
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui

author:My wildlife neighbor

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The Oriental White Stork is a large wading bird of the stork family , the stork family , which was once considered a subspecies of the white stork , distinguished from the European white stork by its black rather than reddish beak. It often wades in shallow water to feed, mainly feeding on small fish, frogs, insects, etc. Sex is quiet and alert, slow to fly or walk, and often stands on one foot when resting. breeding in north-central and northeastern China; It winters in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and south of the Yangtze River. It has been listed as a national first-class key protected wild animal in China.

On November 26, 2018, I took a group of photos of Oriental White Stork in Shanghai's Nanhui Dongtan Wetland, which I now provide to all friends.

Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui
Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui

Chinese understand Chinese animals, read Chinese your own original popular science books. "My Wild Animal Neighbor" is about Chinese visible animals, based on pictures, interesting, storytelling, scientific, suitable for people of all ages (especially teenagers). This book is published by Shanghai Science and Technology Press. In 2022, it was recommended by the China Popular Science Writers Association; Selected into the 2020 Excellent Bestseller List of China Press Publication, Radio and Telegraph; Top 20 Best Books of Shanghai Science and Technology Press in 2020; "Learning to Power the Country", "Shanghai Learning Platform", "Today's Books" recommended books, etc.

Beautiful Life: Oriental White Stork on the Dongtan Wetland of Nanhui

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