
Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

author:Cosmic Encyclopedia

The world is so big, many unexpected things have happened. For example, there are some creatures that have a strong vitality. Seemingly incapable places or environments can also be a paradise for their reproduction. There are ten places in the world that seem to have no life, but they are actually the "paradise" of life.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> the coldest place on Earth</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

For warm-blooded animals, there is nothing worse than a polar winter. In Antarctica, emperor penguins spend months in the cold and darkness, and they do not eat or drink. Squeeze together to keep warm and minimize heat dissipation from the body. Their metabolic rate is also reduced by 25%, and their internal organs are only a few degrees warm. In the Arctic, eye-socket ducks need to break the ice to forage, which is very difficult. Once they find a crack in the ice, they huddled together and stayed here, constantly stirring the ice to prevent it from freezing again.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> the stratosphere</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

The stratosphere of the Earth's atmosphere is more than 10 kilometers above the ground. In such a high sky, there are many kinds of microorganisms, such as hundreds of different types of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Many of these are human pathogens, such as Legionella, which can cause Legionella, Staphylococcus, which can cause infection, and various microorganisms that can cause lung disease.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> deep-sea air holes</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

Deep-sea vents are located at the junction of ocean plates, where large amounts of minerals and heat gush out. Scientists have found that hundreds of species live around these vents, including various tube worms, barnacles, mussels and shrimp. At the bottom of the food chain are almost all microbes, which get their energy from chemicals in the exhaust port, usually hydrogen sulfide. In 1977, researchers discovered that certain unknown fish species, living in dark, high-pressure environments around deep-sea vents, rely on sulfur for energy.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> extreme environment</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

Spores can survive in extreme environments for long periods of time, such as high or low temperatures, intense radiation and ultraviolet rays, and high or low pressure environments. As for how long they might live, in 1995, scientists reported that they had found a bee in a piece of amber formed 250 million to 40 million years ago, and scientists isolated spores from bees and used them to grow bacteria. A few years later, another team of researchers reported that they had activated some of the older spores found in salt crystals that were 250 million years old.

<h1 style="text-align: left;" > the top of the Galapagos Volcano</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

The Galapagos Islands are famous for inspiring Darwin's theory of evolution, but they are hardly fit for life. It is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, on the top of a volcano that is still active, and the temperature is high. Each creature here has its own unique way of surviving. Most plants spread their offspring through the wind.

<h1 style="text-align: left;" > the crack in Death Valley</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

Death Valley is the lowest, warmest, driest place in the United States. It's not suitable for fish, but there are still about seven species of fish animals living here in Nevada. They are the last "survivors" since the lakes here dried up ten thousand years ago. Now the fish live in springs, swamps and devil's holes. Devil's Cave is an underground aquifer connected to it by only a narrow rock crack. Some of the fish that live in devil's caves are among the rarest animals in the world, and their numbers are very small.

<h1 style="text-align: left;" > eucalyptus leak site</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

In 1979, a nuclear accident occurred at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant in the United States, causing the reactor to partially collapse and release a large amount of radioactive gas into the atmosphere. People spend many years, mainly with robots and cranes, cleaning up the garbage here through remote cameras. To the cleaners' surprise, however, despite the turbidity and radioactivity of the coolant in the center of the reactor, there were many microbes present.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> depressed spring in Yellowstone</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

The hot springs in Yellowstone National Park in the United States are close to the boiling point and are acidic enough to dissolve any organic matter. But there are still microbes that thrive there, and the natural pigments they produce make the hot springs colorful. Thermophilic bacteria are one of the most famous bacteria in Yellowstone Hot Springs. Researchers use an enzyme produced by thermophilic bacteria to assemble experiments in the lab to study how these bacteria survive in such extreme environments. A few years ago, scientists also discovered a new type of photosynthetic bacteria here.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> isolated place</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

Most ecosystems are so complex that no other species can survive alone. This is not the case in South Africa's gold mines, however, which are up to 3 or 2 km deep. There is a special kind of bacteria that humans have found deep in the depths of the earth. It lives in a completely isolated environment with a temperature of about 60 degrees. These bacteria can make nitrogen on their own and feed on sulfates.

<h1 style="text-align: left;"> below freezing</h1>

Inventory of the earth can exist life, 10 extreme "barren land" the coldest place on earth, the stratosphere deep sea porosity extreme environment Galapagos fire summit "Death Valley" crack eucalyptus leakage site Yellowstone depression spring and isolated place freezing point below

Some animals can not only live in sub-freezing environments, but their body temperature can also reach below freezing. Spiders and insects produce antifreeze that prevents their bodies from freezing into a solid; frogs, salamanders and turtles of all kinds can even survive when more than half of the body's water is frozen. The trick is that when the animal's body temperature drops, the cells and organs excrete some water, causing the volume to shrink.

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