
Exotic wild pet for beginners: tarantulas

Exotic wild pet for beginners: tarantulas

Over the past few years, tarantulas have become popular pets. They are so unique, quiet and require very little space to move. Keeping tarantulas as pets can become a good personal hobby. However, tarantulas are not suitable for animal lovers who prefer to have physical contact with pets. There are many different species of tarantulas, each with a different size and appearance. Knowledge of different species of tarantula is often easy to care for. Because raising different species of tarantulas varies greatly in the environment and methods of rearing, it is important to know the tarantula species for owners who will be breeding or are in the process of raising tarantulas.

Exotic wild pet for beginners: tarantulas

Are tarantulas dangerous creatures?

Tarantulas do bite, and their bites are poisonous. The toxicity of tarantula venom to most species is equivalent to the toxicity of a bee or wasp bite. Usually, when bitten by a spider, it causes localized pain, redness, and swelling. However, after being bitten by a spider, someone will have the same allergic or allergic reactions as after being bitten by a bee, and these reactions can be fatal. In addition, there are spiders with strong venom that are fatal in their bites or deeply poisoned by their victims. So even if you have a spider that is not poisonous enough to be fatal, you also need to avoid being bitten. And the best way to do this is to learn the behavior and temperament of spiders and how to properly raise them. Tarantulas are wild animals and they need to be respected. However, as a rule in nature, most spiders choose to dodge rather than attack.

Another thing worth focusing on in caring for tarantulas is the discovery of special hairs in newly discovered breeds that make people feel irritated and itchy. These tarantulas have an itchy hair on their abdomen that they rub against their abdomen to release when they feel threatened. These tiny hairs can easily enter the skin and cause the victim to feel itchy and irritated. If these tiny hairs get into the eye, they can easily seep into the eye and cause inflammation. So it is important to make sure to keep your eyes out of contact with this hair. Be very careful not to rub your eyes after your body comes into contact with the spider and the spider's cage until your hands are clean. Also do not observe the spider too closely. If you accidentally touch some of these tiny hairs on your hands, you can try gluing off the surface hairs with tape first and washing them with clean water.

Exotic wild pet for beginners: tarantulas

Select a spider:

As mentioned earlier, different species of spiders have different difficulties in raising and caring for them. In general, the best "beginner" tarantulas are those that inhabit the ground or dig up dirt because they move relatively slowly. Here are some of the best options for first-time spider keepers:

Chilean Red Rose Spider (Grammostola rosea)

Costa Rican zebra foot spider (Aphonoplema seemani)

Mexican Red-Knee Spider (Brachypelma smithi)

Mexican red-footed spider (Brachypelma emilia)

Mexican golden-backed spider (Aphonopelma chalcodes)

Honduran curly spider (Brachypelma albopilosum)

Exotic wild pet for beginners: tarantulas

As pet companions, female spiders are usually a better choice for the simple reason that females live longer than males. A female Chilean red rose spider is expected to live to more than 20 years, while males of either breed are unlikely to survive more than a few years. In most cases, the dealer will guarantee the sex of the spider. But in any case, the male spends a lot of time figuring out how to get out of bondage in search of the female.

When you choose a spider, avoid those that curl their feet under their bodies and those that have no water in their cages. Try to figure out the scientific name of the spider you want to buy in order to get the most reliable breeding care information, as well as to understand its sex and age.

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