
The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

author:Get away with it

There is a small advertisement in the elevator of our community, the title is "uterus rental" in black font, in fact, surrogacy is not imagined to be completely black, and even to blatantly popular, it is possible to see it as soon as you go out. The business provided is fresh and diverse, surrogacy, birth of boys, the rest is not clear.

I don't know how it is possible to give birth to a boy under the domination of the laws of nature, except to be born again and again, of course, I have a very narrow knowledge in this regard, and at best I am blindly guessing.

All childbirths are biological pains, and the teacher in the physiological hygiene class told us that it was a disaster with eight ribs broken together, I never broke a single one, and my friends and I were all scared. Every mother is a hero, and the pain is unimaginable.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Bong Joon-ho "Mother"

I was a girl, I didn't know how to have children, and my family told me that I should keep sex a secret. All I knew was that my mother had a knife scar on her stomach and that she hadn't danced on stage since the day she had me.

I think a lot of girls are scared and even hated.

Mom said that she hated me when she was just born and asked the nurse to take it away. This is how the girl becomes a mother, a magical physiological process, rooted in genes and blood, and everything is logical. Suddenly one day she found out that this was my child, and it only took three days and nights to digest this process.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Why should we criticize Zheng Shuang?

She used money to sell a suffering, and finally pushed it to the reasonable you and me, as if she was freed from genetic doom and proud, and the physical ability given to me by the world can no longer threaten my life with heirs. The woman who rented out her womb lay on the bed in her cell, waiting for the next sentence to be completed, but not necessarily released.

Her logic makes a woman's reproductive ability seem to be a defect. Letting childbearing be defined as doom from the standpoint of a female public figure. Moreover, the natural differences in reproduction are added to the logic of commodities, so that fertility becomes a function, women become commodities, and ethics can be peddled.

During the arduous pilgrimage to life, the women who accompany them can also harm women. It's just a competitive game where no one can escape the slaughter and push us back into the model of the return to our ancestors and let God recreate it.

God gave Eve the power to procreate, and men and women had to spend their lives in their respective fields. You can think of it as punishment and danger, but it is also eve and Adam's self-redemption. The logic of procreation becomes some sort of cherry principle, you have to procreate, which is a duty given to you by society. Uterus trafficking, using your fertility as a financial subsidy, of course, as a collateral property of the commodity, your personal value can be clearly marked.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Stills from "A Blue Shrimp"

Surrogate mothers, this warm like kindergarten teachers under the name, are they really mothers? Nortel students' graduation joint assignment "A Blue Shrimp" tells this story, two open doors, two women with big bellies, but can't take a step out of the door, this is one of the small shots, I was deeply impressed.

A thin girl, I remember her life is not embarrassing, but she is still willing to exchange her body for money. More often, they are trapped in the prison of family and violence, from one iron window to another, using the identity of a woman as a ticket in exchange for an animal-like life.

That rather magical and mysterious moment of joy, the child being carried away by the person who was supposed to be the parent, the pain went through many times, and later the natural instinct was replaced by numbness. It turns out that there are people in the world who are born with parents, and some people even have to bow their eyebrows and ask for the dignity of being human.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

If we cross out surrogacy, is it reasonable to freeze eggs?

Some time ago, a young director after the 90s was very ambitious to take materials and shoot a short documentary film "Single Woman With Frozen Eggs Across Borders" (Guo Rongfei's work, which can be viewed on the cool burning video, which has been viewed 1.3 million+ so far). Aimed primarily at modern urban women with independent minds, they fly to the United States to have egg freezing surgery and wait for collaborators – this is one of my most impressive lines.

Secondly, the girl who is not willing to lie on the bed and raise a baby with a big belly is particularly lonely and diaphragm in the heat of the family dinner table.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Stills from "The Single Woman Who Froze Her Eggs Across Borders"

I'm not a very good commentator on ethical issues, it's just that emotionally, there's a rift between the process of procreation and "motherhood", and it's very good that passing on generations is no longer the meaning of female existence, and as a woman, I am thankful that I no longer need to take on the responsibilities of a packed boy one by one.

However, to become a mother and give children a warm and complete growth environment, early childhood experts say, this is the simplest and most important truth.

Becoming a father and becoming a mother are not the same, and under the premise of equal responsibility, women are responsible for the natural rules of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding in the physiological layer. Brilliance Can Catch his Daughter Who Fell from the Sky, And Work Non-Stop Takes Care of Public Relations. Employers don't like girls with childbirth plans, and after a few courses of treatment, the job can't be handed over.

We have our difficulties, and mothers have mothers' difficulties.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Stills from "Three Weeks and Two Days in April"

Women are responsible for love, and behind love, they must use love to atone for their sins.

The Romanian film "Three Weeks and Two Days in April" tells the story of the law prohibiting abortion on the eve of the collapse of the Soviet Union, which makes the film look very much like a political metaphor. In fact, any story that takes place requires theater, and film uses a fairly simple way — a shoulder camera, a long shot.

"Honesty" is the most appropriate way to deal with sensitivity. In it, Ottila makes love to her friend and the abortion doctor in exchange for surgery, and in the bathroom, there is a long shot of three minutes long, without any recitation, movement, only a slight breathing shaking shot, watching the shocking but silent scene.

Behind this is not only a sex deal, if pregnant, Ottila will become a poor woman lying in bed in the next catastrophe. And after one woman's love, another woman is asked to use love again to pay off the debt. Is this a sisterhood resisting the invasion of the heterogeneous other?

Rather, it is the cycle of sin, the cycle of fate.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Is a woman's body a public vessel?

Women have the meaning of the Holy Grail in semiotics, but the body must be closed and private, which is in harmony with human dignity. The social news has a lot of horror information - how similar it is to the underground trade of surrogacy. The buyer chooses that the woman replaces the "wife" in an unobtrusive position to complete one of the parts of the intercourse, and the woman's body is a vessel containing semen, and the man can use it at will, as long as he pays the same price of rent.

Perhaps in the physiological difference, men are invasive, while women are passively accepting. This often brings some male reproductive sense of superiority, coupled with some concept shifts of stealing beams and changing pillars, often looking like winning the gender war.

This may be a metaphysical question, but the truth is that we must face up to human dignity.

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

Many literary and artistic works that appeared in the mid-to-late 1990s, such as Director Li Shaohong, "Red Pink" adapted from Su Tong's novel of the same name, and Wang Anyi's novel "I Love Bill", all mention a key information point - "prostitute farm".

It's a very complex process of how women see their place in modernity, whether it's painful or brilliant in the process of making a profit to become independent, and even whether "independence" is independence. We have eliminated opium in form with a revolution of vigorous blood, and under the weapon we are singing in ecstasy, whether the tears still exist.

In fact, the question we should probably ponder is when we should not treat the female body as a vessel and equate the closedness of the body with human self-esteem.

And the most terrible and representative of the truth is that the choice of will and self, women's self-awareness, is also a proposition that cannot be ignored.

In the 21st century, has the price of women's bodies really disappeared? And how can it really disappear?

The Zheng Shuang incident has passed, but these discussions should not stop

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