
"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

author:Words warm the heart

Desire, everyone has, but how to deal with it? The Tao Te Ching says, "A rare and inexpensive commodity shall not be stolen by the people." Not seeing what is desired, so that the people's hearts will not be chaotic" That is to say, the outside world should not have anything to seduce people's hearts, so that everyone's heart can be at ease.

For example, a person throwing money on the road during the crowd period is bound to cause a commotion and robbery of the crowd, resulting in chaos in traffic order. This is the man-made "desire to see" that disturbs people's hearts. Therefore, without revealing the things that arouse the greed of the human heart, the human heart will naturally not be disturbed.

The text believes that "the desire of life is not done completely": this 8 desires, can do 6 is not simple.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ First, empathy

People, not perfect, things, no smooth sailing, is the time when people have difficulties, communication has misunderstandings, know how to empathize, trouble will be reduced, know how to compare hearts to hearts, feelings will deepen.

People who know how to think in empathy will not jump like thunder without moving. We often complain about other people's way of doing things, just don't think differently, but people are selfish, there is not so much understanding and tolerance, they can't change it, it's better to accept it calmly, don't have to force what you can't do, pretend not to hear if you don't like it, and everything will be fine if you have a good attitude.

People who know how to think empathetically will have enough tolerance and understanding. Sometimes, even if it is said, it is said in vain, no one can understand, no one can think in a different position. You will find that the people around you suddenly become strange and frightening. In fact, it is a lack of tolerance and understanding.

People who know how to think differently will not be self-centered in everything. Some people say that helping you is fate, and not helping is the duty. When others don't help you, first think in a different position, why he didn't help you, and then think in a different position, how much you have done for him. Don't always feel that someone else is sorry for you.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ 2. Adhere to credit

Integrity is the foundation of the world. Those who speak and believe will be respected and welcomed by people, and will receive people's support and help. People who are dishonest and trustworthy will run into walls everywhere in society and find it difficult to gain a foothold.

"The Strange Situation Witnessed in Twenty Years" says: The previous debt is not cleared, and it is not necessary to open the mouth.

If the debt you have owed has not been paid off, don't borrow it again. Ask them to borrow something, be able to stick to their credit, and return it on time, so that it will be easy to borrow from others next time.

If a person can keep his word and keep his promise at all times, then the weight of his words will be much heavier. The so-called "gentleman's promise is heavier than a thousand gold", which is exactly this truth. This mainly admonishes people to believe in their words in their daily lives, and to do what they promise others, and not to say without faith and to go against the grain.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ Third, keep smiling

As the saying goes, "Smile, ten years less." "Keeping a smile on one's face is not only good for oneself, but also brings a good atmosphere to the people around you."

Be kind to everyone you meet and smile at them. You don't know what they're going through, maybe they need your smile today and will treasure it.

A smile can melt a heavy face, a word of comfort can inspire a frustrated heart, a little help can lighten the burden of life, and a sharing can motivate you to move forward!

With the sunshine people, the heart will not be dark; with happy people, the corners of the mouth will often smile, borrow the wisdom of others, improve themselves, learn the best others, be the best of themselves!

Give yourself a good mood, let the world smile at you: give others a good mood, let life smile at us, a good mood is the property of life, let a good mood be with us all the time.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ Fourth, appreciate others

Appreciating others is actually a little less critical and a little more trusting; A little more enthusiasm, a little less indifference; Look up a little more, look down a little less. The more you appreciate, the less contradictions and misunderstandings, and the closer people will be.

Inclusion is not to hide one's shortcomings, but to truly appreciate the other person's excellence. Acceptance is not to put up with a person to the limit, but to let a person go far from the limit. Understanding is not to let a person continue to make mistakes, but to make a person stop making mistakes. Helping is not to discourage a person, but to make a person start all over again.

Learn to appreciate yourself and give yourself a smile every day. Meet someone who appreciates you and learn to laugh. Meet someone you admire and learn to praise; Meet someone who is jealous of you and learn to keep a low profile. Meet people you are jealous of, learn to transform; meet people who don't understand you, learn to communicate. Meet someone you don't understand and learn to understand!

Life needs to be appreciated, and appreciating a person and a thing with a normal mindset is like appreciating a painting, you will be very happy and calm.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ 5. Do not comment on others at will

Han Han said that if you don't understand, please shut up, because you never know what others have experienced; if you understand, then you should shut up even more.

Everyone is an independent individual, everyone has their own way of life, and we cannot ask others to understand themselves absolutely, nor can we ask others to be like ourselves.

There are some people who are too fond of judging the lives of others, not knowing how terrible verbal violence is, how deep the wound is, and how it can hurt a person at any time, anywhere, or even at will.

When people live in the world, they must learn to respect others and accept others, as the saying goes, gossip about right and wrong, sit quietly and think about themselves.

Not commenting on others at will, not interfering with others at will, is the best respect for others, is a person's greatest cultivation.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ Sixth, I will not complain when I see people

Hua Antai said: Complaining is a poison. It destroys your will and cuts your enthusiasm. Complaining about fate is not as good as changing fate, complaining about life is not as good as improving life, after all, complaining ≠ solved. Find more ways to do everything, find fewer excuses, and the strong are not without tears, but running with tears!

There are two most things in the world, one is the poor, the other is complaining, and there is a chicken and egg relationship between the two. Poverty breeds complaints, and complaints corrupt poverty.

Carnegie said: "Complaining can plunge us into a negative life, work attitude, often looking for shortcomings in others, including the most intimate people." People who don't complain must be the happiest, and the world that never complains must be desirable. If everyone can turn complaints into well-intentioned communication, complaints into positive advice, and complaints into positive actions, they will be pleasantly surprised to find a success close at hand and a new world without complaints.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ Seventh, be grateful

Learn to be grateful, learn to understand love and give love, and learn to embrace life with a broad mind.

We cannot abandon such a sentiment that contains truth, goodness and beauty, just as we cannot abandon life. It is precisely because we learn to be grateful that we will find that there are many touching points in life; It is precisely because life requires us to face it with a grateful attitude that we know the meaning of life.

There are still small roads at the end of the road, as long as you keep walking, there are countless scenery.

To learn to be grateful is to learn to respect others and to be grateful for the help of others at all times.

To learn to be grateful, first of all, we must have a grateful heart, a person only knows how to be grateful, will know how to pay, know how to pay, in order to get gratitude. Learn to be grateful, cultivate humble character, treat people weaker than yourself, and know to bend down to lend a helping hand.

Learn to be grateful, have a spirit of dedication, no matter what you do, you should take "public" as the first, be a selfless and willing to dedicate people.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ Eighth, modesty and humility

The common people have a saying: a bottle of vinegar is dissatisfied, and half a bottle of vinegar is dangling.

Humble people, sometimes in the midst of the hustle and bustle, just listen quietly and look with a smile.

In the field, the more grainy grain is full of grain, the lower the head is lowered; the drier the dogtail grass, the higher the head is raised high and high.

The more books you read, the paths you take, the people you see, and the more things you have learned, the easier it is to find that you know too little, and only after you know that you are ignorant can a person be humble from his bones, no longer be lonely and self-congratulatory, no longer aggressive, no longer arrogant, and therefore will not force others to accept his views.

Therefore, people always live more and more peacefully, which is called growth. To grow up is to slowly respect all beings as much as you respect yourself.

"The desire of life, you can know it at a glance": These 8 desires, it is not simple to be able to achieve 6

★ Conclusion:

Friends, "the desire of life, completely do not do much": this 8 desires, can do 6 is not simple. Do you think it makes sense? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss. Grateful for reading and sharing.

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