
After the cousin jumped off the building, the aunt wondered why the young man's broken line could come so easily

author:Five-layer belly

Author: Five layers

Somehow, today's young people are particularly vulnerable. When you encounter a little frustration, it immediately turns into depression. Parents can't say anything, and everything is finished.

Whenever I see such examples, I feel that those who live in the news, why can't you stand up on your own?

Later, when things really happened to me, I learned that the people who walk are not pitiful, and the living people are the ones who suffer for a lifetime.

After the cousin jumped off the building, the aunt wondered why the young man's broken line could come so easily

About August this year, late one night, my husband suddenly received a phone call, and my mother-in-law panicked and asked him to hurry to my aunt's house.

The sleepy-eyed husband said a little impatiently, what's the matter! I'm going to work tomorrow!" Let no one live?

But I don't know what the mother-in-law on the other end of the phone said, the husband's face changed, and he immediately got out of bed to change clothes.

I asked twice, Oh my God! His cousin jumped off the building!

Later, the husband hurried to the scene, a twenty-story house, where there is still salvation.

The aunt and uncle who were suddenly hit cried uncontrollably, and the relatives next to them also silently wiped their tears.

Everyone does not know why such a young man who has just turned 25 would make such a decision.

It wasn't until my aunt spoke slowly that I understood that the young man's broken line could come so easily.

My cousin, who had just graduated the year before, did not find a satisfactory job in the local area due to his professional relationship. In this way, I have been at home, occasionally working, and then resting again.

Without a stable job, of course, you can't find a reliable relationship. After his ex-girlfriend broke up with him, his cousin never talked about a new partner.

The blow of unemployment coupled with loneliness and emptiness, the cousin more and more denied himself, afraid of seeing people, afraid of criticism from others.

After the cousin jumped off the building, the aunt wondered why the young man's broken line could come so easily

Several times, his parents noticed how he behaved abnormally? After taking it to the hospital, I learned that I had depression.

But the aunt and uncle could not understand, they had been very restrained, and rarely nagged him. Moreover, the conditions at home are not bad, there is a house and a car, and he usually has nothing to eat and wear. How can you get this disease?

No matter how the doctor explains, it is difficult for parents to agree, in their view, the cousin is idle, go out to find something to do, everything is good!

Every day at home mourning and self-pity, like a big girl, is it interesting?

In the following days, that is, the parents did not pay attention, coupled with a few more words that could not see the eyes, the cousin could not think for a moment and left.

A young man in the midst of a beautiful life, regardless of his parents and not envious of the future, resolutely abandons everything.

In order to let the aunt get out of the haze as soon as possible, the mother-in-law often called her husband to accompany her at her house. Of course, whoever loses a loved one can easily walk out.

But as long as there is any little warmth, they all want to grasp it in their hands, in order not to lose hope.

Considering the old age, one day, my aunt jokingly asked her husband, our next generation, only you are a boy, when my son! These possessions of our family are left to you!

Ha? But there are already four old people in the family, how to bear two more. The husband vaguely indicated that he would take care of his aunt, but he could not say directly that he still had his parents.

After the cousin jumped off the building, the aunt wondered why the young man's broken line could come so easily

In the final analysis, the parents who have lost their independence are really pitiful, not only losing the children who have been raised for decades, but also taking away a lifetime of sustenance.

In fact, where do they know, their own children are not reliable, and nephews are even more unthinkable.

I don't know why, now everyone's living conditions are getting better and better, but their hearts are getting thinner and thinner.

It may be because of living too seriously, it is better to die than to live, and it is shameful to escape, but the price of life is higher.

Note: Original articles, please do not reprint.

After the cousin jumped off the building, the aunt wondered why the young man's broken line could come so easily

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