
Cobra Effect: (from a story that happened in India) When the British ruled India, it was easy to hurt people because of the proliferation and poison of cobras; So the British rulers issued laws requiring every India


Cobra Effect: (from a story that takes place in India)

When the British ruled India, it was easy to hurt people because of the proliferation and poison of cobras; So the British rulers issued a law requiring every Indian family to regularly catch a cobra and turn it in and receive a bounty. It is hoped that all Indians will take action to make the cobra an endangered species. However, going to the wilderness to catch snakes requires professional skills, and skills may not be able to catch them. Smart Indians keep snakes at home and turn them in regularly ...

Later, the British rulers discovered the bug in this law---- the more snakes Indians have sex with, the more serious the local snake infestation, so they repealed this law. Indians found that raising snakes is no longer profitable, and they have to pay for it, so it is better to release them directly. As a result, India is full of cobras.

#头条 #

Cobra Effect: (from a story that happened in India) When the British ruled India, it was easy to hurt people because of the proliferation and poison of cobras; So the British rulers issued laws requiring every India
Cobra Effect: (from a story that happened in India) When the British ruled India, it was easy to hurt people because of the proliferation and poison of cobras; So the British rulers issued laws requiring every India
Cobra Effect: (from a story that happened in India) When the British ruled India, it was easy to hurt people because of the proliferation and poison of cobras; So the British rulers issued laws requiring every India

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