
"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

author:Pipy's journey to self-growth

Barbers can also save lives with razors, and stylists can also mend dreams with needles and threads.

Leaves falling from branches, exhaust winds blowing up in the streets, the singing of the crowds in the subway, pizza in the corners when hungry,

The moment you fall in love with life, you find the spark that activates life.

It turns out that every day so many souls experience individual tempering, character shaping, and strive to rush to the earth.

There will also be countless souls who are crushed by life and lost in the desert wilderness. ——From Douban review

If you, like me, intermittently feel the enthusiasm of life, intermittently feel that you are a hollow person, like a transparent glass separating yourself from life, you see the outside world, but you can't feel the real feeling that world brings you.

Then the movie "Spiritual Journey" may be a consolation for confused urbanites.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

1. The beginning of the story

The story tells of Joy Gona, a music teacher, a jazz piano enthusiast who dreams of playing on the same stage as his idol.

Finally, one day, he realized this dream, he was immersed in the joy of playing on the same stage as his idol, but accidentally fell into a manhole hole under construction.

His soul suddenly came to another world, where there was a long sky corridor with invisible heads, and countless undead spirits were lining up, ready to leave for another world.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

And Joey Gona didn't want to die in an accident, his dream hadn't come true yet, he struggled and fell to the other side of the universe, where life began, a place called the Academy of The Mind.

The newborn mind will receive enlightenment from the spiritual teacher in this place, looking for a spark that can light up their life, and after lighting it, there will be an earth pass, and after having the earth pass, they can go to the earth to start their new life as an entity.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

In the process, Joey Gona accidentally becomes the spiritual mentor of Soul No. 22, the mind that has never been able to be lit by a spark in the entire Spiritual Academy, and it does not know where its spark is.

Some hearts will be lit up because of football, some will be lit up because of pizza, and No. 22 will never find his own spark, what is the spark?

Another accident, No. 22 and Joey Gona return to the original real world, No. 22 incarnated as Joey Gona, felt the taste of real pizza, ate the legendary lollipop...

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

Those things that cannot be truly felt in the Academy of The Mind become the most authentic senses of smell, touch, and taste in that moment.

When they returned to the Academy of Minds, Number 22 unexpectedly obtained the Earth Pass, that is, it found the spark that lit its soul, but it did not know what its spark was.

2. When self-forgetfulness becomes an obsession, man becomes a lost soul

The film is full of imagination to show us several different worlds.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

Academy of Hearts: At the beginning of life, each soul is born with a different personality, some are shy by nature, and some are barbaric and domineering by nature...

Every mind has its own original color, do not have to cling to their own character, perhaps a large part of which is our innate characteristics.

Confused Place: There is a place in a corner of the universe where it is dark, where every mind is devoured by a huge monster that looks for its own direction but can't find it, and rudely wants to possess all the minds that pass by.

They looked lonely and helpless.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

Some minds are fund managers who are obsessed with calculating transactions, because of work, they have lost their lives, they are besieged by work every day and night, and their minds are gradually lost and withered;

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

There are musicians who are too attached to music, because music gives up everything, and the mind is becoming more and more paranoid and stubborn.

The Land of Forgetting: Corresponding to the Land of Confusion is the Land of Forgetting Self, where every soul is quiet in its own world, enjoying moments that bring happiness to one's heart.

In fact, this should be the ultimate experience of flow, making people completely forget time and completely immerse themselves in the present moment, only then, our soul and body are truly together.

Some people will enter the flow experience while playing the piano, and some people will immerse themselves in the ocean of music at the concert...

"The difference between being lost and forgetting oneself is not so great, forgetting oneself is happy, but when this happiness becomes an obsession, out of life, one becomes a lost soul."

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

The film will be the original abstract spiritual world into a figurative, at the beginning of life, the mind is pure and simple, and on the road to growth, we will be confused, frustrated, and will be immersed in our own world because of our hobbies, but these have never been so intuitively displayed in any movie, which is also the special place of the film.

3. Each of us is going through a war that no one else knows

After being ignited with the spark of life, No. 22 also began to enter the land of confusion.

Number 22 loves pizza, loves lollipops, loves leaves falling on his head in autumn, but Joey says, "That's not your goal, just living in mediocrity." ”

Number 22 recalls the denial he accepted in the Academy of The Mind,

"You are not honest"

"Everything you do is the wrong decision"

"You are unwise, you will not succeed in this world"...

In this way he became a confused mind.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

Number 22 is actually like another self in each of us, that self is humble, closed, lacking in confidence and enthusiasm.

He wrapped himself up with all kinds of excuses, and said to himself, I just want to be like this, I see through everything, life is not interesting.

These words have become an excuse for us to keep us holding back.

But do we really think so?

I have never really tried to live bravely, and how can I say that I know life very well, I understand life.

Let go of the limitations of ourselves in our hearts and count ourselves.

Each of us is going through a war that no one else knows about.

Stop feeling inferior and sad about your shortcomings, really try to accept yourself, look inward at your inner world, and let go of your attachment to yourself.

4. Life is much more than just the fine pieces of beauty, but please don't forget the delicious pizza and the leaves that fall in the palm of your hand

There is another sound on douban:

"Cure? warm? wish? In fact, life does not stop there.

Raw hope is not a delicious pizza, not a leaf in the palm of your hand, not the beautiful music in the subway station, and not any kind of "beautiful" experience - expecting them to represent life is as ridiculous as leaving a message to a person who commits suicide that "milk tea is delicious".

It's not that I deny this beauty, it's just that it's too fragile. Most of the visible, subtle, and seemingly accessible beauty that people talk about needs some kind of support behind it: an ordinary person who is running for survival, in the true sense, has no mental strength, or no opportunity to perceive it. ”

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

The occurrence of those good things does require us to have a complete self, a complete personality, and a stable society and a corresponding foundation.

Only on this basis can we begin to find the meaning of our lives and discover the beauty of life, as the pyramid theory says.

But we also need to think about what we have when we are running for a livelihood, health? stable? young? These are actually our wealth.

We live with a meager salary, and we always want more salary and wealth.

But please also remember to count the beauty we have on the way to survival.

On the road, please also spend a little effort on the scenery around you, and don't let your spirit become numb.

"Spiritual Journey": The spark of life is not a goal, but the enthusiasm of life

After experiencing playing on the same stage with his idols, Joey found that life was still very dull.

The idol told him such a story,

A small fish swam up to the old fish and asked him, "I'm looking for what they call the ocean." ”

The old fish said, "Ocean? But you're in the ocean right now."

The little fish said, "Here? This is water. What I want is the ocean. ”

You've always pursued something called the sea, but you've always been in the sea.

The meaning of life itself lies in experience, and the goal is only the icing on the cake, only to see the goal that shines with light, but to forget the experience of living itself, is also an indispensable part of our life.

"A spark is not a goal in life, the moment you want to live, the spark is already ignited."

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