
Watermelon Video launched a barrier-free cinema, providing more than 30 movies such as "A Good Drama" for the visually impaired

author:China Youth Network

  Recently, Watermelon Video's PC and mobile terminals have simultaneously launched the barrier-free cinema channel, providing more than 30 barrier-free movies for the visually impaired, including "A Good Drama" and "Evil Does Not Pressure the Right", and will maintain more than 10 exclusive film update services per month.

Watermelon Video launched a barrier-free cinema, providing more than 30 movies such as "A Good Drama" for the visually impaired

  Watermelon video accessible cinema poster

  Barrier-free films for the visually impaired have been supplemented with a large number of dubbing commentaries, so that visually impaired people can understand the film, understand the visual impact in the work, feel the expression and body language of the characters, and better enjoy the fun of film art.

  The person in charge of watermelon video products said that after investigation, they found that barrier-free cinemas have clear demand scenarios, and they can really solve some user pain points. "Watermelon Video originally had movie-related and long-term video-related channels, and has relevant film and television resources, and such a thing as improving the visually impaired user experience and caring for the visually impaired people must be done."

Watermelon Video launched a barrier-free cinema, providing more than 30 movies such as "A Good Drama" for the visually impaired

  Watermelon Video's first list of accessible films (partial)

  According to statistics, there are 17.31 million visually impaired people in China, who have the same demand for consumer content as able-bodied people, and providing barrier-free film and television resources can greatly enrich their spiritual life.

  Starting in January 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the State Council has called for a one-year nationwide special action to adapt to aging and barrier-free transformation of Internet applications, "through information means to make up for differences in physical functions and environment, so that anyone (whether able-bodied or disabled, whether young or old) can access, interact and use information equally, conveniently and safely." ”

  According to the person in charge of watermelon video products, in April 2021, the watermelon video barrier-free cinema project was officially launched. Led by the product development and design team, the team dedicated to docking media resources and dubbing was launched, which took 3 months to re-produce scripts and dubbing for more than 30 films, and transformed them into barrier-free movies for the visually impaired.

  "The details of the movie, the complex character relationships, the micro-expressions of the actors... The string words should be flexibly switched between different lenses, which is both objective and vivid, and ten thousand words of script is not enough for a movie to talk about. A staff member involved in the film production of the project said.

  It is understood that in foreign countries, platforms such as Netflix or Apple TV provide users with accessible movies. In April 2015, Netflix launched the first film in the United States with oral video", "Marvel Night Devil Man", since then, Netflix has added accessible voices to film and television works at a rate of 24 per month, and now has more than 1,100 accessible works; Apple TV also has about 1,000 accessible film and television resources.

  In China, visually impaired people mainly watch movies through offline barrier-free cinemas, which are usually supported by non-profit organizations and volunteers, and are limited to first-tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Some video platforms have also tried to introduce accessible movies, but the overall number cannot meet the needs of many visually impaired users.

  The person in charge of Watermelon Video Products said that Watermelon Video Barrier-free Cinema updated more than 30 films for the first time, in order to allow visually impaired users to have more choices. Users click into the Watermelon Video App and search for "barrier-free movies" to enter the barrier-free cinema to watch movies.

  While ensuring normal updates, Watermelon Video's product development team will continue to improve the updated videos and continue to optimize the accessibility experience of the overall product. "We want to build a cinema at our fingertips for China's 17.31 million visually impaired people, anytime, anywhere."

(Text/Xiao Zhi)

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