
Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

author:Mud-legged spectators

Che Guevara, a global "icon" of the 1960s and 1970s, fought with Castro in Cuba and contributed to Cuban independence, And Che Guevara pursued guerrilla tactics throughout his life, even using Mao Zedong as a mentor, such a revolutionary legend, who was captured in Bolivia on October 9, 1967, and shot by the U.S.-backed Bolivian military regime.

Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

Che Guevara spent his life advocating the theory of "guerrilla" and allowing his name to spread around the world. When it comes to Guevara, in the hearts of young people in South America and the West, Guevara is their idol. Now when we go to Western countries and South American countries, we will find street youth wearing shirts with Che Guevara's head printed on them. The West has been studying Che Guevara as the "Red Robin Hood".

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We have the impression that Che Guevara spent most of his life in Cuba to participate in the revolution, but he was actually an Argentine, born in 1928 to a very wealthy family, went to medical school, and his original goal was to practice medicine to solve the suffering of the people. But after studying the works of Marxism and Leninism, he was determined to devote himself to political struggle, and he wanted to liberate all of Latin America. At that time, Lassimia was still under colonial rule.

In 1957, Guevara met Castro in Mexico, and the two had the same revolutionary ideas, so the two gathered some people to secretly return to Cuba by boat, and went into the mountains and forests to march, and finally overthrew the pro-American regime in Cuba.

Known as the "Seven Rifles Starter", Che Guevara was inspired by the fact that between the arduous guerrilla battles, he read and studied a copy of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong published in Spanish. Later, he said: "Mao Zedong is a master of guerrilla warfare, I am just a primary school student. ”

Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

In 1959, after the victory of the Cuban Revolution, the following year, Che Guevara visited China, where he met Chairman Mao. After returning to China, Che Guevara went to the field to collect sugar cane, he said that he wanted to learn from the people's commune, and called on the people to learn from the spirit of Chinese experts who do not care about wages and selfless dedication. By this time Che Guevara had identified Mao Zedong Thought as a guide for the future.

Che Guevara did what he said and was a model for him, actively participating in voluntary labor in Cuban society. Che Guevara was so strict with himself that even if his child was sick, he was determined not to use the bus allocated to him by Cuba to take the child to the hospital.

As the number two person, Che Guevara has a lot of treatment, but he has never abused this treatment, and his family can use his power to enjoy it, but Guevara did not do so, asking his family to be like ordinary Cuban people.

It is Guevara's image of being a man of the people and being strict with himself that gives him a high position in the hearts of the Cuban people. Che Guevara's comrades said it was hard to find fault in him.

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Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

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After Cuba's victory in the revolution, Che Guevara worked and lived in Cuba for 6 years, when Sino-Soviet relations deteriorated, he believed in Mao Zedong Thought, and at that time he also felt very confused, facing the Soviet side's arguments, which made him embarrassed. Because Castro was friendly with the Soviet Union at that time, and became a guest of honor in the Soviet Union, he even blamed China.

On Che Guevara's second visit to China in February 1965, he wanted China to stop the polemics with the Soviet Union, but his proposal was not accepted by our country. During his visit to China, Che Guevara did not meet Chairman Mao. Che Guevara returned to Cuba with regrets, after which he disappeared in public and renounced his post and Cuban citizenship. Leave the Cuban Government not responsible for its actions.

Little did anyone expect that Che Guevara would go to eastern Congo in Africa to direct the left guerrilla fighting there. But a few months later, Che Guevara was disappointed because the locals were not interested in fighting. Che Guevara secretly returned to Cuba, and in November 1966, Guevara again entered Bolivia with more than 10 Spanish-speaking foreigners to wage guerrilla warfare in the jungles there. He wanted to create a second Cuba again.

Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

At that time, the outside world did not understand why Che Guevara suddenly fled?

This is a mystery that has always been puzzling. There are many explanations for Che Guevara's departure, but most of them believe that Che Guevara wants to get rid of the differences in the international communist movement and set another revolutionary model in South America. However, from the research found in recent years, as well as some of Che Guevara's notes, Che Guevara had many questions about socialism, and he wanted to take a different line.

After the victory of the Cuban Revolution, Guevara was a second-in-command in Cuba and served as president of the National Bank. At the time, he advocated abolishing paper money and creating a society without money, which was a good idea, but too unrealistic. He advocated the abolition of individualism and demanded that people compete with labor. In response to the U.S. blockade of Cuba, Cuba had to accept a large amount of Soviet aid, and all systems learned from the Soviet Union, but the result was very disappointing to Guevara, who believed that lenin's "New Economic Policy" was actually a kind of "capitalist restoration", and that comradely relations were the purest relations only in the context of war. These idealized ideas of his were difficult to pursue in Cuba, so Guevara and Castro have since come into conflict.

Che Guevara finally abandoned cuba's relatively good life and once again entered the Jungle of South America where poisonous snakes and mosquitoes were infested, which was a test for Guevara, because he suffered from asthma from childhood, but Guevara chose to be righteous for the sake of ideals.

Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

In the jungles of South America for nearly a year of hard life, Che Guevara only relied on a mule to carry luggage, faced with a lot of suffering, in the face of the pursuit of the government army, Guevara fell into a desperate situation several times, but these difficulties did not let him shake his ideals. He even said to the outside world that he would not let the enemy capture him alive. On October 8, 1967, he was finally wounded in the final battle, and he suffered asthma again and was unable to resist before being captured.

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It has to be said that Guevara has thoroughly studied the theory of guerrilla warfare in China, but there are many differences in the "guerrilla center" theory he put forward. He believed that "guerrilla elites" should be cultivated, and these elites should be allowed to demonstrate and involve the people, and then the reactionary government should be overthrown. So Guevara rarely did the mass work too carefully, which led to some problems in his practice.

Che Guevara's organization of foreigners to participate in guerrilla warfare in a country, which eventually led to defeat, shows that it is difficult for foreigners to succeed in carrying out a revolution in a country. Although he has his own set of guerrilla theories, such theories are only vague and not accepted by many people. Some say that if Che Guevara pursues his ideals in his own country, there may be some hope, but foreigners go to other countries. Che Guevara was able to win the Cuban Revolution, mainly by Castro.

In the 1970s, "Guerrilla Notes" was published in China, and many of the old predecessors who participated in the revolution at that time read it and sighed. According to the book, in The last year of Guevara's activities, he wandered around, he wanted to liberate the local people, but the local people were very cold to Guevara, no one wanted to join his guerrillas, and some ordinary people even reported to the government, which led to The whereabouts of Che Guevara being exposed, and eventually hitting him.

The Che Guevara guerrillas had no mass base, they were armed with expatriates, strictly speaking, like mercenaries. Originally, there were fewer guerrillas, and in the case of fighting alone, Che Guevara's guerrillas fought less and less, and he could not hold out for too long.

When Che Guevara was captured, the CIA agents had secret contact with Che Guevara, the Americans actually admired Che Guevara, the United States proposed to put Che Guevara in good conditions at Guantanamo, but the Bolivian military government was firmly opposed, and the Bolivian government advocated that Che Guevara be shot immediately.

In the end, the Americans handed Che Guevara over to the Bolivian government, but because the Bolivian state abolished the death penalty, when Gueva was executed, he could only take Gueva to the outskirts, create the illusion of encountering Che Guevara, and shoot him to death. According to relevant information, after Che Guevara's death, he was in a state of upright chest, and his indomitable image was even more admirable.

Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

No one expected that after Che Guevara's death, he was admired, even more honored than he received before his death, and there was a Guevara fever in many parts of the world, and many young people regarded Guevara as an idol for life. In many national assemblies, many people wore clothes with the heads of Che Guevara and Mao Zedong, and others held up the heads of the two men. When we look at some of Che Guevara's profiles, his deepest impression is that of a bearded man.

The upheaval in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union marked the end of the Cold War. But there are still many people who worship Che Guevara, and in 1997, the 30th anniversary of Che Guevara's sacrifice, his remains were found in the Bolivian jungles, and some countries in South America held commemorations of Guevara. Argentina is the motherland of Che Guevara, and the Afghan government has specially recorded a Documentary on Che Guevara and held a grand commemorative ceremony. As a country where Che Guevara struggled, the commemoration of Cuba is even more solemn.

Che Guevara: After a lifetime of mentoring Mao Zedong, why did his guerrilla theory not succeed? 010203

It has been said that if Che Guevarak Argentina had launched a campaign to establish a Cuban-like regime in Argentina, perhaps the Malvinas Islands would have had a different outcome and would not have been occupied by the British. But history does not assume that Che Guevara can win in Cuba, but this pattern of victory cannot be copied.

No one is perfect, but in the hearts of those who worship the Geva, Che Guevara is perfect, a "god" in the hearts of young people.

References: Che Guevara, The Perfect Man- Che. Biography of Che Guevara, Biography of Che Guevara, History of the Cuban Revolution

Image source network, copyright belongs to the original author.

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