
From the red beard to the northeast anti-coalition detachment leader - Yuncheng good Han Sanjiang good

author:Erudite mango 0P

Bandits in the northeast, commonly known as bearded or red bearded, also officially called them silk or horse thieves. Beards are divided according to their nature, roughly divided into two categories:

The first type is pure bandits, whose main activities are smashing kilns, kidnapping tickets, robbing, selling opium, killing people and setting fires, doing no evil, and making the people hate them the most.

The second category is the righteous bandits, robbing the rich and helping the poor, robbing the landlords of their old wealth, and once the kiln is successfully smashed, in addition to satisfying their own needs, the rest is distributed to the poor in the vicinity.

Sanjiang Hao, daimyo Luo Xingxing, was born in 1897 in Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. There are 5 brothers and sisters, and Luo Xingxing is the second oldest.

At the age of 13, his father died of illness, making life at home even more difficult.

In 1912, when a drought occurred in his hometown, 15-year-old Luo Xingxing fled with his family to Jiutai Town, Jilin City, and settled down on the west side of the Yuanmao Inn.

When I first arrived in the northeast, my life was extremely difficult. Luo Xingxing has worked odd jobs, worked as a miner, worked as a groom, and tried to help his mother maintain the family's livelihood.

In 1915, at the age of 18, Luo Xingxing joined the Northeast Army. A few years later, disgusted by the darkness of the old army, he returned to Jiutai and worked as a coal miner, a railway worker, and a bathhouse worker.

After the September 18 Incident, the Japanese army entered Jiutai on September 24 to oppress the people and do no evil.

In the face of national disasters, Luo Xingxing, Liu Ziyu, Li Hailou and others burned incense and prostrated their heads, dripped blood as an alliance, worshiped as brothers, and secretly made preparations for resisting the enemy.

From the red beard to the northeast anti-coalition detachment leader - Yuncheng good Han Sanjiang good

Blood is an alliance

Soon, Luo Xingxing, Wang Wenhe, Wu Zhenjiang and others held a secret meeting in Jiutai County and decided to organize armed forces to fight against the Japanese army.

Rise up against the enemy and rob the rich to help the poor

In the spring of 1932, Luo Xingxing attacked japanese soldiers bathing in the bath with his homemade "iron rooster" (earthen pistol) and his brothers, grabbed several guns and grenades, and pulled up the team at Jiutai Birch Ditch.

In April 1932, Luo Xingxing and six other people, carrying two pistols and an "iron rooster", entered the garrison station of nine garrisons, killed one pseudo-company commander, and captured more than 70 long and short guns.

After that, Luo Xingxing began to recruit troops and officially raised the anti-Japanese banner.

Its backbone forces are mostly the coal miners of Huoshiling and the poor peasants in the Area of Tumenling and Mushihe who were forced to lose their land by the Japanese pioneers.

In order to facilitate the liaison with the anti-Japanese forces, Luo Xingxing sent out the slogan "Sanjianghao", which means to call on the people in the Songhuajiang, Mudanjiang, and Yalujiang areas to unite to expel the Japanese and recover the great rivers and mountains.

Mie Hao rarely harassed the people, mainly robbing Japanese caravans, pioneer groups and Japanese puppet troops, and occasionally smashing kilns (robbing landlords and gentry), so he received the support of the local people, and the kung fu team grew to hundreds of people and guns in a few years.

In May 1932, Mie Yoshio led a cavalry team that ran more than 100 kilometers overnight, ambushed the Japanese transport convoy, and captured more than a million cash, thousands of rifles, and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

From the red beard to the northeast anti-coalition detachment leader - Yuncheng good Han Sanjiang good


In August 1932, Sanjiang Hao attacked a Japanese-owned Yonghengfa pawnshop in Mushihe Town, capturing a large amount of cash and 70 guns.

In mid-September, Sanjiang Hao went north to attack the Japanese pseudo garrison at Zhangjiawan Station in Dehui County, capturing 80 light and heavy machine guns, 13 boxes of shells, and 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

Sanjiang attacked everywhere, and the Japanese puppet army was terrified. The Japanese puppet army, which was hurt, began to surround and suppress Sanjiang. But he couldn't catch Sanjiang's good shadow at all, and he lost more than a dozen lives.

The encirclement and suppression failed, and the Japanese army began to make a wish to the officials, planning to appease Sanjiang.

In November 1932, the Japanese troops stationed at Yanguan Mountain in Panshi County set up a Feast at the Hongmen Gate in a vain attempt to persuade them to surrender and arrest them directly.

Sanjiang saw through the enemy's tricks, ambushed the main force in advance, and then led more than a hundred soldiers and guards to a banquet.

During the negotiation, Mie Hao suddenly raised his gun and fired, and the guards also fired at the same time, killing 7 Japanese soldiers below the Japanese army on the spot.

At this time, the outside fighters heard the sound of gunfire and immediately launched a charge at the enemy, and the two sides began to fight.

Because the Japanese army was leaderless, they quickly scattered and fled.

The Rock Japanese puppet army, which rushed to reinforcements, was also quickly defeated by the troops who set up ambushes on the periphery.

After taking the Japanese stronghold at Yanquan Mountain, Sanjiang Hao's division attacked Jiutai County, destroyed the pseudo-county government, and demolished the railway. By the time reinforcements from Xinjing (present-day Changchun) arrived, Sanjiang Hao had long since disappeared.

On June 25, 1933, Yang Zhongdong, the commander of the Jiutai County Police Brigade, led more than 300 people to the Mushi River area to fight, and was ambushed by Sanjiang Hao.

In this battle, more than 100 enemies such as Yang Zhongdong were killed, more than 70 long and short guns were captured, and more than 1,300 rounds of ammunition were captured.

In August 1933, Sanjiang Hao led more than 4,000 people into Jiutai, destroyed the pseudo-county office, seized a large number of guns and ammunition, and forced the pseudo-county office personnel to flee to Jilin City in a hurry.

On September 13, Sanjiang Hao led his troops north and attacked the Zhangjiawan Railway Station again, capturing more than 80 long and short guns, light and heavy machine guns, 13 boxes of shells, and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition.

In order to solve the problem of troop supply, Sanjiang Hao occasionally smashed the kiln to tie up tickets.

In the summer of 1933, Sanjiang Hao took people to the Jiang family in Birch Valley to smash the kiln (bandits robbed the kiln), because the Jiang family was tightly defended and did not smash, so they changed their tricks. Sanjiang Hao took a group of people carrying the coffin to the tomb of the Jiang family ancestors to dig a pit and make a funeral, and kidnapped Jiang Lao to trick him out of the house. Later, the Jiang family went bankrupt to redeem Jiang Lao.

There are also times when smashing the kiln is lost.

Near Jiutai, there is a large landlord surnamed Hu, whose family has thousands of acres of land and countless sharecroppers. The Hu family is well guarded, the mansion compound, the gunner team nursing home, most of these gunners are from the military or hunters, experienced in hundreds of battles, the marksmanship is strange.

From the red beard to the northeast anti-coalition detachment leader - Yuncheng good Han Sanjiang good


Therefore, Sanjiang Hao arranged for a mustache, disguised as a cattle dealer, to enter the Hu family to spy on intelligence. The moustache soon discovered the weak point in the wall of the Hu family's courtyard.

A few days later, after the beards blew open the courtyard wall, they had just rushed into the courtyard when they were shot down by the gunners. The sound of gunfire awakened the gunners, and the gunners who had been on the defensive naturally did not be merciful, and greeted the bearded, long guns and short cannons that rushed into the courtyard, and forced the Sanjiang hao gang to retreat.

Get to know Yang Jingyu and embark on the road of anti-Japanese resistance

Mieko admired the disciplined Southern Manchurian Rock guerrillas. Cui Fangzhou and Wang Si (underground members of the CCP) were repeatedly sent to contact Yang Jingyu to fight for joint resistance against Japan.

In July 1933, Yang Jingyu invited Sanjiang Hao to Panshi to discuss the joint anti-Japanese issue.

After the meeting, Yang Jingyu talked about the CPC's anti-Japanese stand and the CPC's anti-Japanese measures from the perspective of jointly resisting Japan and jointly saving the country, which made Sanjiang a good Mao Sai and was determined to jointly resist Japan under the leadership of Yang Jingyu.

In February 1934, the South Manchurian Anti-Japanese Coalition Army was established, with Yang Jingyu as the commander-in-chief.

Soon, Sanjiang Hao led his troops into the South Manchurian Anti-Japanese Coalition Army led by Yang Jingyu.

Subsequently, it was organized into the nineteenth detachment of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, and Sanjiang Hao served as the leader of the detachment.

After becoming an anti-coalition unit, Sanjiang Hao led his troops to become more and more courageous in the Vietnam War.

On July 29, 1935, the 204th international train of the "Manchukuo" Jingtu Line, while passing through the Tumenling and Yingchengzi sections, was attacked by the troops led by Sanjiang Hao, causing the train to derail and subvert. In this battle, a total of 11 Japanese soldiers such as Imamura Juncao were killed.

In order to prevent the anti-Japanese armed forces from continuing to damage the railway, the Japanese and puppets were forced to set up the "Jilin Railway Garrison".

In April 1936, the Japanese Kou mobilized 27,000 mobile troops to fight against the anti-Japanese forces near Xinjing (present-day Changchun).

At the same time as the crusade, the Japanese puppet army also implemented the armor protection system and the ten-family sitting method, completely cutting off the contact between the anti-Japanese troops and the common people.

Faced with a grim situation, the anti-Japanese coalition forces could only hide in a secret camp in the mountains.

In the spring of 1937, with supplies interrupted, Sanjiang Hao divided the troops into pieces and scattered them in the civilian area in an attempt to make a comeback.

Under the cover of selling roast chicken, Sanjiang Hao lurked in Tai'an Town, Keshan County, Heilongjiang Province. Later, in the town of Tai'an, Sanjiang Hao met the old department Meng Zhaoqing, An Xichun, and fellow villager Liu Xiyu.

In July 1938, An Xichun returned to Jiutai to visit his relatives, and soon after, he betrayed Sanjianghao.

In October 1938, Sanjiang Hao was captured by the Japanese and pseudo-police and escorted to Xinjing (present-day Changchun) to show the public.

In March 1939, the Puppet Manchurian Xinjing High Court sentenced him to death. At the trial, Sanjiang made a big fuss in the courtroom and wrote the four big characters of "oath to die to save the country" in his handwriting.

From the red beard to the northeast anti-coalition detachment leader - Yuncheng good Han Sanjiang good

The Tomb of the Stars of Sanjiang Haoluo

On May 20, 1939, Sanjiang Hao bravely became righteous at the age of 42.

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