
The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?


Are you a college entrance exam student this year?

Or do you have college entrance exam students at home?

Did I receive my acceptance letter?

At present, the admission letters of various universities are being sent out one after another

Today's acceptance letters are full of ideas

Full of amazing designs

Let's take a look

Which one do you love?


Tianjin University has begun to issue admission letters!

Yesterday, July 12, Liu Zexuan from Tianjin Yaohua Middle School became the owner of Tianjin University's 2021 "0001" acceptance letter. There is also a mysterious gift in the package of the admission letter: the "Tianjin Cultural Map" signed by Mr. Feng Jicai on the spot.

The Tianjin Cultural Map consists of a pocket book and a "Tianjin Cultural Guide Map", which introduces 200 points with important historical and cultural connotations and the most characteristics of Tianjin, and is also equipped with a QR code to view more exquisite photos and service information. This is a gift prepared by Feng Jicai and his team for college students who come to Tianjin to study, and it is a "key" to open tianjin's urban culture. In the book, Feng Jicai issued an initiative to college students - "love the city where I studied"!

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

Love the city you study in

——Written to college students studying in Tianjin

Feng Jicai

Are you studying at a university in your own city, or are you studying in another city? Do you know the city where you studied?

When I am in college, it is the last stop before a person enters the society. This is a precious time period in your life.

In this time period, you strive to arm yourself with knowledge, and gradually establish your goals in your ideals. You also ask teachers on campus, fortunately meet Xianda, meet like-minded students, enjoy the spring flowers and autumn leaves of the campus, the scenery of the four seasons, and reveal your hobbies and temperaments in your favorite humanistic activities... But do you step out of the campus and go to a city you're not familiar with, take a look, ask? This is the land that nurtured your university, the place where your youth stopped!

For example, here is Tianjin.

Have you ever been to the city? Did you know that it is the only city in China that has a birthday? It is the central city of the country, the first batch of open coastal cities, the largest port in the north, an important industrial town, a research and development base, and a transportation and logistics hub. Many "firsts" in Chinese history and contemporary times were born here, and China's first modern university was born here. The place where the first university can be born must be a magical land. Don't you want to ask about the extraordinary secrets of the rich history hidden deep in this land?

It is also a place with long age, unique landscape, wonderful culture, abundant life, unique food, clothing, housing and transportation, and colorful city style. The people here not only speak with unique accents, but also have a cheerful temperament, humor and humor, and hospitality. Don't you want to go into the life of this city to find it, to know it, to know it, to be close to it, to love it?

Knowing and being close to the city you study in will greatly enrich your life during college, have more urban experience and cultural experience that is indispensable in life, and before you enter the society, first open your horizons to society, increase your interest and emotion in life, and even produce a person's noblest spirit - responsibility to society.

In order to help you visit and get close to the city, the teaching and research staff of our college, together with relevant scholars and experts, form a team to select the essence of well-known public places and cultural attractions in all aspects of the city, all 200 of them, and draw a "Tianjin Cultural Guide Map" according to this, so that you can easily find it. At the same time, I have prepared a "brief introduction" for you, with a summary of the various places, at a glance. This map and introduction fit in your pocket or carry-on satchel!

With it --

Get close to and love the city where you are studying!

The city where you study awaits you with enthusiasm!

June 2021

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

On July 12, the launch ceremony of the new book "Tianjin Cultural Map" and the signing ceremony of the first batch of undergraduate admission notices of Tianjin University in 2021 were held at the Feng Jicai Institute of Literature and Art of Tianjin University.

As soon as the news came out, it once rushed to the hot search.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

The design of the acceptance letter box is based on the theme of "Starry Sky", and the idea is derived from an asteroid named after Tianjin University.

In 2018, the Asteroid Naming Committee of the International Astronomical Union permanently named the asteroid numbered 8917 between Mars and Jupiter "Tianjin University Star" permanently. It was discovered in Xinglong on March 9, 1996 by the Schmidt Asteroid Research Project in Beijing, and was a gift from a group of alumni of Tianjin University in the class of 1977 and 1978 to their alma mater.

Now, this notice with the theme of "8917 Tianjin University Star" is the most unique gift that Tianjin University gives to every undergraduate freshman, a sincere response to ten years of hard study, and it is also expected that the new heavens will look up at the stars and pursue their dreams.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

Nankai University's admission letter has also topped the Weibo hot search. The highlight is that the two lotus seeds sent with each notice were specially found for the school from Jiaxing, Zhejiang.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

"Last year we included lotus seeds in our acceptance letters, which were well received at the time. This year is the centenary of the founding of the party, so we think of the red boat in Jiaxing South Lake, the place where our party dreams set sail, and we also hope that young students will not forget their original intentions, keep in mind their mission, and forge ahead courageously. Jin Baijiang, director of the admissions office of Nankai University, said. They denied the plan of online shopping, first contacted the relevant departments in Jiaxing, looking for the lotus seeds in the South Lake, and then single-mindedly looking for the lotus seeds in Jiaxing, "We think, if we can't find the South Lake, then choose the ones from Jiaxing, and we have to make sure that it is Jiaxing." After that, they launched the Nankai Zhejiang Alumni Association to find lotus seeds. Under the active search of alumni, 10,000 lotus seeds were finally found in a unit in Jiaxing. After the seeds were sent to the school, the staff screened them one by one, wiping the seeds intact one by one before putting them into the purse. Lotus seeds also have the meaning of a thousand years of incorruptible, and in the right environment, it can be rejuvenated.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

In addition, Nankai University also sent a bookmark of "not living up to Shaohua", hoping that the new Nankai people will not live up to the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping to the vast number of young people, live up to youth, live up to Shaohua, and live up to the times, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


From ancient times to the present, the "gold list title" is the dream of every candidate. "Ten years of cold window no one asked, in one fell swoop to become famous in the world", the announcement of the examination results is an important moment in life. Candidates can now check their admission results online, and schools send meaningful acceptance letters. So, what methods were used in the ancient imperial examination to announce the results?

The results of the ancient imperial examination were mainly announced in the form of "putting on lists". The release of the list is also called "release", that is, the announcement of the results of the examination and admission by posting the list text. In ancient times, the day of the list was an important day for students. Therefore, there is a saying that "when the title of the gold list" is listed as one of the four great joys of life.

In 1952, New China established a modern college entrance examination system, and the national unified examination. Before the computer was popularized, the admission information could not be queried in time. Moreover, the education department of that era also issued a "letter of non-acceptance". Of course, the paper quality of the notice is not very good. In the 1970s, the paper quality of acceptance letters improved significantly.

In the 1980s, admissions teachers went to the post office to deliver acceptance letters, which were sent out like ordinary letters, without much special treatment. The notice also requires students to transfer grain and oil relations, party membership relations, etc.

Compared with the admission materials of today's college students, there were only one or two notes in the college admission letters of the 1980s. A simple piece of paper, name and major information are vacated, and need to be filled in by the teacher recruited by the school. At that time, it was the practice of almost every school to return the acceptance letter to the school.

In the mid-1990s, when candidates filled in the college entrance examination volunteers, they received an envelope, and the candidates were required to fill in the mailing address of the notice on the envelope. In addition, the university will give the candidate a registration period in the notice, such as requiring the candidate to report from September 1 to September 15, if the expiration of the registration is regarded as an automatic waiver.


Since the restoration of the college entrance examination system in the winter of 1977, college admission letters have also gone through more than 40 years. From the initial notice to today's admission letter express, the small admission letter has undergone earth-shaking changes, not only becoming more and more beautiful, more and more innovative, but also more and more warm, often with it to the candidates' handwritten new student messages, gifts of "gift packages", etc., both beautiful and talented.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?
The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?
The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?
The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

Admission letters from Tianjin University of Science and Technology over the years

If in the past, the notice only had the function of notification, then the admission letters of most colleges and universities are now various, full of warmth, and convey the history, culture and value of the school.

In 2018, Tsinghua University's 3D admission notice was once praised by netizens and left messages to express envy.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

This year, if you receive an acceptance letter that still has the book "The Old Man and the Sea", then congratulations, you have been admitted to Tsinghua University.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

This year's admission letter of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications takes "unlocking" as the theme, and also adds the elements of the post and telecommunications gene - Morse code, and presents the school motto "Houde Erudite And Dedicated Music Group" in the form of Morse Code.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

Tongji University's admission letter this year is designed with the theme of "Riding the Wind and Waves", and the packaging box of Hongtongtong is called "JiYibao Box". In the treasure box, the 2021 edition of "Time Notes" uses archival-grade acid-free writing paper, which can be preserved for about 200 years.

The college acceptance letter is coming, which one do you love?

Southeast University's admission letter, retaining the characteristics of "can sing" in previous years, and added the highlights of the translucent Tibetan characters, when the notice is picked up, look closely at the light, the translucent words of "stop at the best" are displayed in front of the eyes, the meaning of this design is to tell the new students, "stop at the best" is not only written on the paper, but also in the heart. Below the admission letter, the Auditorium of Southeast University is presented in the style of a luminous window, and when the notice gift box is opened, the school song is played at the same time, and the auditorium is also "lit up".

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics also added a blind box interactive link in this year's admission letter, a total of 7 aircraft set as blind boxes, namely Wuzhi-10, C919 large passenger aircraft, "Zhurong" Mars rover, Ruiying, Skyscann-1, Yan'an-2 and Long March-5 carrier rockets.


Expert opinion

The acceptance letter is not just a piece of paper,

It bears witness to the changing times

"I took the college entrance examination in 1982 and was admitted to Chinese min University. At that time, the college admission letter was a piece of paper, and there was an envelope on the outside, but it was something that we especially cherished at that time. Zhang Baoyi, director of the Institute of Sociology of the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, told reporters that although the admission letter is very simple, he still remembers the very excited feeling when he saw it, "A person through hard study, examination, finally admitted to the university of his choice, when he saw the admission letter, there was a kind of 'communication' between him and the admission letter, this 'exchange' is actually the school's initial 'interaction' with its future students." ”

"This is a ceremony, an expectation, through this initial contact, the student's views on the school, impressions, etc., may have a greater impact on him through the admission letter." Zhang Baoyi recalled that at that time, the admission letters were sent to the school uniformly, and the students went to pick them up on the prescribed days and were issued by the teachers, "At that time, most of the envelopes received were handwritten, and the words 'Institute of Population Research of Chinese University' on the envelopes I received were printed, so I was particularly impressed." Open the envelope, the admission letter inside is itself a piece of paper, there is no pattern, the paper is relatively thin. I remember that the student's name in the notice was handwritten, the content was printed, informing you of the admission, the date of registration, some precautions, and the contact address, the unit telephone number, and so on. Zhang Baoyi also said that at that time, it was not easy to produce a college student at home, everyone was very excited to get the admission letter, he remembered a classmate from the countryside said that admission to college is a major turning point in life, a major event to achieve a glorious lintel, "so this 'piece of paper' carries a heavy meaning, not only can change a person's fate, may be the result of the joint efforts of the whole family." ”

"No matter how the form of the admission letter changes, the history, culture and feelings of the university it conveys, the expectations and visions of the university it carries, and the excitement of the candidates when they receive the acceptance letter, it will not change."

However, Zhang Baoyi also believes that the college admission letter still needs to have a certain solemnity, to achieve the purpose of showing the characteristics of the school and giving students a sense of identity that has worked hard for many years, there is no need to invest too much time and energy, "After all, students do not choose the school because of the admission letter." And the purpose of the admission letter is actually the notice, instead of competing for the 'face value', it is better to make more efforts in the function of the notice, such as explaining the location of the campus to students and parents, the check-in process, the precautions, the epidemic prevention requirements, the characteristics of the canteen and the introduction of the school's annual activities, so that students can fully understand the school from the beginning of receiving the admission notice, have a higher interest in their major, and make the admission letter more practical. ”

Source: Tianjin Daily

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