
Golden Sheep Network Review: Composing the "Song of Youth" in the New Era in a Century-Old Picture Scroll

author:Bright Net

History flows endlessly, and the spirit is passed on from generation to generation. "The jiangshan is the people, and the people are the jiangshan." "To enter civilization for the world, to create happiness for mankind, to create a family of youth, a country of youth, a nation of youth, a human being of youth, a earth of youth, a universe of youth, and a life of endless happiness." This is not only the answer of youth through a hundred years, but also the examination question of the times that has gone through a hundred years. Party members and cadres in the new era have a new mission, a new struggle, and a new future, and only by stirring up the enthusiasm of youth, keeping in mind the purpose and concept, maintaining a fighting posture, and firmly establishing a moral demeanor can they add a strong and colorful stroke to this "answer sheet" of the era that has lasted for a hundred years.

Stir up the blood of youth and lead the struggle for life with firm faith. There is faith in the heart and strength in the feet. Faith is not only stuck in the "awakening era" of poverty and bloodshed, but is still very important today in the world of prosperity, peace and joy. At a time when the people were not yet awakened, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao, and other ideological pioneers used new culture and new ideas to stimulate the enthusiasm of the people to strive to become stronger, and Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, and a large number of other young people resolutely embarked on the revolutionary road in exploring the road of saving the country and the people and in their thinking and choices to explore the value and significance of life. To this day, Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice", Zhang Guimei, the "principal of the lantern", Mao Xianglin, the "contemporary fool" and other the most lovely people in the new era still use faith to mark the course of the new era, and set an example and lead us. As party members and cadres in the new era, we should strengthen our ideals and convictions, pour out the blood in our hearts, and carry the spirit and will of our predecessors to forge ahead, work hard, and constantly climb to a new height in life.

Keeping in mind the purpose and concept, we will diligently and affectionately render the people's background. "The jiangshan is the people, and the people are the jiangshan." The profound insight of the word "people" is full of sincere feelings for the people, reflects the pure heart of the centennial party to the people, and points out the direction and provides guidance for all our work. The experience and lessons of history tell us that the people are the source of strength, and only when our party wholeheartedly serves the people and struggles for the people can it stand in an invincible position. As party members and cadres in the new era, we should always keep firmly in mind the purpose of serving the people, blow the "clarion call" of rejuvenation, catch the "express train" of development, base ourselves on our posts, do more "good things" for the people, help the people solve "difficult things", and let "one branch and one leaf always care for the people" become a vivid practice and concrete expression of respecting the people and loving the people.

Dare to know the heavy burden, and fight against difficulties and obstacles with a fighting attitude. "The greater the cause, the more challenging it is, and the more it needs to know the weight." Knowing the heavy burden, this sonorous and powerful expression is a sincere entrustment and earnest expectation for all party members and cadres. From the ideological awakening of a generation to the comprehensive victory of the revolutionary war, and then to the decisive victory in poverty alleviation and the decisive victory over a well-off society, our groups of party members and cadres have braved difficulties, carried heavy loads forward, carried heavy loads, and "retrograde", imprinted the "road" of the times with clear footprints, "proofed" for the new people of the times, and "empowered" the party's cause. The difficult side shows courage and perseverance, and the grinding begins with Yucheng. As party members and cadres in the new era, they must face up to difficulties, dare to gnaw the "hardest bones," dare to grasp the "hottest potatoes," constantly work hard and dedicate, and strive to create achievements worthy of the party, the people, and the times.

Adhere to self-purification, with a noble personality to build a solid moral demeanor. What is the moral demeanor of communists? "Maintaining the glorious tradition of communists who are arduous and simple, who are public and selfless, who never regard themselves as heroes, who do not care about personal gains and losses, who do not covet enjoyment, who observe discipline and stress rules, vividly embody the moral demeanor that communists should have." It can be seen that noble personality is the quality that party members and cadres should have. However, it is not simple to be a party member cadre with charisma and charisma, but also needs to always carry out self-revolution and self-purification, always have a self-disciplined heart, and often think about the harm of greed. We must be able to withstand the test and withstand the temptation, and no matter whether it is inside or outside the "eight hours", we must resolutely put an end to the "seven haves" and achieve the "five musts". It is necessary to always be wise and virtuous, to abide by public morality, and to be strict with private morality, to behave in a clean and innocent manner, to do things cleanly, to be self-denying and self-serving, to cultivate oneself with frugality, and to always maintain a clean and honest political nature.

The centenary original heart is like a rock, and the centennial mission is on the shoulders. A hundred years is not the end, but the starting point of a new mission and a new struggle. As "new youths" in the new era, we should bear in mind the "great power of the country," with the spirit of sacrificing who we are and "I will have no self," and with the posture of "catching up with the examination" of fearless hardships and self-revolution, and strive for national rejuvenation, national prosperity and strength, and people's happiness! (Qin Yuan bran)

Source: Golden Sheep Network

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