
What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"

author:Teacher Xingning teaches Chinese

Hello everyone, I am the star condensation of sleepwalking wonderland, today the star condensation teacher took you into the 20th lesson "Gollum". A small rabbit overheard a "grunt" sound, frightened to run, other animals also fled, only the bison questioned, everyone went to see to understand, oh, this is "gollum". Students, go, let's go to see "Gollum" together.

What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"

1. Explanation of words.

1. Literacy.

In order to facilitate memory, Teacher Xingning first summarized the front nasal sounds, post-nasal sounds and flat tongue sounds of this lesson, and the students could circle out the unfamiliar syllables in the text.

Front nasal sounds: drop, flee, stop, heel

Post-nasal sounds: boom, sheep, life, elephant, collar

Tongue-twisting tone: Cooked

Students also need to pay attention to the fact that "cooked" is the tongue-twisting sound, pay attention to the difference with spoken language (shóu); see many students go to the zoo to see elephant giraffes, you can think about what they look like, so that we can recognize these two words "deer, elephant";

(1) With the help of the morphological and sound word construction rules to remember the shape and guess the meaning. For example, "grunt, bang, fright, stop, lead".

(2) Comparison with familiar words. For example, "escape a peach, cook a hot, and die an umbrella."

(3) Relate to context and life experience to remember. For example, the "fall" in "fall", the "stop" in "stop asking", and the "escape" in "escape" can all be combined with context and life experience to guess their general meaning.

(4) Some new words, such as "wild" of "bison" and "fate" of "escape", are suitable for composing words for students to recognize and remember not to recognize in isolation. For example, "wild ducks, wild grasses, wildflowers" "life, life, life." "2. Writing.

Students should write 7 new words in this lesson, "scared, afraid, heel, all" 4 or so structure words, pay attention to the width and narrowness of the left and right parts, length and shortness, high and low and strokes interspersed, the changes are very rich, to guide students to observe carefully. The words "home" and "elephant" are more skimmed, and attention should be paid to observing the position of the pen and the direction of the pen. The word "sheep" is a monogram and is simpler.

What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"

2. Textual explanation

"Gollum" is a folk tale, what does the story tell, what does it tell us? With these questions in mind, we walked into the text together.

There are 7 natural paragraphs in this text. We can correspond to the 4 parts of the story according to the 4 pictures in the text, first let's look at:

The first part (1.2) the papaya is ripe, and the sound of falling into the lake from a tall tree scares the rabbit into pulling its legs and running. And while shouting, "No, 'Gollum' is terrible." "We can look at the first picture.

Here we have to think about why rabbits run?

Part II. (3.4) You can see the second picture in the text, where the other small animals are running with the rabbits, and while running, they shout "Run for your life, 'Gollum' is coming." ”

What small animals are running after this part, and what words are used to describe these scenes? "One follows, one runs, and shouts as they run." These describe the scene at that time.

The third part (5) of the natural section Bison stopped the guys and asked where Gollum saw it, and finally everybody said they didn't see the rabbit and said he heard Gollum in the lake over there.

What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"

"Stop" everyone to see the orchid next to the handle with orchids, which is a word that indicates the action.

Example Sentence: I was about to run over when my dad stopped me.

Part IV (6.7) Practice the 4th picture, everyone found the truth, you look at me, I look at you all laughing.

What is the truth about the students? What the hell is Gollum? Now you get it, right?

What do I think this text tells us? When we encounter anything, we should not panic, we must use our brains to think or go to the field to see, do not blindly follow.

Third, consolidate the exercises

What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"
What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"
What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"

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What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"

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What exactly is the second book of the first grade, "Gollum"? The first-line teacher takes you to reveal the secret, "Gollum is coming"