
The child said that he couldn't see clearly before changing his glasses? Expert: It's too late

Source: Xinhua Net

Nanjing, March 6 (Xinhua) -- With the start of school season approaching, after a winter vacation, many parents took their children to the hospital to check their vision. Experts suggest that parents should take their children to the hospital every six months to check their vision and change their glasses in time according to their vision.

"On the one hand, children are in the growth and development period, the interpupillary distance will change accordingly, myopia is also developing, and the lenses need to be adjusted in time." On the other hand, children have strong mobility, lenses are easy to wear, and long-term use of blurry lenses can cause eye fatigue and may aggravate myopia in severe cases. Chen Zhijun, director of the Department of Ophthalmology of Nanjing Children's Hospital, said that timely replacement of glasses is very necessary for myopic children, do not wait until the lenses are seriously worn, or the child himself said that the glasses could not be seen clearly before changing the glasses.

In response to many parents' belief that "anti-blue eyes can prevent myopia", Chen Zhijun explained that blue light mainly comes from sunlight, and other sources are fluorescent lamps, LED electronic screens and other devices. Blue light is not all harmful, only short-wave blue light will have an impact on eye health, and it is in the case of long-term, high-intensity, uninterrupted irradiation. Children do not use electronic screens for as much time as they cause harm each day, and electronic screens produce only a few tenths or one hundredth of the intensity of blue light from natural light. While children wear blue-light-proof glasses for a long time, the beneficial wavelengths in natural blue light are blocked, which will cause myopia. "Therefore, children should not wear anti-blue light glasses, which is not only useless, but harmful."

"The main causes of myopia are seeing things too closely, using the eyes indoors for a long time, and not being able to receive full-spectrum sunlight." Chen Zhijun suggested that scientific eye protection should first achieve three "20", that is, every 20 minutes with the eyes to see objects 20 feet (about 6 meters) away, and then rest for 20 seconds. Secondly, the indoor light should be uniform, that is to say, the lamp and the whole room should be very bright. Third, outdoor activities are very important, school-age children are guaranteed at least 1 hour of outdoor activity time per day, and it is best to achieve more than 2 hours per day on holidays. The average weekly total outdoor activity time reaches 10 to 14 hours.

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