
"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

author:Teach the famous xiaolou teacher

What is the meaning of life? Few people ask such questions now, and everyone is digging their heads to find sixpence, no time to look up at the stars, and in the end not even a penny.

Akira Kurosawa is known as Japan's "movie emperor", and the world's pursuit of him is like a fly, making a lot of noise, never mentioning the cold treatment kurosawa Akira kurosawa was treated when "Rashomon" was first filmed.

A person who has experienced the hardships of the world will have the heart to ask the meaning of life, always want to have a yardstick in life, and people will always have to make a name for themselves in their lives, right?

Akira Kurosawa's films are all discussions of grand themes, serious and deep works have created classic heights that are difficult for future generations to reach, and great artists are compassionate humanitarians who insist on speaking out for small people, causing wide resonance and being remembered by most people.

Most people in this world have lived a very hard and mediocre life, and this is really a truth that cannot be broken.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >01 work becomes life, and people lose their souls</h1>

The story of "The Desire to Live" is very simple: Watanabe, the chief of the Civic Section, has been doing the stamping work for thirty years, and after finding out that he has stomach cancer, he is determined to do a meaningful thing, and after many efforts, he finally helps the citizens solve the problem of sewage treatment. On a snowy night, Watanabe passed away happily.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

At the beginning of the film, Watanabe repeats the work of stamping day after day, he does not need to read the contents of the official documents, and his opinions are insignificant. After the stamp was stamped, he wiped it clean with paper, and the seal was the "Plan for Promoting Office Efficiency" that he wrote twenty years ago.

When young people first meet the world, he wants to change the world. They are always staring at the flaws of the world, because only the hearts of young people are pure and unblemished. Sudden intrusion into the greasy and slippery adult world will make them extremely uncomfortable and arouse the chivalrous passion of young people to sweep away the filth.

Everyone glows when they are young, like the sun, and the bones are warm. Over time, it has gradually become a decaying wood, and it is difficult to meet the spring again. We often sigh for ourselves to be bad, saying that "we have to work very hard to live the life of ordinary people", but it is just an excuse to cover up cowardice, to say that we are pitiful, and no one will laugh at our incompetence.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

Work is seen as a means of earning a living, with the sole purpose of improving life. When describing the job, the subject is "I", I want to buy a house, I want to get a raise, I want to be promoted. Instead of "him" or "them", not their problems being solved, they are happy because they make sense of my work.

A person who cannot hold others in his heart is doomed to be forgotten by others.

Colleague Oda Che once told a joke: "There is a clerk who has never taken a leave of absence, and others compliment him and say that the government cannot do without him, but the person said that he is afraid that the government will find out that he can do without him." ”

Oda is heartless, but Watanabe is intentional. Oda also nicknamed Watanabe the nickname "Mummy". Sure enough, Watanabe suffered from stomach cancer and did not come to work for five days, although everyone was strange, but it did not affect the normal development of work. I think that people are just strangely breaking their inherent habits, can't stand the subtle waves of the spirit, can't stand the changes in the world around them.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >02 Fragile Father-Son Relationship</h1>

Watanabe has cancer, and the first person he wants to talk to is his son, which is normal. He should not expect the crow to feed back, just the instinctive call of blood, he raised his son with one hand, but his son only wanted his pension to buy a house, Watanabe swallowed it.

The old man who was in the wind and candles lost the most likely reliance, and a bright road was blocked. The son represents people's widespread understanding of the "desire to live", living for money, for money, family affection can be abandoned, and people can ignore it.

Watanabe originally thought that at least raising his son to grow up and start a family, life is somewhat meaningful, but in fact it is not so. How many people count raising children as the glory of their own lives, which is also an excuse for their own inaction. Raising children passively, step by step, is the same as getting married and having children, living and dying, which does not contain a strong sense of personal self-realization, and is not worthy of being exalted.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

Watanabe completed the awakening of self-worth realization under the betrayal of his son, and there is no point in living without living for others. At this time, he has not found a way to save himself, and it is very painful for a person to realize that he is incompetent and powerless to break the predicament. Watanabe covered himself in a quilt and curled up and cried. Many things in the world are very strange, good and upright people always like to cry, hypocritical and slippery people always laugh.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >03 The pleasure of the flesh does not save the suffering soul</h1>

Watanabe meets a novelist at a bar who takes him to playgrounds, cafes, and stripteases. Akira Kurosawa's arrangement of the novelist to take Watanabe to relieve his boredom is profound.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

In the novelist's pen, all the worlds are fictional, bizarre, and absurd that everyone who reads a novel can see himself in the novel. Some kind of strong dramatic conflict, some kind of twists and turns in the storyline, the novel is the epitome of the absurd side of life.

The novelist takes Watanabe into the strange real world, and presents Watanabe, or most of the people's unbearable lives, in a positive way. This is Watanabe's introspection of his own life, whether it is a big meal or a sound and color dog or horse, it is a temporary mental anesthesia, like a face that often stays up late and has acne, coated with a thick layer of grease, and deceives himself.

Watanabe sat in the middle of a crowded striptease, looking miserable. He couldn't see or listen to everything around him. When a man dies, his heart is clear. This heart is bright, and it is also true.

In the face of death, we can clearly distinguish which is lighter and which is more important, which is true and which is false, and the awakening at the cost of death is really sad.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >04 female colleagues make Watanabe envious</h1>

Female colleague Oda couldn't stand the tedium of government work and came to Watanabe to stamp his resignation. Oda Is the only person in the play who actively rebels against the boring life, and seems to be very brave, and Watanabe is also deeply shaken. He admired Oda Cut's courage not to be afraid of heaven, and he missed the youth that Oda Cut had lost.

Watanabe was pleasantly surprised, thinking he had found a life-saving straw and desperately tried to catch it. He asked Oda to eat and took her to a movie, but he watched her eat, but fell asleep while watching the movie. Oda couldn't stand Watanabe's successive invitations and couldn't bear to refuse Watanabe.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

Watanabe did not think that the reason why Oda Che dared to resign was entirely due to the impulse of youth. Romain Rolland said: "There is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after understanding the truth of life, still love life." ”

Young people do not lack the love of life, that is easy for them, young people lack is to understand the truth of life. Many years later, when Oda cut people to middle age, they will be as muddy as Watanabe.

Watanabe mistakes the normal psychological characteristics of adolescence for the noble purity of the soul, and seeks Oda's rescue. He showed his sad spiritual world to Oda Che like Xianglin Sister-in-law, and the other party could not empathize with it, which led to the farce of his hot face sticking to his cold ass.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" >05 to solve the problems of the citizens and obtain true salvation</h1>

After all kinds of searching for self-rescue, Watanabe thought of one thing, he remembered the "Sewage Tank Reconstruction Plan" that he had shelved. Citizens have complained to Watanabe about the impact of the sewage tank on the normal life of residents, Watanabe Watanabe submitted the plan, and all departments were playing leather balls, and finally died without a problem. Watanabe wants to do this chore that others are unwilling to do and is not easy to do, so that he can have a little value before he dies.

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

The film is 143 minutes long, watanabe dies at 92 minutes, and Kurosawa recreates Watanabe's journey around renovating the sink through the mouths of colleagues who attended the funeral.

Watanabe wanted to rebuild the sink and everyone was very strange, and there was a lot of discussion behind his back, and no one understood him and regarded him as a monster. The person who has the courage to do things is a thorn, a thorn in the pile of people who are chaotic. When everyone is vegetarian, bowing down to the fullest becomes a mistake, isn't this ugly for colleagues?

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

Watanabe's submission of the plan to the deputy mayor was ignored, and he never gave up, and was finally approved. In the process of reconstruction touched the interests of the gangsters, he was threatened, and even then he did not flinch. Finally, the sink was converted into a park, and on a snowy night, Watanabe died alone sitting on the swing in the park.

What is the meaning of life? It is a sense of self-actualization. This sense of value is not worldly fame and fortune, but relief and help to others. Anything that satisfies one's own selfish desires will make one more greedy, more narrow-minded, more insensitive. On the contrary, sacrificing self-interest, asking for the people's lives, and living for the majority of the people, your life will be full and happy.

A man's life should be spent in such a way that when he looks back, he does not regret having wasted his years, nor is he ashamed of his inaction. In this way, when he was dying, he was able to say, "I have not lived in vain in my life." ”

"Desire to Live": Kurosawa's neglected proud work, poking at everyone's pain point 01 Work becomes life, people lose their souls 02 Fragile father-son love 03 The joy of the body can not save the painful soul 04 Female colleagues let Watanabe envy youth 05 solve problems for the citizens to get real salvation

At the end of the movie, the colleagues who attended Watanabe's funeral shouted that they had inherited Watanabe's spirit through alcohol, and the next day they went to work as usual. Maybe Watanabe doesn't exist, he's a beautiful fantasy of Akira Kurosawa, and this heavy ending is the truth of life.

Many people say that after listening to a lot of big truths, it is still difficult to live a lifetime. What is wrong is not the truth, and the reason is not big or small, and it is the person who listens to the reason who is wrong. There is an advantage of not listening to or not doing and not doing it: listening to other people's failures, you can push the responsibility to others, and you can only bear the responsibility if you say that you can't do it yourself. Now there are more cunning people.

The meaning of life is to do everything in its power to help more people. Is this a big deal? big. Empty? Not necessarily empty. I want to be kind, I want to be kind, and I want to be kind.

This movie was released in 1952, there are no more such good movies, and who cares now about what life is about?

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