
The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

Source: World Wide Web

The United States finally decided to help India on the 25th, and President Biden and Vice President Harris also tweeted on the same day. The US move was enthusiastically responded to by some Indian officials, but Indian netizens reacted differently, with some netizens bluntly saying: "India will not forgive you for your ruthlessness when they are in desperate need of help." ”

On the same day, Biden retweeted a tweet from his president's national security adviser, Sullivan, commenting, "Just as India provided aid to the United States when our hospitals (supplies) were strained in the early days of the pandemic, we are determined to help India when it needs help." ”↓

The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

Sullivan mentioned in a tweet that on the same day, officials from the United States and India talked about the epidemic in India. "We agree to stay in close contact in the coming days. The United States stands with the people of India, and we are deploying more materials and resources. ”

U.S. Vice President Harris also tweeted on the same day, "The United States is working closely with the Indian government to rapidly deploy additional support and supplies during the worrying outbreak of the new crown epidemic." As we provide assistance, we pray for the people of India, including brave health care workers. ”

The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

The United States decided to lend a helping hand to India, including the Times of India, News 18 and other Indian media have reported on the matter. Some Indian officials are more enthusiastic about the matter. According to the Times of India, India's ambassador to the United States Sandu thanked Sullivan and others for their responses. "Thank you Sullivan for your help and support. We will fight this global pandemic through our collective action! ”

However, in the eyes of many Indian media and netizens, the belated assistance of the United States seems to be a little late. Previously, the U.S. response to the epidemic in India has triggered the dissatisfaction of many Indians. "At the cost of America First, how does the U.S. export ban hurt a scarred India?" News 18 posted on this topic.

The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

(News 18 report screenshot)

Below Biden's tweet, although there are some praises, there are still many netizens who are quite dissatisfied with this.

Some netizens shouted, "It's too late, Mr. President." We will fight [the epidemic] on our own. ”

The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

Some netizens also said bluntly, "(Give them) AstraZeneca vaccine." Don't make these diplomatic rhetoric. Align your actions with your words. India will not forgive you for your callousness at a time when they desperately need help. Good people have good rewards, and so do bad things. ”

The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

Some netizens complained, "Why did it take you so long to reply?" Are you waiting for big pharma companies to assess their interests before helping partners in need? U.S. delays in action and lack of empathy have been embarrassing at a time when aid is urgently needed. I hope that India will learn its lessons in the future. ”

The United States finally said "stand with the Indian people", Biden Harris said, Indian netizens: too late

India's recent covid-19 pandemic has rebounded severely, with more than 300,000 new cases in a single day for three consecutive days. At the time of the epidemic emergency, affected by the ban on the export of vaccine raw materials in the United States, India is also facing the crisis of stopping production of vaccine production lines, which makes it more difficult to fight the epidemic. Recently, Indian public opinion has condemned the United States, and some news websites have even called this practice of the United States a "vaccine mafia behavior". Adar Punawara, ceo of India's largest vaccine manufacturer, the Serum Institute of India, previously called out to US President Biden on social media, asking the United States to lift the export ban on vaccine raw materials as soon as possible.

In the face of increasing external pressure, on April 25, local time, the White House issued a statement saying that the United States will provide medical resources to India to help India cope with the recent surge in the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Emily Horne, a spokeswoman for the White House National Security Council, said the United States would provide medical supplies to India, including vaccine production ingredients, COVID-19 treatment drugs, rapid diagnostic kits, ventilators and medical protective equipment, and sent experts from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Agency for International Development to help India control the outbreak. Horn added that the U.S. is still seeking solutions to the lack of oxygen supply in Indian hospitals.

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