
Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

author:Mu Qi psychology

Indifference is indeed the greatest original sin of mankind. Behind the indifference is to stand by and watch, to be indifferent, or even to see death and not to save, to turn a deaf ear. Helen Keller also said that science has been able to find an antidote to many evils, but it has never been able to cure the first of all evils of mankind, that is, indifference.

The Kitty case was used as a modern fable and written into social psychology textbooks. Kitty is a victim of a murder in New York, usa, within 30 minutes of the crime, 38 neighbors heard the victim's cries for help, but no one went to the rescue, and no one even called the police.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

Movie "Miss Dionysus"

When a person is in trouble, in trouble, and needs help from others, no one is willing to stand up, which in psychology reduces the reason to the "bystander effect": it refers to the fact that in the crisis scene, the larger the number of people, the less likely the rescue behavior is, and everyone makes excuses for themselves: "There are so many people present, there will always be others to help." ”

Because it does not harm their own interests, it is treated as if it has not happened, but no one can guarantee that they will always be a bystander, and when they become parties, they will also be eaten by indifference. Once everyone is in apathetic, in this bustling and indifferent city, people will be like Kitty. Even if they live next to thousands of people, they will still die alone, and no one will help.

The silent majority, not the murderers, but as Voltaire said, not a single snowflake was innocent at the time of the avalanche.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

Others, not only indifferent, but also instigate provocation. Those "Chinese onlookers" in Lu Xun's pen stretched out their heads to watch the executions, like ducks with their necks lifted. Even now, when a traffic accident occurs, some people watch; some people fight on the street, some people watch; some people don't want to jump off the building to take their lives, and some people watch -- "Why don't you jump yet?" Jump no more! The spectators' "watching the hilarity is not a big deal" reflects the civilization flaws of social group numbness and indifference.

But is this apathy really okay? Tamoko Tanaka, the heroine of the Japanese drama "Problem Restaurant", once told such an example, on a rainy day, everyone stored their umbrellas together. A man steals A's umbrella and finds that his umbrella is gone, and A decides to take someone else's umbrella without incident. B, who was taken away from the umbrella, made the same decision, took away C's umbrella, and C took the umbrella of others as a matter of course. In the end, there will always be people who don't have an umbrella to hold.

Seeing someone else holding the wrong umbrella and not making a sound is indifference. To take someone else's umbrella yourself is to be assimilated indifference. Many people uphold the attitude of "as long as they don't rain", but to promote this atmosphere, more and more people steal umbrellas, and more and more people are forced to rain when they have umbrellas. What if the people who are drenched in the rain are their own relatives and friends, and what if they are standing in the rain?

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

1. Indifference is just a choice, not nature, it may be exhaustion and discouragement

People who can be abused by life thousands of times, and who still live like their first love, are a minority after all. Most people are physically and mentally exhausted and discouraged after being abused by life. For example, the superhero in "Avengers" is not stronger than mortals after being abused by Thanos, facing the dilemma of family destruction and wife separation. The former Thor drank all day and avoided the world with a beer belly; the almighty Captain America also lived in the memory and even needed psychological counseling.

Ordinary people don't have the superpowers of superheroes and don't need to take on the responsibility of saving the world, but in the face of life's tribulations, the stress response is similar. Many people gradually become numb, negative, and discouraged. It is not so much that the heart is like a rock and the nature is cold, but rather because it is too busy, too tired, too hard, too tortuous. Men are obviously easier to choose indifference than women, which is one of the reasons why many people say that women are more sensitive, more sympathetic, and not bold enough.

In the Japanese drama "Late Night Strange Love Picture Book", the female protagonist said to the male protagonist: "The reason why I am tired is because I have to work, do housework, and take care of you." And are you so tired just by working? I don't do any housework, and I sleep eight hours a day and I'm so tired. People who do nothing but work, what else do they do to be so tired, is it breathing? "It's a bit of an exaggeration, but it's a reflection of reality.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

Women are often exhausted by family responsibilities. Women are subject to many restrictions, and many people think that women are born to take care of the family - without a job, when there is a full-time housewife to take care of the family; if there is a job, they also have to take care of the family; having a second or third child is also to take care of both work and family. Many people say that women do not care about national affairs, only care about their own trivialities, are not suitable for leadership, and have no pioneering spirit... Actually, no, women are just squeezed dry by family chores.

If women live a widowed marriage every day and shoulder the responsibilities of the family alone, then women will never have time to think, to speak up, to change others, and then to change the world. Therefore, to overcome indifference, you need to give yourself independent space, you need to take care of yourself to protect yourself, let yourself face the chaos of life, and have leisure to listen to the call of your heart.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

2. Indifference is only a protective color, the courage to speak out, so that the weak are no longer weak

Apathy, which on the surface seems to be a lack of empathy, is also a reason why people are reluctant to act. In real life, indifference may only be a protective color. Just like the popular high-class face in the modeling circle, the world-weary face, the main feature is that it looks indifferent, but people who seem to be indifferent are not necessarily really indifferent in action.

Xiao Liu is such a girl who is indifferent in real life and does not communicate much with people, her original family is full of violence, her mother is a victim of domestic violence, she has also been accustomed to showing people with indifferent faces since she was a child, because indifference means "not good bullying, stay away from me -" But on the Internet, she joined the team to help women who were abused by domestic violence to speak out, and the network volunteer team they set up will respond to the help information of domestic violence victims on the Internet, provide rescue calls and intervention mechanisms.

Because one person's strength is weak, but one person can choose to speak up, and a group of people can respond. Just like the purpose of the ME TOO movement, speak out for the disadvantaged and stand up for the stakeholders.

Perhaps at first, it was just the warmth of the women who were also victims. But in the later stages, more and more people will join in. When a group is no longer indifferent, the people who speak out in me too are not all people who have been abused, nor are they all women. A sentence of "sister is coming" is enough to melt the mask of indifference.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

Therefore, apathy can be changed. To overcome indifference, someone needs to stand up and hold the salary for everyone, so that the warmth can resist the cold, and someone needs to respond, if everyone can become a salary holder, then this fire will definitely burn more and more vigorously.

3. Overcoming indifference requires creating a climate, getting rid of the air conditioning and going up

Overcoming apathy requires creating a culture of courage to speak out for the rights and interests of the group, as the film "Women's Political Suffragettes" demonstrates. At the beginning of the twentieth century, women workers faced unfair treatment such as wage exploitation, domestic violence, and sexual assault, and the victims suffered in silence, and no one onlookers spoke up, and no one dared to imagine fighting for equality. Until Emmeline formed a women's socio-political alliance with the goal of exposing sexism and calling for women's suffrage, it was like a spark that ignited hope for women workers.

In order to attract social attention, women workers have adopted radical protest methods and repeatedly entered and left prisons because of violations of regulations. In the constant struggle, some withdraw, some give in, some fall back into indifference. But more people joined in, protesting, sacrificing jobs, families and lives without complaint or regret. In the end, women's suffrage was won.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

History proves that only when the vulnerable groups grasp the right to speak, can they become more active and stronger, and the whole society can become more humane.

No longer indifferent, but to live with their own enthusiasm and faith, to fight against unreasonable reality. In real life, there may not be so many people who stand up for a while and see righteousness and courage, but we can do not act in a small way, and we can do our best to lend a helping hand. Maybe we are no longer indifferent, and what we are helping is our relatives and friends; maybe we no longer shrink back and fight for the right of our children and grandchildren to benefit; maybe our outstretched hand is grasping another self.

Psychology: Overcoming apathy requires groups to work together, and no snowflake is innocent

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