
Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

author:Diaoyu Court

I believe that everyone has had the experience of running fish with cut lines, but the first reaction of most anglers after running fish in the cut line is that the fish is too big, and then the next practice is to change the thicker line.

And when you change the thick line, there will probably be three situations, the better situation is to successfully catch the fish, and the other two situations are broken and mouthless.

If you change the thick line and cut it again, you must thicken it again, and you cut it and cut it until you change to a thread that you think you will not cut again, and the fish will not eat it.

The phenomenon of running fish with a broken line may of course be too large, but this is not the only reason, it may also be related to your fishing habits. Of course, it is certainly inseparable from the quality of the fishing line itself.

So what are those habits in fishing that increase the probability of running a fish in tangential lines? If you like to catch big fish, then today's article should take a good look.

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > need to talk about the thick line barrier</h1>

Some anglers believe that there is no barrier to the fishing line, and some anglers think that the thick line will block the mouth when catching small fish, but the thick line will not block the mouth when catching large fish.

I always feel that whether fishing for big fish or small fish, the thickness of the line will have an impact on fishing, fishing for small fish may be able to use the "stop" to explain, but the big fish mouth is large, the suction is strong, and then use the word "stop" may not be appropriate, then to put it another way, the thick line will make the cunning big fish vigilant, so it is not easy to open.

If the thickness of the line really has no effect on fishing, then we can use the kind of "string line" that we can use mechanically, which is particularly strong, or your direct main line sub-lines are all super thick and powerful.

Of course, it does not mean that all big fish must be caught with thin lines, I never recommend that you use small hooks and thin lines to beat big fish, if the fish is not cunning and easy to catch, the line must be thicker the better, because the probability of running fish will be much smaller.

But some wild big fish, as if into a fine, thin line frequently bite the hook, thick line will not eat a bite, in this case, we have to grasp a degree, the thickness of the line should be moderate.

The line is not particularly thick, and the tensile force value does not absolutely exceed the explosive force of the fish, so we need to pay attention to some things in the fishing.

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > how to tell if there is a problem with the fishing habits or if the fish is too large</h1>

This is also very simple, under normal circumstances, if you are a second tangent every time, even the fishing rod has not been arched, it is a problem with the fishing habits. If the rod has been arched, and in the process of pulling the fish against the fish, the fish is desperately trying to escape and causing the fishing line to break, it may indeed be that the fish is too big.

Of course, after the tangent line, we also have to check which part is cut, if it is the main line of the cut, it may be that the main line has been damaged before, if the cut is at the knotted place, it is a problem with the knotting method.

Usually the broken wire is a broken sub-line, you see the position of the break, if it is broken at the hook handle, it is the wrong way to tie the hook, if it is broken on the side of the figure eight ring, there is only one line left, it is the wrong way of knotting.

When catching big fish, even if it is a continuous line, we should check the line group after each fish, especially the position of the hook handle of the sub-line. Normally, the line should be on the inside of the hook handle, but some merchants' finished sub-lines, the quality is too poor, after fishing two fish sub-line may run to the side or behind the hook handle, this is a hidden danger!

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="41" > to catch big fish we have to change the habit of throwing a full rod</h1>

Playing a full rod is one of the main reasons for the second cut, because in the full rod state, we must rush forward with the rod fish frightened, this speed is very fast, the strength is also very large, it is difficult for us to react quickly, and it is difficult to smoothly raise the rod.

The fishing rod can not bow up, that is, the formation of a tug-of-war state, at this time the role of the fishing rod can not play out at all, relying on the fishing line alone that little pull is probably very difficult to bear, do not forget that there are so many knots on a set of threads, and every time a knot is hit, the pull will lose a part.

In addition, there is a very important point is the hardness and tonality of the fishing rod, whether you hit the full rod or not, the fishing rod is still softer, and the later tonality is more advantageous.

The fishing rod is more likely to bend and form a large full bow because of its backward and soft tone, which can reduce the probability of tug-of-war and also help the walking fish behind. And the soft rod is more protective than the hard rod, the same is the use of 3 + 2 line group, you use a 4h fishing rod and an 8h fishing rod, obviously 8h the disconnection rate is higher.

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > to catch big fish, we have to change the habit of violent roding</h1>

Have you ever encountered a big fish with a small hook and a thin line, walking and controlling the fish with fear, although the process was very tiring, but finally it was subdued. When you get a big fish, you think you will get on the second one, so you change the long rod and the thick line, but the second big fish accidentally breaks the line when it bites the hook.

This phenomenon is not all accidental, and the second big fish is not necessarily really big. Using small hooks and thin lines is generally used to catch small fish, so the rods are very light, so that they will not irritate the fish, and you will be particularly careful when walking the fish after the medium and large fish.

But with a thick hook large line is not the same, you think the line group is strong enough, so the bottom is very strong, as soon as there is a signal, it will be pumped, and I am afraid that the strength of the rod is not enough to pierce the mouth of the fish, and it is also particularly violent when walking the fish, and I want to push the fish out of the water.

I'm not sure if the fish feel pain or whether the pain nerves are sensitive, but one thing is for sure, if you violently raise the rod, it will definitely stimulate the fish and make it feel dangerous, and when the fish feels the danger, it must desperately resist and drill into the obstacle and the deep water.

If the tip of your hook hook is not worn, there is no need to violently stab the fish with the rod in both hands, and when you scratch the mouth, you can stop the fishing rod on the top of the forearm and do a simple stinging action. Only when fishing for black pits, you know the individual size of the fish in advance, to ensure that the pulling force of the fishing line is far more than the explosive force of the fish, you can operate violently, and the black pit is mainly to grab time.

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="49" > to catch big fish we have to get rid of the habit of being anxious</h1>

Just as the so-called anxious can not eat hot tofu, fishing for big fish is the same, the more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes. I see that many people generally have two actions when catching big fish, one is to pull the fish out of the water in a hurry to "choke the water", and the other is to rush to copy the net to copy the fish.

The bigger the fish, the better the endurance, you may think it "can't", in fact, it has not yet exerted force, so don't rush to let it out of the water to see the light, as for the "choking water" problem I have written before to analyze, it can be said that there is no use, even if it is useful, it is only the icing on the cake, do not unload most of the strength of the fish, do not want to choke on the water.

Catching big fish, many times one hand can not operate the fishing rod, so do not rush to take the net, only when the fish is frequently pulled out of the water, you can consider moving the net. If there is no obstacle to the fishing point, for the sake of safety, it is best to wait until the fish is completely out of strength, and then copy it when the stomach is facing the sky, even if you copy the fish wrong, it will not run very well.

I have seen several fishing friends, the rod is not tug-of-war, no tangential line, walking the fish method is no problem, but is too anxious to copy the fish, when the net is about to touch the fish, the fish suddenly exerted a "dragon pendulum tail", and then the result is that either the line is broken, or the tug-of-war is formed, and even the rod is exploded.

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="52" > to catch big fish, we must use the lost rope reasonably</h1>

Some anglers in order to pursue the ultimate experience, do not lose the rope, while some people feel that the use of the rope is faceless. Everyone thinks differently, this can't be forced, but I think if you want to be more stable, it is better to use.

However, the use of the lost rope should also talk about the method, not to tie the rod, hit the fish and throw it into the water.

A friend of mine went to the reservoir to fish for bluefish, prepared a 30-meter lost rope, after the middle of the fish he saw that he was going to tug-of-war and immediately lost the rod, the key is to let the fish drag the rod to the middle of the water, he felt that it didn't matter if there was a lost rope tied anyway.

However, the reservoir is deeper and deeper into the middle, and it is not so easy to pull the fish back after drilling into the deep water flushing area, so that time he let go of the lost rope and still ended up running with a broken line.

The lost rope is when you feel that you want to tug-of-war, to break the line, to burst the rod when you put it, put it decisively, but after letting go, you can't let the fish drag away, after putting a few meters, you feel that the fish rush is not so fierce, you should immediately pull back, if the fish can't resist the second force, throw the fishing rod again.

To be honest, I will not use the lost hand rope before, this is still learned after watching "Hook Tip Jianghu", personally think that Cui Ge's operation of the lost hand rope when catching big fish can be regarded as textbook-level, and everyone is interested in looking at it.

Is the disconnect really because the fish is big? Do not change these habits, the line will be thicker will be seconds to cut the problem of the thick line barrier, but also need to talk about how to judge whether there is a problem with the fishing habit or the fish is too big to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of throwing a full rod to catch a big fish, we want to change the habit of violent rod fishing big fish, we want to change the habit of rushing to catch a big fish, we want to use the lost rope reasonably written at the end:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="58" > written at the end:</h1>

Again, I am not recommending that you use a small hook thin line to catch a big fish, and the problem that can be solved with a thick line must not use a thin line, but if you change the thick line fish, you will not bite, and the people on the side are fishing well, at this time you should be flexible and try to change the line to thinner.

After changing the thin line, we must pay attention to the above problems, so that the rate of broken line running fish will be much lower.

I don't know what everyone thinks about this problem, do you have a better way to catch big fish? Feel free to leave a comment and say what you think.

【About the author】:Xiaofei, a post-90s fishing enthusiast, hopes to record the beauty of fishing with words, leave the experience to those who need help, and welcome the attention of fishermen.

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