
Filipino fishermen caught a "big treasure" in the South China Sea, and the flag on it shows that the identity is not simple

author:Wang Po called me to eat melons

Filipino fishermen were so lucky that they hoisted the "big cargo" as soon as they went out to sea, and when they dragged the "big cargo" ashore, they found that the five-star red flag was printed on it.

Apparently this "big cargo" is the wreckage of a rocket. Judging from this five-star red flag, its identity is of course not simple, and of course it is not difficult to see what this is. He is the fairing of China's Long March series of rockets, without ostentation, it is the only one that can launch rockets near the South China Sea, and this wreckage can be preserved, it must be because China made, the composite material used in the fairing is very light, so it can float on the sea for a long time, and it happened to be discovered by Filipino fishermen.

Filipino fishermen caught a "big treasure" in the South China Sea, and the flag on it shows that the identity is not simple

So the question is, what model is this rocket? Where to launch from? What is the task to perform?

From October to early November, the mainland launched six rockets. On October 7, in the sea near Haiyang Port, the Long March 11 carrier rocket launched the S6 test satellite of the Micro Beidou Ground Orbit Navigation Enhancement System into space.

On October 9 at the Quanzhou Launch Center, the Long March 2D carrier rocket launched the space-based solar observatory "Kwafu-1" into orbit.

On October 13, at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, the Long March 2 carrier rocket carried the S-SAR01 star into space.

October 15, at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. The Long March 2D carrier rocket was launched into orbit with the remote sensing 36 satellite

Filipino fishermen caught a "big treasure" in the South China Sea, and the flag on it shows that the identity is not simple

October 29. At the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The Long March 2D carrier rocket launched the experimental 20C star into a predetermined orbit.

On October 31, at the Wenchang Aerospace Launch Center, the Long March 5B Yao-4 carrier rocket. The Mengtian test module was successfully sent into space.

How is it, in just one month, six rockets were lifted into the air, do you feel the strength of the motherland.

Then we might as well compare, the fairing found by Filipino fishermen is very large, so only it may be the Long March 5 B-class rocket, and according to the flight trajectory of these rockets, only the Long 5B rocket launched by the Wenchang Space Launch Center is likely to fall in the South China Sea.

In fact, it is not unusual for the wreckage of the rocket to fall somewhere. It is not the first time that the 5B long fairing has washed up on the Philippine coast. Because the Long 5B is flying, the thrusters and the fairing of the upper stage will separate over the South China Sea. Finally, it fell in the waters of the South China Sea. On August 3 of this year. Filipino fishermen have found the wreckage, which was the fairing wreckage left behind by the Tianwen laboratory. Follow the currents to the coast of the Philippines. There were almost 10 days before and after. This time, the Filipino fishermen discovered the fairing left by the Mengtian mission on November 9, and it was basically the same for only nine days before and after.

The structure of long 5B is very special, it is a first-and-a-half stage rocket, compared with other rockets, he is like a small fat man, so there will be such a large fairing, although it is a small fat man in the rocket world, but the flight ability is not ambiguous at all, long 5B consists of two parts, simply put, there is inside and outside, inside is two YF-77 liquid oxygen liquid hydrogen engines composed of core stage rockets, outside is 4 large thrusters, each with two YF-66 liquid oxygen kerosene engines, in the moment of takeoff in Wuhu , the booster and the core stage work at the same time, when 251 seconds have passed, the long 5B just reached the South China Sea, at this time the booster separated, when 300 seconds later, the long 5B fairing was abandoned, just fell into the southeast of the South China Sea in the Philippine waters, when the core stage rocket has been working until about 490 seconds will stop running, in about 570 seconds the arrow star separated, the rest of the way is by Mengtian Laboratory to go by itself, its body also has a booster, enough for it to change orbit to find the Tiangong space station.

Filipino fishermen caught a "big treasure" in the South China Sea, and the flag on it shows that the identity is not simple

The separated core-stage rocket also slowly began to lower altitude and eventually re-enter the atmosphere and fall to Earth. Although mainland scientists are very concerned about this fall, but the most concerned about this matter is those Western media, every time after the long 5B launch, will heat up the topic of the wreckage falling to the earth, in fact, on this issue, the mainland is definitely a responsible country, mainland scientists control the distance of the dead place, the location of the separation of the arrow star just happens to be over the South Pacific, which is basically all ocean, so the core-level rocket completes the task and sends the satellite into space, and it is very safe to fall in this area , Of course, it's not such a straight fall, but people have parachutes,

So there is no security at all

Filipino fishermen caught a "big treasure" in the South China Sea, and the flag on it shows that the identity is not simple

Hidden trouble

Not to mention smashing people, the mainland will calculate the trajectory of the rocket wreckage every launch, and will also record the location of each fall, and this is the 5B long core-level rocket entered the atmosphere on November 4, feeling that most of the structure was burned in the process of falling, like a meteorite fall, and then only a small part fell in the sea near 101.9 ° west longitude 9.9 ° north latitude. It was finally discovered by fishermen. Well, this is the end of this video, friends who like videos may wish to like and follow and forward, Wang Po will give everyone another kowtow

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