
What are some reasons you regret knowing too late?

author:Video clip m

1, but all men and women go out to play together, live in a room, and nothing happens. After I went back, I basically stopped contacting.

2, chat with people you like at night, do not exceed 12 o'clock. Night is the most emotional time for people, it is easy to hold the chat content, resulting in excitement and inability to sleep.

3, before the age of 25 must be in love. Before the age of 25, you can easily like it, but you can't give up decisively. After the age of 25, you can give up decisively, but you can't easily like it. The older you get, the more factors you consider, the fewer your hearts are moved, and it's hard to meet someone you like again. Before the age of 25, you can fall in love with someone you like, and you must cherish it.

4, every day hiding in the dormitory to brush drama, playing games, people will only live more and more decadent.

5. During college, be sure to take a driver's license. Out of society, you will find that there is no time, no energy.

6, do not do part-time work in college. Part-time work is not rich, use this time to examine, graduate school, public examination, learning PPT, PS, makeup. More than part-time monetization.

7, the holiday only sent you 5.2 yuan of the object, immediately break up, do not hesitate.

8, do not lend credit cards to others, even if the relationship is good.

9. Don't study in the dormitory. Otherwise, there will always be people in the ears who say, "XXX is stealing again, so diligent, no wonder he did well in the exam..." This kind of disgusting remark.

10. Don't fall in love with your classmates. After the breakup, it was really embarrassing.

11. Go to bed before 12 o'clock in the evening. Stayed up late for a long time and found that it was getting uglier every day.

12, delicate people, have long found that double-clicking the screen will have surprises.

13) Don't keep in touch with your ex. If the speed of show love is not as fast, then we will not lose.

14. Learn to save money. Reduce unnecessary expenses, set monthly investment, and save enough money in a year to travel, simply earned.

15, weChat sent "in" people, most of them look for you to borrow money, do not pay attention.

16, people who go out to dinner with friends and unconsciously AA. Don't be embarrassed, directly WeChat open the group collection function to send to the group.

17, to meet more people than yourself. In a sense, when thinking is limited to one level, if you want to surpass the cognition outside this level, you have to learn from the big guys.

18, the people in the dormitory who often say thank you politely to you are worth going to deep friendship.

19) Control your curious desires. Don't ask your roommate what they're doing in the middle of the night.

20, do not gamble with others. When you are unhappy, you can exercise to vent, or you can have a good chat with him. But don't bury it in your heart. Girls, in particular, are prone to illness.

21, you can listen to gossip, but do not talk about gossip. Having said that, the next gossip is you.

22, lose your job, lose your love, don't lose your original intention. If you don't like a job, you can find it again, and if your lover breaks up, there is a next one, but don't easily abandon your dreams.

23, the love that is not optimistic in college will be basically 80% in the end.

24, excellent people have two commonalities, one is confident sunshine, the other is to see a good answer, will like to show recognition.

25, quit sugar, drink less carbonated drinks, milk tea. Prevent old fast, physical malfunctions.

26. Campus loans, online loans are absolutely indispensable. Don't think about getting something for nothing, buying your own desires through loans, those are the origins that make people fall into the abyss, and they can't get up when they touch it.

27, "three minutes of heat" people will always blame themselves. On a whim, it will only wear down your will, and you will feel that you can't do anything well, so it is better to examine what you want to do and what you can do. I remembered that I bought a guitar in college and was so happy when I got it. After a week, this broken guitar really took over the place.

28, when using money, we must be cautious. The people who work part-time and let you pay first are mostly scammers.

29. Talk less when you go to work. When you chat with a colleague of the leader, you understand, don't say, you don't understand, say less.

30, learn to make money. A lot of the annoyance is because of the money.

31, do not look down at the phone. It is easy to make the image ugly.

32, learn to lie when you take time off from work. Don't tell the truth. For example, I overslept, I didn't hear the alarm clock, I got stuck in traffic on the road... These leaders will be furious when they hear it. Saying something directly doesn't have to say anything, and it doesn't make people think it's your problem.

33, there is something to say, I want a thumbs up.

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