
[Scarab tells bedtime stories] Gollum is coming

author:I am scarab
[Scarab tells bedtime stories] Gollum is coming
[Scarab tells bedtime stories] Gollum is coming

"Purr ~ purr ~ " By the quiet little lake, a little rabbit slept soundly.

"Whoops," a gust of wind blew over.

"Boom! Boom! ”

This strange sound woke the bunny up.

The little rabbit pricked up two long ears and listened carefully; his eyes widened and he looked left and right.

It was quiet all around. The bunny was scared.

[Scarab tells bedtime stories] Gollum is coming

She ran into the forest with her legs, shouting as she ran, "Not good, not good, Gollum is coming, Gollum is coming!" ”

The fox saw that the bunny was panicking, so he asked her, "What are you running, what happened?" ”

The bunny ran out of breath and said breathlessly, "No... Not good! mutter...... Here comes Gollum! ”

The fox didn't know what Gollum was, thought it was a very powerful monster, and was so frightened that he ran with the rabbit.

The bear saw their panicked look, thought something was wrong, and ran with them.

Then zebras, elephants, sika deer... The animals of all sizes in the forest were frightened by their panicked appearance and ran with them.

The lion, the king of the forest, who was resting, was awakened. The lion was very angry and shouted, "What are you running, arguing that I can't even take a nap, what the hell is going on?" ”

[Scarab tells bedtime stories] Gollum is coming

The little rabbit trembled and said, "Gollum is coming, but it's scary!" ”

The lion said, "You show me the way, and I want to see how terrible he really is!" ”

Led by the bunny, the long line came to the small lake.

Everyone looked for it, but they didn't find anything terrible.

"Whoops," a gust of wind blew over. Boom! Boom! Two papayas fell into the lake.

Everyone looked up, and the tall papaya trees were full of golden papayas. Now I get it all. Thinking about the way I just ran away, everyone laughed.

*The text part is from the "Children's Pictorial"

*The image comes from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete

[Scarab tells bedtime stories] Gollum is coming

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