
It was too late

author:A feather to cultivate the land

When you are young and ignorant, you think that the world will be yours sooner or later, although you are empty-handed, you still can't help but have the will to have the world in mind. Waiting to discover that this real world is getting farther and farther away from the ideal, the glory and splendor that was once hoped for have become so dim and pale. When it feels like it's too late, the only thing I can comfort myself with is that I was once young, and that's it!

When reading, the energy is so extraordinary, but usually not used to study, read, but to make up the exam to stay up all night, for games and movies all night, in order to bubble girls rack their brains. Although, from time to time, some celebrity aphorisms are used to warn themselves, in fact, this weight is at best like the self-consolation of "young people who do not know the taste of sorrow, and are worried about giving new words". At that time, I only knew that there was a body of vigor, and for this society that knew nothing, I always felt that there was a great future waiting for me, like a penniless tramp, but I naively fantasized that beautiful women, villas, and money would fall from the sky sooner or later. When you are like a blind person, pushed by the school to this realistic society, the school blows the sound of the graduation ceremony, but it is like a statement that you cannot wait to break off your relationship, unless you really become the object of admiration after a few years like the lottery, and the school that once regarded you as a hand paper will throw a wink at you like a relative. However, most people have a long life path after graduation and have nothing to do with school. The original nostalgia will now only make you feel that you are self-amorous. However, by the time you understand this, it's too late.

Once capable, you look at the fat man who walked around him with a big belly, and you can't help but portray a plot dirty: stomp the fat man to the ground with one foot, and use a knife to open an opening in the body to see if it is blood or grease that flows out. I used to think that in this life, these fat meats that make you hate will never grow on you, and which of the three deadly highs will never come to you. Once you, with a wanton tone to laugh at the fat people around you, never thought of staying up late, drinking, stressing, laziness, one day will also make you become the way you used to hate. Life is ridiculous, like this line to youth. Sure enough, when you find that your waistline begins to grow, the old pants begin to be worn, it takes a lot of effort to squat down, even stand up straight, you can't see your brother, your physical examination report begins to appear all kinds of overshoots, your doctor begins to warn you that there are possible results if you go on like this, you begin to panic, you begin to hate yourself for being unrestrained, you start to pay attention to relevant news and news on the Internet, and you begin to miss your young self, but it is all too late.

You who once thought that love was the whole world, for the so-called sea oath mountain alliance, for the sincere and warm feelings in your heart, really thought that you could give up everything. For love, regardless of the persuasion of the family, regardless of the prejudice of the society, regardless of the pressure of survival, the more difficult and difficult, the more I feel that this love is incomparably precious, this courage and persistence, and even let myself be moved. When the passion fades, it is like the sea after the high tide, in addition to the beautiful and dazzling shells, there are many unbearable garbage. The love that made you hot and dizzy at that time has now become boring, and once thought that each other was the only one and can never be replaced, now begins to doubt yourself, doubt each other, doubt why you are so naïve and simple in the first place. By the time you understand that there is nothing in the world that cannot be replaced by this truth except your origins, it will be too late.

When you first worked, you were excited for the boss's praise, and for the beautiful prospects and great future that the boss told you, you forgot to eat and sleep. Even, you feel that the grace of knowing the encounter is difficult to repay in this life. It's easy to believe in what other people are committed to you, and you can easily believe in how you feel. You feel that what you are doing is not a job, but a future, and you are adding bricks to your ideal garden. You go out drinking and fooling around with your boss, and you want to take on more responsibilities for him, to prove your ability and, more importantly, to let him see your loyalty. When you understand, a truth, in this world, there is no unprovoked love, there is no unprovoked hatred, you know that no one should be responsible for you, there is no grace of knowing, if there is, it is only because he can get what you need from you, and you, but foolishly because you can pay for him and feel fortunate. When you understand another truth, when you will achieve a thousand bones, everything is too late.

Life is always like this, when there is no knowledge of the future, always replace the caution and panic that should be there with an attitude of ignorance and fearlessness, and treat life that should be faced with devotion with a mentality of playing with life. People use profligacy to overdraft the future, but one day they will find that many things are understood, but it is too late, because the whole life of man has been decided in an era that we know nothing about. That era was what we call youth, whether it was physical or psychological youth. If youth is the step from ignorance to maturity, and our present is to pay the price for the profligacy of that year, then standing on this step and looking back, this price is so great, because it almost determines the direction of our entire life. By the time you understand this, it's too late!

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