
What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

author:Jellyfish world
What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

Believe it or not, jellyfish have their own personality too!

- Jellyfish Jun

Hello everyone! Jellyfish Jun, who has a "humorous and interesting soul", always says that it is necessary to increase the interest and hotness of popular science content, so as to attract more people to pay attention to jellyfish, understand jellyfish, and fall in love with jellyfish.

I heard that checking the horoscope before going out every day has really become the spiritual need of many young people, so today I will talk hard about the topic of jellyfish + constellations, such as which kind of twelve constellations will be transformed into jellyfish?

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish</h1>

Aries is an energetic and energetic sign. Like Akatsuki jellyfish swimming around with their little tails, they like to "rampage", but there is no lethality in their innocent personalities, so don't worry too much. People born in this zodiac sign can be seen as a child who will always have the heart of a child, no matter what his age!

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Taurus = sea gooseberry</h1>

Contrary to Aries, Taurus always does things slowly and methodically, a picture of not being impatient. Everything is always considered and then filtered, which belongs to the late formation of large instruments, and the emotions are also relatively late. Taurus people are mostly stubborn, greedy and money-loving. Calm and rational, they have a very clear idea of doing things, and they can withstand their temperament, like to seize a glimmer of opportunity in the development of the situation, and do not rush to win the situation and win.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

Like two "flytrap paper" tentacles hanging in the seawater, quietly waiting for the prey to be hooked, when the prey touches the tentacles, they will quickly turn over and shrink their heads, taking food into their mouths.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish</h1>

Gemini is a fast-changing constellation, eccentric, lively, like to pursue freshness, is not patient enough, often do things are three minutes of heat, difficult to adhere to. Gemini people are particularly conspicuous in the crowd, and they seem to have a different magic power that can attract you at a glance.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

Just like the cheerful and lively Australian spotted jellyfish, there are white spots on the surface of the umbrella body, the umbrella body is crystal clear, the swimming posture is graceful, and the body will emit a faint light, which is dreamlike and particularly charming when swimming in groups.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Cancer = alarm jellyfish</h1>

Cancer is in great need of a sign of love and stability. They value family, are loyal to love and friendship, and will give willingly for what they love, but their natural suspicious personality makes them appear insecure everywhere in the journey of life. Especially in love, they always close themselves under the "hard shell", although they want to fall in love, but as long as someone is close, they will take out their own sharp tongs, which also makes it difficult for many people to approach them even if they like Cancer. Just like the alarm jellyfish, when attacked, it emits a blue streaked flash.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Leo = crown jellyfish</h1>

Leo, as the king of the twelve zodiac signs, has an unparalleled aristocratic atmosphere and kingly demeanor. The only one worthy of the king's style is the crown jellyfish. The lion is the king of the forest, and naturally likes to call friends and companions, and some can't stand loneliness. They have momentum, although they are thick and leafy, but they are also quite popular for people. Under the crown jellyfish umbrella, three symbiotic small fish are also often found, swimming freely in the curls, looking like a warm home.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Virgo = monk hat jellyfish</h1>

Virgo people pursue perfection, pay attention to order, pay attention to details, do things meticulously, be cautious and organized, have a strong critical spirit, do not like to give up halfway, have a set of detailed plans for everything, and then implement step by step and fully grasp, do everything is very engaged, is an excellent staff talent and workaholic. Like the monk's hat jellyfish, each member is divided into a division of labor, some are responsible for navigation, some are responsible for predation, some are responsible for eating, and some are only responsible for breeding offspring.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

In addition, the Virgo tongue index and the lethality of the virtuosity of the monk's hat jellyfish are also quite matched. Killing for only 30 seconds, they are a hundred times more venomous than cobras!

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Libra = purple jellyfish</h1>

Libras are elegant and noble, and have a unique charm. They have a natural diplomatic ability, love beauty and harmony, are kind and gentle by nature, considerate and compassionate, and have excellent understanding, artistic appreciation and creative talent. No matter where they go, they will always be the focus of the crowd and will always attract everyone's attention.

The purple sea thorn perfectly interprets the elegance and nobility of Libra, the innate goddess style, noble, cold and arrogant. Their juvenile pale pink is the shyness of facing the strangeness of this world, and the purple of adulthood is the charm of reading the cold and warm life.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Scorpio = compass jellyfish</h1>

Scorpio is the most mysterious and suspicious of the twelve zodiac signs. They can be very persistent, they can destroy everything, they are black and white in the country of love, there is no gray area, they are quite clear about their goals, and once established, they rush forward. Another point is that they are very vengeful, so don't mess with them, as long as you provoke them, then your future life will not be very good.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

This kind of purposefulness is easily associated with compass jellyfish, which have poisonous thorns on their tentacles, and people will be painful and abnormal after being stung, and will leave permanent scars.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Sagittarius = sail jellyfish</h1>

Sagittarius people advocate freedom, unrestrained and speed-seeking feelings, are optimistic and enthusiastic, and are hedonistic. They are dashing and aggressive hunters, looking everywhere for prey, as long as it is fun, delicious, and stimulating, his arrows will shoot fast and urgently. Therefore, it is always difficult for them to settle down, like an arrow that is lit with fire, and when it is shot there, it will burn there, and it will come and go quickly. Whenever they felt the pressure of being bound, they fled faster than anyone, the fastest of the twelve constellations.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

The debauchery and freedom-loving appearance is like the sailor who sails with the wind on the sea, the sail jellyfish, following the ocean current, going downwind, using the hard triangular "sail" to find food.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Capricorn = inverted jellyfish</h1>

Capricorns are mature and stable, good at thinking, and planning and moving. Although they have always given people the impression of being dull, they generally do not play tricks, whether in career or love, they also win with this down-to-earth and conservative temperament.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

Click to see &gt;&gt; handshade jellyfish detailed description and how to raise them?

Like handstand jellyfish, they always have the top of the umbrella under and the tentacles on top. Only when moving will the tentacles return to the downward direction, but they do not move very often, properly a philosopher of inverted thinking.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Aquarius = Abyss Jellyfish</h1>

Aquarius is the most individual of the twelve zodiac signs, they are quick-witted, uninhibited, and have unique ideas. Maverick Aquarius, they are full of mystery, and many times, Aquarius is very controversial, no one can see through their inner thoughts, let alone predict the next second of the bottle's actions, even the closest people, the most understanding people, can not see through the heart of Aquarius.

In the big jellyfish family, the one most similar to it is the one who is not the Jellyfish. It is a shapeshifter in the depths of the sea, with a strange shape, no tentacles, and an uncertain shape when floating. It can change from a funky lava lamp that illuminates the deep sea to a ghostly Halloween ghost shrouded in dark depths. It can also turn into a plastic bag floating aimlessly in the water, and just as you wait for it to settle down for further observation, its shape begins to melt and deform again, a fascinating and unbelievable process.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Pisces = sea moon jellyfish</h1>

Pisces amorous romantic love fantasy, love to dream. They are gentle and kind, understanding, honest and charming, not hurtful, soft at heart, compassionate and like to help others, and are relatively gentle and harmless signs. Once Pisces people fall in love, they will give wholeheartedly, and even sacrifice themselves. It is easy to think of the sea moon jellyfish and its beautiful love legends.

What kind of zodiac sign will it be to become a jellyfish? Virgo is actually a monk hat jellyfish, highly toxic Aries = Akatsuki jellyfish Taurus = sea gooseberry Gemini = Australian spotted jellyfish Cancer = alarm jellyfish Leo = crown jellyfish Virgo = monk hat jellyfish Libra = purple jellyfish Scorpio = compass jellyfish Sagittarius = sail jellyfish Capricorn = inverted jellyfish Aquarius = Abyssal Jellyfish Pisces = sea moon jellyfish

There is such a poignant legend. Long ago, Earth had two moons, the Moon and Zeus, which together protected Earth from meteorites. After countless defensive battles, they fell in love with each other. Suddenly, one day, a huge meteorite crashed into the earth, and a tragedy was about to happen. Zeus did not want to see the lives of the earth destroyed, and did not want his partner to be harmed, so he risked his life to intercept the meteorite, and eventually disappeared with the meteorite. The Earth and the Moon are in danger. The moon wept bitterly for this, and the tears dripped into the sea and transformed into a sea moon jellyfish, symbolizing the deep longing for her lover.

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