Those who are eager to move their hearts and fire, vomit blood, and bleed blood, the lord of this party... Raw rhinoceros can relieve the heat of the heart, raw land can cool the heart, white peony, Danpi sour cold things also, acid into the liver, cold wins the heat."

Zhang Jiebin's "Jingyue Quanshu" also said: "Cure typhoid fever, dry blood, blood fever, so that the temperature and poison are incomprehensible, and the use of this juice is the fastest, and people do not know."

Chen Wenzhi's "Theses of Evidence" holds that "those who have hot on the cure, sores on the mouth and tongue, or blood fever, or vomiting, or blood, and those who do not cough and come from the blood, or who have black stools and yellow faces, are all suitable for obedience."

In the Qing Dynasty, the famous Wen Disease Scholar Ye Tianshi's "Theory of Warm Heat" proposed the treatment method of "fearing blood consumption and blood movement when entering the blood, and the cold blood is scattered", and the rhinoceros dihuang soup has been used as the first choice for the treatment of wen disease and evil blood.

This party can still be used for external treatment, such as the Qing Dynasty Wu Shiji's "Li Yi Biao Wen" there is a record that "vomiting blood belongs to the stomach fire, and the ointment (Qingyang cream) is also attached to the chest and vest, or the blood party is fried with rhinoceros yellow soup after the post".

In addition, some medical records also contain those with the same name as the party and slightly different drug composition, such as the Ming Dynasty Qin Changyu's "Cause pulse treatment" in the rhinoceros horn dihuang soup with extraterritorial vomiting blood, including mountain gardenia and jing mustard;

In the "Jingyue Quanshu", there are fried skullcap and cohosh in the rhinoceros yellow soup that "cures stomach fire, blood fever, vomiting, or blood in the stool"; in the Qing Dynasty Luo Dingchang's "Medical Case Record", there are gardenias and skullcap in the rhinoceros yellow soup that cures hot nose worms.

However, no matter how it changes, its composition has four drugs of rhinoceros, ground, dan and peony, and the treatment range is mostly vomiting and blood in the bloodstream of heat injuries, blood in the stool, etc.

Fang zhong rhinoceros horn, salty cold into the heart, both can cool the blood, but also can purify the heart fire to detoxify the heat, the heart fire is clear, the fire is flat, its blood can be tranquil, the main medicine; the raw land is clear and nourishing the yin, the cool blood stops the bleeding, the peony medicine, the Danpi cool blood scatters the stasis, all of which are auxiliaries.

Fangzhong peony began to divide into red and white after the Six Dynasties, and later generations generally used red peony, if the heat wound yin blood is worse, white peony can be used.

The four medicines are combined to play the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, cooling blood and scattering stasis.

Clinically, it is mainly used for vomiting blood, blood in the blood, blood in the stool, blood in the urine and other evidence caused by heat injuries and blood networks; it can also be used for the god of the hot disturbance camp, such as dim speech, purple and black spots, tongue, pulse number, etc.; in addition, it can also be used for blood storage in the internal stop of blood stasis, and the symptoms are yellowish and the stool is black.

Since this party is specially designed for heat into the blood, it should not be used if the yang deficiency blood loss or spleen is not unified blood.

As Zhao Xianke of the Ming Dynasty said in the "Medical Continuum": "When people today see vomiting, they take the rhinoceros horn yellow soup as the necessary medicine. A: Rhinoceros yellow soup is the main party of the blood, if the yin is weak and the fire spits blood and coughs, it can be borrowed successfully; if the yang is weak and labor, the spleen and stomach are weak, it is not appropriate."

As Xiao Jing of the Ming Dynasty said in the "Xuanqi Salvation Theory": "Rhinoceros Dihuang Soup is an empirical evidence for the treatment of gastric heat accumulation, which can only be used temporarily, and the middle disease will be stopped, rather than a rigid agent for blood treatment."

As a rhino horn that clears heat and cold blood, it has been used in China for thousands of years. It was first published in the Eastern Han Dynasty's Shennong Materia Medica and was listed as a Zhongpin.

Zhen Quan's "Medicinal Materia Medica" of the Tang Dynasty said that it could "calm the mind and lead the great heat... Healing is like fire, poison into the heart, and wild talk." Meng Xue's "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica" says: "Grinding juice, curing vomiting blood, blood, lower and lower, and typhoid blood storage, crazy gossip.".

In the Ming Dynasty, Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" described it as "able to heal all blood".

It can be seen that rhino horn always has a pure heart, liver, stomach three through the heat, and cool blood detoxification, especially the qingxin cool camp as its main feature, and fear of Sichuan Wu, grass Wu.

It is also a rare and precious medicinal material, mainly produced in foreign countries, so more files are taken for fine powder or grinding juice, and the dosage is generally 1.5 to 6g.

In the past 200 years, due to the continuous increase in the world's population and the change of the natural environment, the survival and reproduction of rhinos have been restricted to a certain extent, coupled with the continuous hunting of human beings, making rhinos more rare and rhino horns more and more scarce.

In the 1980s, according to the decision of the Fifth General Assembly of the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, international trade in a commercial nature was prohibited, and China no longer imported wild animals in order to protect wild animals and maintain international credibility.

Therefore, it is necessary to find and study the substitutes for rhino horn.

In the generation of rhino horn, there have always been three different views: those who replaced it with cohosh, including Zhu Humerus of the Song Dynasty, Zhu Zhenheng of the Yuan Dynasty, and Zhao Xianke of the Ming Dynasty; those who replaced the tortoiseshell with Li Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty; and those who replaced it with buffalo horns, which are described as follows.

01 cohosh

It was first published in Tao Hongjing's "Catalogue of Famous Doctors" in the Liang Dynasty and was listed as a Chinese product.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "Because its leaves resemble hemp, its sex rises, hence the name". The taste is sweet, bitter, flat and slightly cold, and belongs to the lungs, spleen, large intestine, and stomach meridians. It has the effect of publishing diaphragm, clearing heat and detoxification, and lifting the sun.

In the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao's "Qianjin Yifang" ruled that "the blood after childbirth is not exhausted, or half a year." Take three or two cohosh, five liters of sake, boil two liters, divide into half and then serve."

The Jin Dynasty Zhang element "Pearl Sac" said that it was "a medicine for the foot yang ming and the taiyin introduction", and used to cure "the tooth root is floating rotten and smelly, the sun is stung, and it is a holy medicine for sores".

In the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Haogu's "Soup Liquid Materia Medica" said that it "eliminates macules, performs blood stasis, cures yang and dizziness, chest pain, diarrhea for a long time, and then heavy cloudiness, with a collapse, blood under the blood, yin and paralyzed foot cold".

In the Ming Dynasty, Sun Yikui's "Red Water Xuanzhu" contains "treating the elderly and children with blood in the urine, Sichuan cohosh, and water frying".

The Compendium of Materia Medica says: "Cohosh, with chai hu, leads to the rise of hair qi; with kudzu root, can produce yangming sweat."

The horn of the Cohosh Dynasty, first seen in the Song Dynasty Zhu Qiu's "Book of The Living People", which said: "Those who stasis blood into it, vomit blood and blood, rhinoceros horn yellow soup, Naiyang Mingjing holy medicine." If there is no rhino horn, replace it with cohosh. The two things are far apart, why should they be replaced? Cover with cohosh can lead to yellow and residual medicine into yang ming also".

Zhu Zhenheng of the Yuan Dynasty said in the "Danxi Zhifa Heart" that "blood is more or less the same as vomiting blood." Probably, the blood is forced by the heat, and with the gas upwards, the main is to dissipate the heat and reduce the heat, and the cool blood is mainly blood. Use the rhinoceros horn yellow soup with the tulip. If there is no rhino horn, cohosh is replaced."

In the Ming Dynasty, Zhao Xianke's "Medical Continuum" also said: "The rhinoceros horn and cohosh smell are very different in shape, why replace them?" A: That's another thing to say. The second pulse of The Gai rim Ren Chong, attached to the Yang Ming Stomach Meridian, also enters the nose. The fire is depressed in the yang and cannot be discharged, because it is a clam, so cohosh can be replaced. Cohosh Yang Ming medicine, non-Yang Ming Jing Zhen, can not be substituted".

Those who hold different views on this are like Tang Yingchuan's theory in the "Lectures on Wu Yihui" compiled by Tang Kasashan in the Qing Dynasty, which says: "The horn of the rhinoceros is a clear product, and cohosh is the taste of rising transparency, one is heavier than qing, one is heavier than rising, its sex is different, its use is different, and it is not smelled of odor and can be substituted."

Cohosh generation rhinoceros horn has not been used since the Qing Dynasty, and today people rarely use it, only in the treatment of blood and vomiting blood caused by stomach heat and stomach fire, it can be substituted, take its clear heat and detoxification, lead the blood to the scriptures, and introduce the medicine to the scriptures; in addition, it can also be replaced by the collapse of the qi depression in the treatment, taking the effect of its ascension and sun lifting.

When using, add decoction, and the dosage should be small to prevent too much hair rise.

02 Tortoiseshell

First seen in the Song Dynasty "Kaibao Materia Medica", the sexual taste is sweet, cold, return to the heart, liver meridian, with the effect of clearing heat, detoxification, calming the liver and calming the alarm.

The Song Dynasty Kou Zongyi's "Materia Medica" said: "The tortoiseshell color is red into the heart, so the master, the heart wind is hot, typhoid fever is crazy, pox poison and swelling, and the disease of less yin and blood is also ... The medicinal person is used raw, the sexual taste is complete, and it is not easy to use after the soup fire, which is the same as the raw and cooked rhinoceros."

The "Rihuazi Materia Medica" says that it "breaks the knot, eliminates the carbuncle poison, and stops the seizures".

The "Theory of Acne Rash" reads: "The acne is black, but the heart is condensed." Use raw tortoiseshell and raw rhino horn with the grinding juice, add a little pig's heart, five spoons of comfrey soup, and evenly, serve warmly."

Erbaoshan in Wang Kentang's "Criterion for The Treatment of Evidence" of the Ming Dynasty "cures acne purple and black, fever, epistaxis, urine like blood, thirst and gibberish." Rhino horn and tortoiseshell two flavor grinding juice, immediately take it and heal."

The rhino horn of the tortoiseshell generation was first seen in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", which said: "The detoxification and detoxification of the tortoiseshell is the same as the rhino horn, which is not used in ancient times, and was used by Baodan in the Song Dynasty."

Nowadays, people also use tortoiseshell to replace rhino horns, such as the famous Guangdong doctor He Yanshen, when using rhinoceros horn dihuang soup plus or minus to treat muscle worms, often replace them with tortoiseshells, taking its heat-clearing and detoxification functions.

It can be seen that only in the treatment of dimwitted words, spots of purple and black, acne black or blood in the blood of the blood, tortoiseshell can be replaced, when using more decoction, it is advisable to fry first, and the dosage is generally 3 to 6g.

03 Cape Buffalo

The horn into medicine, first seen in the "Shennong Materia Medica" listed as a medium grade of the horn, also known as "fetal horn".

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "This is the nucleus of the horn tip." The cow has a fish, just as the fish has a gill, so the name of the fetus, the word is also in the horn." The taste is bitter, salty and cold, and has the effect of clearing heat, cooling blood and detoxifying.

The Tang Dynasty Chen Zangqi "Materia Medica Collection" said: "There are several kinds of cattle, and this sutra does not say cattle and buffalo, but it does say cattle." The southerners use buffalo as cattle, and the northerners use cattle and black cattle as cattle. Cattle breeds are special, and medicine should be used differently."

For the records of the horn of the cow, such as the Tang Dynasty Wang Tao's "Outer Platform Secret" "cow horn 䚡 ash scattering the blood under the pawn".

"Compendium of Materia Medica" "Horn 䚡, the essence of the tendons, the rest of the bones, and the essence of the horns." It is a medicine of yin and less yin blood, and if it is burned, it is astringent, so it stops dysentery and collapses in various diseases."

The earliest record of buffalo horn is found in the Liang Dynasty Tao Hongjing's "Famous Doctors' Catalogue" "Buffalo burns, cures cold and hot headaches".

Tang Dynasty "Rihuazi Materia Medica" "decoction, cure hot poisonous wind and strong heat". Song Dynasty Zhang Jie's "Secret Record of Mother and Son" "Blood is rebellious, boring and stinging." Buffalo horn burnt ash, wine serve square inch dagger". The Compendium of Materia Medica attaches it to cattle and uses it to "cure bleeding".

Cattle are divided into buffalo and cattle, and there is also a difference between horns and horns in medicine, but the horns contain 䚡, and the ancients used most of them to burn ash.

Buffalo horn into medicine, its use has been a long time, although there is no rhino horn in ancient books, but because its effect is similar to rhino horn, it has the use of rhino horn.

Nowadays, most people use rhino horns to replace rhino horns, such as Professor Shen Yannan of Guangdong Province, who is good at treating major bleeding with rhinoceros horn dihuang soup and flavor, and replaces rhino horns with 30g of buffalo horns; Gong Zhixian, a famous doctor in Chongqing, often uses rhinoceros horn dihuang soup to add and subtract when treating epistaxis; When Chongqing famous doctor Gong Zhixian treats epistaxis, he often uses rhinoceros horn dihuang soup to add and subtract to replace rhino horns; Beijing famous doctor Wang Wending also replaces rhino horns with large doses of buffalo horns when treating blood disease bleeding.

It is also reported that Guangdong, Tianjin, Jiangxi and other places use water buffalo horn to replace rhino horn, the treatment of warm disease and pediatric fever evidence, the effect is good, experimental studies have also shown that its pharmacological effect is similar to rhino horn, so the 1977 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia began to include it, as a rhino horn homogeneous product application so far.

It can be seen that today, when the protection of endangered wild animals is vigorously advocated in the world, the buffalo horn, which is similar to rhino horn and is not limited by resources, is an ideal substitute for rhino horn.

When using, file is first fried, can also be filed to take, decoction dosage is generally 30 ~ 60g.

Note: Please follow the doctor's instructions for specific treatment and medication! This article is excerpted from "Xia Xiaojun's Medical Anthology", written by Xia Xiaojun and published by Gansu Science and Technology Press, 2007.1; published in Journal of Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, No. 4, 2004. This public account is only used for academic exchanges, if there is infringement, please contact to delete, please indicate the source of the reprint.

The cover image is from Photograph.


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