
Floating monk hat jellyfish

author:Red coral with blue aquatic weed

Blue earth

8, floating monk hat jellyfish

The monk's hat jellyfish float in the sea, floating on the bottom of the sea and also floating on the surface of the sea. It has long, gushing whiskers, transparent whiskers that touch the waves. It was as if countless violets were opening up on the vast expanse of land, and the open jellyfish were clothes that floated in waves. Its light body is a huge floating sac, and the lilac floating sac is its light sail. The sea breeze blows the sails, and the sails sway with the wind. Ripples in the darkness ripple in the sea. The floating purple jellyfish poisons everything vividly with its toxins. The purple monk-hat jellyfish poisons innocent fish and shrimp with poisonous tentacles. At the surface of the sea is also at the bottom of the sea. Beautiful jellyfish have toxic beauty. In the Mediterranean also in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Gulf of Finland also on the southern coast of Cape Town. Poisonous beauty flutters with the wind, flutters in the sea and drifts in the darkness. Darkness descended on the night, and the sea was still blue. The monk's hat jellyfish is a purple toxin in the blue sea. Poisonous jellyfish are light clothes with waves. The innocent victim mistook it for a blue aquatic weed, dancing peacefully among its poisonous whiskers. The purple jellyfish had no tears, it chased the innocent victims of the summer. Chasing at the bottom of the sea is also chasing on the surface of the sea, in the sun and in the dark. On the southern shore of Cape Town is also in the Gulf of Finland, and in the Atlantic Ocean is also in the Mediterranean Sea. Gaze at everything that comes alive in the summer with a gloomy purple. Grumbling purple eyes without tears. Floating tentacles follow the floating sails. Float on the ocean floor and float on the surface of the water. Floating jellyfish are floating beauty. Floating waiting for the innocent to rest innocently. Its long tentacles stretch lightly. The stretched jellyfish seemed to flash the bright eyes of long eyelashes. Purple jellyfish is not a blue aquatic weed. The floating bright eyes are like purple clouds floating in the air, watching all the bright and vivid summer. The floating monk's hat jellyfish stretches its purple whiskers and floats on the seabed. Wait with floating beauty for the innocence of the victims.

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