
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

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The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

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The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

summer solstice

♫. ♪~♬.. ♩

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

June 21, 2018




The Sun travels to 90 degrees ecliptic longitude

Busy, I always feel that there is not enough time

It was bright before I opened my eyes, and it was dark in the blink of an eye

Fortunately, there is the summer solstice, the longest day of the day

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

When it comes to the summer solstice, the editor will think of the youth novel "The Summer Solstice" that he secretly read in high school, and in the summer afternoon, he flipped the pages in the back seat of the classroom and tasted the sleepy emotions unique to summer.

feed! Wake up! It's time for class!

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

"Summer Solstice Has Not Arrived" has been remade into a TV series, and friends can also find a cool ~ ~ ~ in the play

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

On the summer solstice, the sun's direct position on the ground reaches the "northernmost point" of the year, almost directly hitting the Tropic of Cancer, the day time in all parts of the northern hemisphere reaches the longest time of the year, and the noon sun is the highest.

On this day, the northern hemisphere received the most solar radiation, nearly double that of the southern hemisphere. The summer solstice is the turning point of the sun, after which it will take the "way back", and the days in the northern hemisphere will be shortened day by day.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

The summer solstice is three

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

The antlers are solved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the half-summer is born


Wait for the antler solution

The ancients believed that elk and deer belonged to yin and yang. Deer belong to the yang, its horns are born towards the front, the summer solstice yin qi is born and the yang begins to decline, so the positive antlers begin to fall off.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born


The cicadas begin to chirp

The male knows that after the summer solstice, he drums his wings because he feels the birth of yin.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born


Three half-summer students

Half-summer is a yin-loving herb named after its birth in the swamps or paddy fields of midsummer. It can be seen that in the hot midsummer, some yin-loving creatures began to appear, while positive creatures began to decline.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Climatic characteristics

Heavy rain, plum rain, high temperature, humidity

Convective weather

After the summer solstice, the ground is heated strongly, the air convection is strong, and thunderstorms are often formed from the afternoon to the evening. This kind of hot thunderstorm comes and goes suddenly, and the rainfall range is small, and "the sun rises in the east and rains in the west, and the road is clear but sunny" aptly describes this convective weather.

Rainy weather

During the summer solstice, when the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the Jianghuai River Basin are raining, there are frequent heavy rainstorms, which are prone to flood disasters and even pose a threat to people's lives and property.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Jianghuai plum rain

The summer solstice season is the "plum rain" season in the Jianghuai area, the air is very humid, and the cold and warm air masses meet here and form a low-pressure trough, resulting in rainy weather. At this time, the utensils are easy to mold, the human body also feels uncomfortable, mosquitoes multiply fast and intestinal germs are easy to breed. We must pay attention to the hygiene of drinking water, try not to eat raw and cold food, and prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases.

High temperature sauna

Astronomy stipulates that the summer solstice is the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere, and the temperature continues to rise, so there is a saying that "the summer solstice is not hot".

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Take you up in a posture

Friends have heard [Winter Nine Nine Song]

【Summer Nine Nine Songs】Du Mu has heard it!

Then hurry up with the editor to raise the posture!

Open the forest!

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

The "Summer Nine Nine Songs" are far less widely circulated than the Winter Nine Nine Songs, and the temperature difference between the north and south of China is smaller in summer, and the scope of application is wider.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Summer Nine Nine Songs

The summer solstice enters the first nine, and the lupine is held in the hand;

2918, stripped of the crown of the rosa;

Three nine twenty-seven, sweating profusely when going out;

4936, rolled up in the open air;

Five-nine-forty-five, like a tiger in autumn;

6954, chill into the temple;

Seven nine sixty-three, bedside touch sheets;

Eighty-nine-seventy-two, midnight looking for quilts;

Ninety-nine eighty-one, open the cabinet to get cotton clothes.

Hurry up and pretend to be forced in front of your friends

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Solar term food

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born


Folk also have the saying of "winter solstice dumplings and summer solstice noodles", summer solstice noodles are an important custom in many regions, and the folk have the saying that "after eating summer solstice noodles, a day is short".

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born
The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Customs and activities

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Worship the gods and ancestors

The summer solstice coincides with the wheat harvest, and since ancient times, it has been the custom of celebrating harvests and sacrificing ancestors at this time to pray for the elimination of disasters and the prosperity of the year. Therefore, the summer solstice, as a festival, was incorporated into the ancient ritual of worshiping gods, and the farmers both thanked the heavens for the harvest and prayed for the "autumn retribution".

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Avoid the summer

On the summer solstice, the women give each other folding fans, fat powder and other things. "Youyang Miscellaneous Tricks and Etiquette": "On the day of the summer solstice, there are words for entering the fan and the powder fat sac." "Fan", to generate wind; "powder", to smear, dissipate the turbidity generated by the heat, and prevent prickly heat. In the imperial court, after the "summer solstice", the royal family took out the ice of "winter, Tibet and summer" to "eliminate summer and avoid ambush", and from the Zhou Dynasty onwards, successive dynasties continued to use it, and then became a system.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Summer solstice regimen

After the summer solstice, the diet should be to clear the summer heat, enhance appetite for the purpose, eat more bitter food, should be clear, not too salty and too sweet, should eat more with heat and vitality, life and thirst.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

Leafy greens and fruits and other watery vegetables and fruits are good choices, such as cabbage, bitter melon, loofah, cucumber, etc., are good stomach food. Noodles, especially cold noodles, are one of the recommended dishes after the summer solstice.

After the summer solstice, the temperature gradually rises, and the amount of human sweating will increase, so the human body needs a lot of water, and you can also drink some mung bean soup, light brine, etc. It should be noted that mung bean soup should not be drunk more, let alone as water, and people who belong to the cold constitution and weak physique are not suitable for drinking mung bean soup.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

In addition to paying attention to health from the diet, we must also pay attention to the maintenance in the spirit.

The "Zhou Yi" theory holds that the summer genus is fire, corresponding to the heart of the five viscera. After the summer solstice, the emphasis is on nourishing the heart. Summer heat is often upsetting, and annoyance is hotter, which can affect the function and activity of the human body, resulting in many adverse effects on the spirit. As the saying goes, "the mind is quiet and naturally cool", so we must be good at regulating, meditate more, and eliminate distractions in the mind.

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

After the peach blossoms

One hit of dry heat is better than one hit

More sweat disappeared out of thin air

June, intercept all my noise and restlessness

Moonlight along a bay lotus pond

Back, my most original miss

The lotus leaves in the memory begin to fragrance

The summer solstice | antlers are dissolved, the cicadas begin to chirp, and the summer is born

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