
Even the dead are not spared: Why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

author:The devil talks about history

Due to the "wonderful achievements" of "Sun 100,000 (Sun Quan)" of the Wu King of Great Wei, many famous Cao Wei generals and famous ministers now have nicknames on the Internet, such as "Zhang Eight Hundred (Zhang Liao)", "Wen Sleep (Wen Ping)", "Manchu (Full Of Favor)" and so on. Among them, the most insulting nickname is Liu Fu's "Liu Undead". So why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

Even the dead are not spared: Why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

Liu Fu (劉馥), courtesy name Yuanying, was a native of Peiguoxiang County (沛国相县, in present-day Suixi County, Huaibei City, Anhui Province), and a fellow villager of Cao Cao of Peiguo County (沛国谯县; present-day Bozhou, Anhui Province). In the early years of Jian'an (the specific year is not recorded in the history books), Liu Fu persuaded Yuan Shu's generals Qi Ji and Qin Yi to surrender to Cao Cao together, and made a contribution to Cao Cao's elimination of Yuan Shu. Therefore, Cao Cao appointed Liu Fu as a subordinate of Situ Province.

Even the dead are not spared: Why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

In the fifth year of Jian'an (200), Sun Ce's general Li Shu killed Yan Xiang of Yangzhou, who was appointed by Cao Cao, and tens of thousands of local forces led by Mei Qian, Lei Xu, and Chen Lan were also in danger of collapse, and Cao Cao's rule in huainan was in danger of collapsing. Cao Cao, who was fighting against the powerful Yuan Shao at the time, was unable to withdraw, so he had to appoint Liu Fu as the Assassin of Yangzhou and let him stabilize Huainan.

Even the dead are not spared: Why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

After Liu Fu arrived in office, he first moved the administrative office from Liyang (present-day Ma'anshan City and County, Anhui Province) to Hefei (present-day Hefei, Anhui Province), and then gathered zhusheng, li school, Guangtuntian, and Daxing water conservancy in the local area. After Liu Fu's administration, the productive forces in Huainan developed, the government and the people had grain reserves, and the local forces that were making trouble also submitted to Cao Cao under Liu Fu's appeasement.

Even the dead are not spared: Why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

What is even more powerful is that Liu Fu keenly foresees that there will be a big war in Hefei in the future. So Liu Fu built a strong city in Hefei, and also prepared grass to repair the city wall on rainy days and fish paste for lighting at night, making Hefei city impregnable. But unfortunately, Liu Fu did not see the he built Hefei City play a role in the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208).

Even the dead are not spared: Why is Liu Fu, a famous minister of Cao Wei, called "Liu Undead"?

In the fourteenth year of Jian'an (209), Sun Quan launched a major attack on Hefei, and the First Battle of Hefei broke out. Because the city of Hefei built by Liu Fu was impregnable, Sun Quan failed to capture Hefei for more than a hundred days, and finally had to retreat. Sun Quan has since been unable to conquer the city of Hefei built by Liu Fu before his death, and is forever blocked out of the city by a dead person, so Liu Fu is called "Liu Fu's undead".

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