
Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

author:Hit the realm of soy sauce

The movie "Red Beard" is a drama film produced and distributed by Toho Pictures in Japan, directed by Akira Kurosawa, and starring Toshiro Mifune, Yuzo Kayama, Tsutomu Yamazaki, and others. The film maintains a high score of 8.7 in Douban, and is based on the novel "Red Beard Diagnosis and Treatment Tan" written by Yama Motogoro, which tells the life of the common people who played out there in Ogawa Hospital, a medical institution set up by the shogunate in the Edo period, and the spiritual communication between the director red beard and the young doctors. The film was released in Japan on April 3, 1965, 56 years ago, and today I recommend this famous film history for everyone.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

First of all, let's talk about the director, Akira Kurosawa (March 23, 1910 – September 6, 1998), a Japanese film director, screenwriter, and producer. Best known for his 1950 film Rashomon, which won the Golden Lion at the 16th Venice International Film Festival and the Best Foreign Language Film at the 24th Academy Awards, making Kurosawa the first person in Asia to win the award. Later, he directed works such as "Desire for Life", "Seven Samurai", "Heaven and Hell" and so on. It was not until 1965 that the feature film "Red Beard" was filmed, which won the Best Picture Award at the 20th Mainichi Film Awards in Japan. Later, he filmed "Delsu Uzara", "Shadow Samurai", "Chaos" and other works, and directed a total of 31 films in his lifetime. In 1990, he received the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 62nd Academy Awards. On September 6, 1998, Akira Kurosawa died of a stroke in Tokyo at the age of 88. It can be said that Akira Kurosawa has been creating continuously throughout his life, cultivating non-stop, and his creativity is very strong.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

At the beginning of the film, the male protagonist, Dr. Homoto, walks into the Koishikawa Medical Center in the cold wind, a place where the internship is about to start, at first Homoto thought he was coming to visit, and then he learned that he needed to intern here for a while. At the beginning, Baoben was extremely disgusted with the medical center, eager to flee immediately, in the process of visiting the medical center visited by colleagues, we saw the whole picture of this medical clinic with the perspective of the male protagonist, everywhere was shabby and dirty, full of rotten atmosphere, as the leader said "the taste of the poor", in the doctor's introduction, we also learned about Red Beard, a dictatorial and authoritarian doctor, which also made Bao ben have a prejudice against Red Beard's preconceptions.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

(Red Beard)

Such a place is completely inconsistent with Hoshimoto's psychological expectations, because Hokumoto is bent on becoming a shogun doctor, which is a decent and status job, his own family is well-off, and he studied in Nagasaki, and suddenly let him intern in such a place, and his inner contrast can be imagined. So he began to resist and complain, doing things that were contrary to the rules of the Red Beard Doctor, drinking, going to the forbidden place for special patients, sleeping and doing nothing, in short, a complete "salted fish".

Because many doctors are on hunger strike when eating in the canteen, Redbeard Doctor asked the reason, Baoben replied: "Because I hate this place, I can't eat", and Redbeard Doctor replied: "No matter how difficult it is to eat, chewing for a long time will also have a sweet taste, working here, with a negative look, it will not be interesting." Of course, this sentence may affect the audience in front of the screen, and indeed affect the author, in the current employment environment, whether we will also look at the company and the boss with a negative attitude because of the level of the position and the size of the company, but as Redbeard said, if this attitude is really not interesting, and it is impossible to learn anything, it is better to leave early. Of course, these words could not affect the capital preservation at that time.

If a person wants to change, he has to go through something, and then Hemoto goes through three deaths and then begins to change.

The first death, is the mad woman patient after fleeing to Baoben's room, with a miserable encounter bullied by the shop guys to gradually close the distance between the two, it is also a kind of heart of Baoben, so that he even knows the danger of the mad woman, but also want to listen to her story, try to solve her pain, the result is that the mad woman tied Baoben with clothes to try to take out the hairpin to kill Baoben, just when the first shot, the red beard doctor appeared in time to save baoben, it is here baoben began to change his mind about red beard.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

The second death was rokusuke, who was suffering from pancreatic cancer, a patient who had not spoken or even groaned in extreme pain since he was hospitalized, and Redbeard said that he was in more pain inside, so he lost his speech. Hooray was arranged by Redbeard to accompany the patient on his final journey, as Redbeard put it: "There is nothing more serious than the last moment of death." After Redbeard left, there were only Baoben and dying patients in the ward, and this breath of death made Baoben feel deep fear, and the way Rokusuke struggled to breathe was more deeply portrayed in Baoben's brain, and baoben stumbled out of the ward under the replacement of the maid.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

Later, Rokusuke's daughter told rokusuke's pain, it turned out that the mother cheated and left home, in order to keep this third party, she married her daughter to him, and then the mother died, the daughter stabbed the scumbag, and even more shamelessly took three grandchildren to see her father. Such absurd pain did exist and happened, and this death deeply shook Bao's heart.

The third death is the bodhisattva's left eighth in the world, tired to work to illness, after the illness does not stop the doctor to continue to work, and the work proceeds to other patients to buy food, in life is also friendly to everyone to help, is such a good person, at the time of death to tell his story to everyone, a lingering love story, in order to repay this shameful love for others, zuo eight began to do good deeds, to compensate to make up, and finally left the world in the posture of reaching out and hugging the lover, this touching love, once again touched the doctor.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

Bao Ben's heart changed and accepted his identity and put on a gray robe symbolizing the identity of the doctor, as one patient in the film said, the doctor's robe brought the hope of life to the patient from afar. When Hoshi followed Dr. Redbeard to the clinic, a mother holding the child shouted at Ho-ben from a distance, pleading with Ho-ben to save her child like a life-saving straw, and Ho-ben was more aware of the responsibility represented by this uniform at this moment, so Ho-ben's internship road was on the right track.

In the relationship between Redbeard and Baoben, not only did Baoben improve his medical skills but also increased the benevolence of his compassionate translator, and Several profound conversations between Redbeard and Baoben also deeply affected the audience in front of the screen. Redbeard has talked to Bao ben that ignorance and poverty are the biggest diseases. In the film, some people are born of ignorance and die of ignorance, most of the people in the medical center are poor, such as the family of thieves who appear in the later stage because they are hungry every day and cannot make ends meet, choosing to take medicine together to commit suicide, fortunately, the neighbors found out that they were sent to the hospital in time. There is also a human tragedy of "Jumon wine smells of flesh, and the road has frozen bones", and when I went out to the clinic, I also met nobles who had physical problems due to arrogance and lasciviousness and excessive obesity, which was in stark contrast to the starving poor people in the medical center, because the ukiyo-e of the Edo period was displayed through the use of lenses when shooting the location.

Japanese Doctor "Red Beard"

The reason why this film is recommended is because this film depicts the tragedy of the times and the warmth of human nature, in the film you can see the mutual help between patients in the medical center, as well as the chivalrous things done by Redbeard and Baoben, who are not only skilled in medicine, but also have a benevolent heart of "breaking the world and making everyone happy", with noble professionalism and technology. This point I think is the professional ethics that Chinese and foreign doctors should have, this film starts from the doctor's vision, portraying a tragic world, in this tragic world there are still people who exude the light of humanity, in the darkness do not give up the pursuit of light and love, stick to one side, warm the world.

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