
Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters

author:Calligraphy code

Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional and simplified characters

In principle, a character should have only one form, and there is no need for more than two ways to write it. However, Chinese characters are a script with a history of thousands of years, and there are many people who use Chinese characters, and in the process of the development of Chinese characters, some characters appear to have more than two ways of writing, which is very natural. Ancient books often see words with different shapes. Now that Chinese characters have been simplified, the shape of the characters has been unified, which has brought great convenience to the masses of people in studying culture. For the average person, it is enough to master the simplified Chinese characters; However, for those of us who study ancient Chinese, if we only master the simplified characters with uniform forms that are now common, but do not understand those characters with different forms, we will encounter many difficulties when reading ancient books.

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Characters of different shapes can be divided into three categories: 1. ancient and modern characters; 2. variant characters; 3. traditional and simplified characters. This is described below.

1. Ancient and modern characters

In antiquity, especially in the pre-Qin era, the number of Chinese characters was much smaller than in later generations. Xu Shen's "Saying Wen Jie Zi" only contains 9,353 characters, many of which are rare characters, and there are actually only three or four thousand commonly used characters. For example, the Four Books ("University", "Middle Mean", "Analects", "Mencius") only use a total of 4466 words. The "Guangyun" edited by the Song Dynasty received 26,194 characters, and the "Kangxi Dictionary" written in the Qing Dynasty received 47,035 characters, which does not mean that the Song Dynasty and Qing Dynasty used several times more Chinese characters than the Han Dynasty, in fact, the general use of Chinese characters in various eras is likely to have been around five or six thousand. There are three reasons for the increase in Chinese characters: (1) new characters are constantly produced to meet the needs of social development; (2) words that have gradually declined in various eras are still preserved in dictionaries; (3) There are many "part-time" phenomena in ancient Chinese characters, and future generations are constantly differentiating. For example, the word "開" has the meaning of the characters for avoidance, 開, secluded, qiao, and 萬 of later generations:

Bounce people from the stage, and watch it open the pill also. (2nd year of Zuo Chuanxuan Gong)

(Later written avoided.) )

If you want to open up the land, you will go to Qin and Chu, go to China, and Fu Siyi. (Mencius Liang Hui Wang Shang)

(Later written as pie (Note: now "開" is simplified to "開". )。 )

Without perseverance, let go of evil and extravagance, everything is enough. (Ibid.)

(Later written secluded.) )

Friendly and soft, friendly and soft, friendly and detrimental. (Analect Ji)

(Later written as Joe.) )

The way of a gentleman, as far as traveling, will be self-defeating; If you ascend to the heights, you will be inferior. (Moderation)

(Later wrote.) )

Let's take two more words: there is no word "debt" in the "Saying Wen", which is not equivalent to saying that there was no concept of "debt" in ancient times, and this concept was represented by the word "responsibility" at that time (see "Warring States Policy Qize"). There is the word "she" in the "Saying Wen", but there is no word for "she" in the Thirteen Classics, which does not mean that there was no concept of "she" in the pre-Qin dynasty, which was represented by the character "she" at that time (see the 30th year of the Duke of Wugong in the Zuo Chuan).

From this point of view, "responsibility" and "sacrifice" are relatively old words, and "debt" and "sacrifice" are relatively late words. We can call "debt", "sheshe", etc. ancient and modern characters (Note: now "she" is simplified to "she"). )。 However, let us not misunderstand that the words "responsibility" and "sacrifice" have been abolished, and their functions have been completely replaced by the words "debt" and "sacrifice". It should be understood that the transfer of "responsibility" and "house" to "debt" and "household" is only one of the several positions they hold, and they have other duties (responsibilities, premises, etc.) that have not been relieved.

There are many ancient and modern characters, so let's give some more examples (ancient characters first, present characters later, and modern characters are not found in group A of "Saying Wen", and are found in group B of "Saying Wen") as follows:

a. The eldest wife, the younger brother, the idle room, the joy, the realm, the team falling, Tu Tu, the obituary, Feng Ping, Jia Price, the subordinate is tired of food, the county is suspended, and the Chen array is suspenseful

b. Confession, avoidance, knowledge, faint marriage, Tian Bi, Qi Qian, anti-return, wrong measures, roll up corpses

(Note: "悌", "realm", "falling", "painting", "price", etc. are new appendices to the "Saying".) Xu Shen's 540 books of "Saying Wen Jie Zi" collected a total of 9,353 words, and 1,163 words were rewritten. Xu Xuan and others of the Song Dynasty revised the "Saying Wen" and added more than 400 characters, which were attached to the relevant departments, most of which were "classics handed down and written and used in the current and popular ways, but the "Saying Wen" did not contain them." This is the so-called new appendix. )

Ordinary people often measure the characters in ancient books by the characters they are accustomed to in later lives, thinking that the second character in the above two groups is the "orthography" or "original character". For example, people always think that there is a "Yue" character as the original character first, but often write a "say" character to replace it. This is a misconception. Since there is a original word "Yue" first, why is it not used in the ancient scriptures, but instead written as the word "say"? A reasonable explanation can only be: there was no word "Yue" in ancient times. Some books in the Warring States period (such as "Zhuangzi") used both "say" and "Yue", which may have been changed by later generations; The word "Yue" is missing from the scripture because later generations think it is a "scripture" and dare not change it, so it remains as it is. Mencius has the word "Yue" because Mencius was not honored as a scripture until the Song Dynasty. Xu Shen's "Saying Wen" did not accept the word "Yue", which shows that the word "Yue" in Xu Shen's era has either not yet been produced or produced, but because it is a "common word", it has not been received. All the (category A) that is not accepted by the "Sayings" is recognized by philologists as a later character (present-day character), and there is no problem with this. However, due to superstition in the "Saying Wen", the former philologists not only did not dare to think that the characters (category B) included in the "Saying Wen" not only did not dare to think of them as later characters, but instead thought that they were original characters, and at the same time believed that the first character was a pseudo-loanword. For example, the character "she", Zhu Junsheng said in "Saying Wen Tongxun Dingsheng" that it is pretended to be "she"; And under the word "She" it says: "The scriptures are all given up." Since "all are given up", it can be seen that "she" is the original word, and "she" is obviously the last word. Another example is the word "taste", which is originally from the shape of the will and the sound of the sound, with the will as the meaning, the meaning of the will is sweet, and the sweet will is delicious, so the "taste" under the word "taste" in the "Saying Wen" says "taste also". And because the word "taste" is often used as the "taste" of "how to taste" and "not tasted", people have added a character "mouth" next to the word "taste" to indicate the "taste" of "taste". If you don't understand this situation, you will misunderstand the use of "untasted soup". In fact, the history of the word "pharynx" is very short, so the general dictionary does not include it, and recently the Chinese character has been simplified and simplified again. It can be seen from this that many of the so-called "original characters" are actually late-start characters.

Our attitude towards ancient and modern characters should be: (1) understand the relationship between ancient and modern characters, so as to grasp the meaning of ancient books; (2) Acknowledge the fact of the development of writing, and do not be too old and present. In the past, some literati wrote exclusively "original characters" and did not write the latter characters, which is not worth advocating.

2. Variant characters

The difference between variant characters and ancient and modern characters is that two (or more) characters have exactly the same meaning and can be substituted for each other in any case.

In ancient times, it was inevitable that the same word would create two or more words to represent. For example:

Abandon the Falcon Chicken Worm Sting Zhao Zhi T

In the past, philologists divided variant characters into orthographic, variant, and "vulgar" characters according to the "Saying Wen". What is contained in the Sayings is considered to be orthodox; What is not contained in the Sayings is considered a variant or "vulgar style". This distinction is often arbitrary.

There are several cases of variant characters:

First, the difference between knowing the meaning of the word and the shape and sound of the word. For example, "tear" is a meaning word, and "tear" is a form sound character; "Rock" is a knowing character, and "rock" is a form sound character.

Second, change the meaning of similar meanings. For example, from the "edict" of the sound of the beam to the "sing" of the sound of the force. From the "sigh" of owed, it has become the "sigh" from the mouth. From the "hakama" of Ito, it became the "hakama" of clothing.

Third, change the sound notes with similar sounds. For example, the "line" gets its sound from the lick, but the "line" gets its sound from the spring. "Hakama" was changed from boasting to kudesheng.

Fourth, change the position of each ingredient. Some change the position of sound symbols and symbols, such as "shame", "harmony", "goose and goose", etc. Some just change the way the sound or meaning is written, such as "flower" and "芲".

One thing worth noting: some variant characters were originally completely synonymous, but later there was a division of labor. For example, the "oracle parable" was used in both the pre-Qin and Han dynasties:

A gentleman is metaphorically righteous, and a villain is metaphorically profitable. (Analect Riren)

Widow's Decree! (Warring States Policy Wei Ze)

It is to make people and Qin officials hang in the county and township, and warn them. (Shiji Gaozu Benji)

The king is warlike, please use the metaphor of war. (Mencius Liang Hui Wang Shang)

Yi chased after the wounded, because of his own self-confession. (Hanshu Jia Yi Biography)

The "metaphor" and "oracle" in the first three examples are both the meaning of understanding and knowing the oracle, and the "metaphor" and "oracle" in the latter two examples are both figurative meanings. It can be seen that these two words are common. But in later generations, the "edicts" of "edicts" and "oracles" could not be written as "metaphors", and the "metaphors" of "parables" could not be written as "edicts". It turned out to be a variant type, and later it was not a variant type.

There are three cases that cannot be considered variants:

First, some characters, although similar in meaning and pronounced the same by later generations, cannot be treated as variants. For example, "寘" and "置", in terms of the meaning of "placement", the two are connected, but "place" has some other meanings that "寘" does not have, and the ancient sounds of these two characters are also different, so "寘" and "置" are not variant characters. In the same case, there are some words, such as "寔" and "實".

Second, some characters, the relationship between them is complex and complex, there are similarities and there are incomprehensions, and they cannot be regarded as variants. For example, "carving", "彫", "withering", the original meaning of carving is the name of the bird (also written carving), the original meaning of 彫 is 彫琢, painting ornament, and the original meaning of withering is withering and withering. In the Sayings, they are divided into three words. Because they are homophones, they are often used in a sense. Take carving, the Yan of Yan can be written as carving, "Zuo Chuan" Xuan Gong 2nd year: "Thick to the wall", one book for carving. Yan Zhuo's Yan often wrote carvings, such as "Wen Xin Carving Dragon" and "Carving Worm Skills". As for the meaning of withering, in ancient times there were also writings of carvings, such as "Chinese Zhou Yu": "The people's strength is exhausted", but later it was not universal. Take the character Yan, it used to be used to be used with the withering and withering, "Analects Zihan": "Years of cold and then know the pine and cypress after withering", a book of Yan; "Xunzi Zidao": "Therefore, hard work can not lose its respect", he wrote Yan; But descendants are rarely so versatile. Take the character wither, its meaning is the narrowest, only means withering, withering, can not mean carving, ornamentation. And neither wither nor yan can represent the carving of a bird. From this point of view, the relationship between these three characters is very complicated, they are not variant characters. Others like swimming and swimming, Xiu and Xuan are like this.

Third, some characters are conditionally common and cannot be considered variants. For example, "death" and "nothing" are connected, and the Analects of Yongye: "Now you will die" (there is no more today). But not all places with "nothing" can be replaced with "dead". Later, this usage was limited to a few fixed forms such as "death he" and "death worry". Another example is "渽" and "酤", which are common in the sense of buying or selling wine, and seem to be like variant characters, but the object of the cake can only be wine, and the object of selling can be wine, jade, or something else. The meaning is wide and narrow, and strictly speaking, this cannot be considered a variant word.

3. Traditional and simplified characters

Simplified characters date back to the Oracle era. There are many simplified characters used by folk in the Han Dynasty; During the Northern Wei era, garbled characters had been simplified to chaos, the same as the simplified characters published now; Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, simplified characters have further developed among the broad masses of the people. Most of the simplified characters commonly used in China today have been handed down from generation to generation.

When we learn ancient Chinese, we must master both simplified and traditional characters; Because most ancient books use traditional characters. When learning traditional characters, pay attention to three relationships between traditional characters and simplified characters:

First, the vast majority of simplified characters have a one-to-one relationship with traditional characters, and we just need to memorize traditional characters. For example:

Love: Love: Strike: Reach: Delivery: Alum Delivery

Cocoon: 繭 籴: 糴 Stealing: Stealing Stove: 竈 Affiliation: 隸 Dung: Feces

Only a few are one-to-two, one-to-three, or one-to-four relationships. For example:

When: When when exhausted: exhausted Altar: Altar

Dry stem and stem system platform: platform platform platform

Second, some simplified characters can be found in ancient books. Some of them are native characters, and some are variant or generic characters. For example:

She: 捨 Ancient and modern characters.

Recommendation: 薦 Gu Universal.

Kwa: Ancient and universal.

踊: 踴 ancient universal.

Initiation: Initiation The book of initiation that is opened.

Net: Internet is the original word for net.

Qi: Qi is the original qi, and the food is the qi.

rite: rite archaic variant.

Grain: grain variant characters.

Understanding these relationships, we can know that these characters already existed in ancient times, and today they are simplified, but those with fewer strokes are selected and those with more strokes are abandoned. We must not think that the current word "She" should be "She" in ancient times, and the current word "recommend" should be "recommend" in ancient times. In this way, it is a mistake.

Third, some simplified and traditional characters are originally irrelevant in meaning, or obviously different, simply because they are homonymous, the simpler stroke is used when simplifying. That is to say, in the ancient book, there were originally two separate words (or three words), but after simplification, they were mixed into one. This situation is most noteworthy. If you interpret the ancient book in the same meaning that is now represented by simplified characters, misunderstanding will occur. Let me give some examples to illustrate each of them.

(1) Later Later In a few ancient books of the pre-Qin dynasty, "later" was used as "after" and "after", but it was not common, and descendants generally no longer used it. As for the meaning of "monarch" and "empress", it must not be written as "queen". "His Majesty Mencius Liang Hui": "The book is: 'After me, later Su'!" The word "after" both refers to SenseTime. The "hou" in the 32nd year of the "Zuo Chuan" "Xia Hou Huang's Tomb" also refers to Jun, and these "hou" characters must not be written as "hou".

(2) Suitability In ancient Chinese, "suitable" and "suitable" are fundamentally different two words. "適" sounds kuò, 適音 shì. "Analects and Constitutional Questions": "Nangong is suitable for Confucius..." Here "suitable" is not the word "suitable". There was someone called Hong Shi in the Song Dynasty. If you don't know the difference between this kind of place and "suitable", you will be mistaken.

(3) Expropriation In ancient Chinese, these two words were by no means confused except that they were sometimes the same in the sense of levying (taxation). "Conscription" means travel (specifically referring to serving abroad) and conscription. Evidence is verification, sign, requisition, solicitation; It is again one of the five tones in music (read zhǐ when used in this sense). Like the "zheng" in "Xia Liwu can say, qi is not enough to sign" in the Analects of the Eight Boys, it must not be written as "zheng"; The "zheng" of "for the voice of change" in "Warring States Policy Yan Ce" must not be replaced by "zheng". Conversely, the "zheng" in the fourth year of the "Zuo Chuan" "King Zhao's southern expedition and no return" cannot be changed to "zheng"; The "Zhengfu" of "Zhou Yi" cannot be written as "Zhengfu".

(4) Yu Yu "Yu" is a first-person pronoun, and "Yu" is the meaning of remaining. In ancient books, if both characters are written as "Yu", or both are written as "Yu", many words will be inexplicable. For example, the "Yu" in Qu Yuan's "Leaving the Sorrow" in "Servant Sorrow Yuma Huaixi", if it is replaced with "Yu", "Yuma" will not work; Du Fu's poem "Call out the cup of Yu through the fence", if you replace "Yu" with "Yu", it becomes "Do my cup".

There are many such cases, and we can only cite just one of them. In short, when we study ancient Chinese, only by understanding this separation between simplified and traditional characters can we effectively master them and correctly understand ancient works.

——From Wang Li, Ancient Chinese

Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters

For scholars of ancient Chinese and ancient Chinese culture, it is also often necessary to convert simplified characters into traditional characters. The vast majority of simplified characters correspond one-to-one with traditional characters, but there are also some simplified characters that are not simple one-to-one correspondence with traditional characters, because some traditional characters are simplified by borrowing another ready-made homophone with fewer strokes, or several traditional characters are combined to simplify into one simplified character.

People who have not systematically learned traditional characters often do not understand these situations, thinking that as long as there are many strokes, they must be the corresponding traditional characters, so they make mistakes when changing from simple to complex, such as changing "queen" to "queen", "permission" to "permit", and "haircut" to "haircut", making jokes that do not know how to pretend to understand.

Traditional, variant, ancient and modern character usage

● And, and, merge: - Ancient times were not universal at all. And, merger is synonymous, the meaning of "merger" is written merger, merger, not written and; The meaning of "together" is written side by side; Rarely written and merged; The meaning of "leaning" is only written and; The meaning of "abandonment" is only written and merged.

●"for" is uniformly replaced with "for", and 簲 is an archaic variant.

● Cai, 纔: "talent" means, use talent; The meaning of "just", "fangcai", and "just" is used in cho.

● Picking, picking, sleeping, 埰, 棌: the meaning of "picking" is written and adopted; The meaning of "Qing Dafu is sealed land" is written as 寀, 埰 Example words: 寀地, 寀邑; The meaning of "oak tree", also known as "quercus tree", is written as 棌. Example words: rafters.

● color, 綵:——Ancient is two words; Silk is only used for colored silk fabrics; "Color", "brilliance" with color.

● copying, banknotes, and 杪: "plunder", "copying" means copying; "End", "last" means banknotes (杪), read miao3 example words: teach in banknotes;

● Shen, Shen: Shen ancient writing Shen, but Shen submerged general writing sinking.

●Chong, 衝:——In ancient times, it was two words: emptiness, modesty, and youthfulness means to use rush (沖). Example words: Big Ying Ruochong; humility and thrift; Fang Nian Chong's appearance... Traffic artery, impact, direction, opposite. Example words: the rush of the world; Impact; The first rush to the south is to rush, rush, rush, and rush.

●Ugly, ugly: "Earth branch" is ugly, sub ugly; Ugly, disgusting, harlequins, etc. are used ugly, ugly, ugly.

●Qiu and 讎: use hatred for place names and surnames; Hatred and enemies can be revenge, revenge, and counsel.

●斗, 鬥 (鬦, 鬭): ancient wine container, capacity unit, star name bucket, example: Big Dipper, car load bucket, pipe, bucket, funnel; Fighting, fighting: bullfighter, witty fighting.

● Er (戹), 阨, yoke (軛): - In ancient times, it was three words, ear, hardship, and bad luck; obstruction, dangerous terrain, narrow-mindedness and other general writing; Yoke (軛), an instrument drawn by oxen carriages around the neck.

● Fan, Fan: - In ancient times, it was two characters, and only Fan could be used when making a surname, Fan Zhongdun; 模範、範則用範。

●Feng, Feng: —— Ancient is two words, Feng is generally only used to describe appearance and demeanor, examples: Fengcai, Fengzi, Fengyun, Fengyi; Feng can be used to describe various things, abundant, harvest, abundant.

● Complex, repeat, repeat: complex, with the meaning of "jacket", "complex", "repeat"; Fu, there are "come back, go back", "retaliate", "again, again", "answer", "exempt from taxation"; Covering, with the meaning of "covering", covering, "turning over", "subverting"; The meaning of "mezzanine", "repeating", and the meaning of "turning over" can be written as complex; The meaning of complex cannot be written as a duplicate.

● Dry, dry, dry, and elung: "Heaven and earth branches" with dry; "Offend" and "intervention" use dry , example words: dry ge; "Dry and wet" uses dry examples: dry cup, dry, clean, dry; "Trunk" uses a rhizome Example words: tree birch, bone birch, birch stream; "Talent" uses the following stem examples: talent, work, training, cadre, and backbone.

● Valley, grain: "valley" with valley, surname with valley; "Grain" and "Fenglu" use grain, grain, rice grain.

●Pavilion, Library: "Hotel, Guest House" for Library, Travel, Museum; "Restaurant" for the restaurant.

-- Exhaustion, exhaustion: "end", "apex", "all", exhaustion, for example: as much as possible, perfection, full of gold armor all over the city, dedication, end, use of everything; means to a certain range as the limit, must not be exceeded; Do the work in three days; Wear the old clothes first, and get into the car as much as the old man first; Used in front of words to indicate directions, it means "most", as far north and south as possible.

●Calendar, calendar: calendar: example: history, experience, experience, era, calendar year, calendar in sight; Calendar: Example characters: calendar, almanac, calendar, calendar, celebration of the fourth year of the spring.

●Zhi, zhi: "Ambition" means to use zhi; "Magazines", "Epitaphs" and other words.

-- Rely on and 憑 (凴): Use "relying on" the righteous items, and use the rest of the righteous items. Example words: angry hair rushing to the crown, by the column; With the use of 憑, example words: 憑證, 憑証, 文憑.

●L, Sheng, Sheng: "Capacity name" with liters; "The sun rises" with ascending and rising; "Promotion and promotion" was used before the Tang Dynasty, and after the Tang Dynasty, the use of Sheng.

●Wan, Wan: compound surname "万俟" (mo qi) written as wan; Others are written as ten thousand, example: ten thousand words, kaleidoscope.

● Department, Department, Connection: The meaning of "lineage" and "system" General writing department, agricultural system, history department; In the sense of "association" and "connection", general writing is a system and connection, such as maintenance, a system, etc., and the system and connection can be universal; However, if the water is "tied" up from the well, tied and tied, such as a horse, for internment, and for prison, it cannot be used universally, but can only be used; "Yes" is said as "yes" in written language, and if Lu Xun is from Zhejiang and is indeed the truth, it cannot be used universally.

● Swimming, swimming: All activities related to water can generally only be used swimming; For land activities, swimming and traveling can be universal. Sightseeing and tourism should be used.

●Yu, Yu: can only be used as a surname; The Book of Poetry, the Book of Shang, and the Book of Zhou Yi are mostly used for , and other books are mostly used for . The verb prefix is used for , and the interjection is used , not to be mixed. Examples: about, belonging, blue, helpful, lighter than hair, easy to understand.


●余、裕: means the first-person surplus, means leftover, amateur, etc., surplus, hobby, surplus, forgiveness.

●Yu, Yu: Yu, with a literary appearance / Clouds, a strong vapor, depressed; Denched, overgrown, luxuriant/melancholy, depressed, lush; When making a personal name, such as Li Yuzhou, use Yu instead of depression; Only Yu is used as a surname.

●札、劄: 札, small pieces of wood for letters and writing; 劄, a document for the central organs of the Song Dynasty to issue instructions.

●Production, production: production: production, manufacturing; prohibition, containment; Regulation, formulation; rules and regulations; Imperial orders; Scale; Making: making, manufacturing; tailoring clothes; Writing.

●Bells, bells: bells: wine vessels; Measuring instrument; Amass; Fall in love; Clocks: clocks; A musical instrument, the bell, the bell. Pay attention to the usage in personal names: Zhong Qi, Zhong Ziji, Qian Zhongshu, Zhang Zhonglin.

●Queen, queen: queen and postdoctoral use "queen"; Later, after use.

●Fa (Fa (Fa , Fa ): development, occurrence; Hair.

●蹡、蹟: Variant characters, "跡" is used uniformly in magazines.

●里、寏、里: neighborhood, kilometer, mileage, foreign names and place names with "li" in transliteration; "Li" and "li" are variant characters, and "li" is used uniformly in magazines.

●Salty and salty: use salty when speaking of "all" and "all", such as less long salty collection, salty benefits from it; The year name (Xianheng, Xianfeng) and the place name (Xianning) use salt; Salty for surnames; Indicates salty and light with salt, salty vegetables.

●Yue, 嶽: The surname is 岳, 岳fei; The mountains are mountains.

● Desire, desire: when expressing the meaning of "want", "hope", "need", "will", such as: speak freely, do what the heart wants, bold and meticulous, shaky, mountains and rains are full of wind; To express "desire" is to use desire, such as appetite, sexual desire, possessive desire, and intellectual curiosity.

●溪、谿: are variant characters and can be used interchangeably.

●Board, owner: board, boss.

●Watches and watches: appearance, performance, performance; Watch.

●Blowing, scraping: Scraping, wind.

● Hu, nonsense, nonsense; Beard.

●Shou, shou: mandatory, shou.

● Return, return: return, return, Hui; Convolution.

●Guys, guys: food, housing; Man, gang.

●Ginger, ginger: Jiang Ziya [Note: surname]; Ginger.

● Borrowing, borrowing: borrowing money; Excuses, play with questions.

●grams, chop: kilograms, diligent and diligent; Attack, period.

Sleepiness, hardship, siege; Tiredness, awakening.

●Li, 恕: drip; Kajiang.

●Curtain, curtain: wine curtain [Note: the flag of the old restaurant shop sign]; Curtains of windows, obedience to politics.

●Noodles, noodles: face, surface, back; Noodles, noodles.

● Contempt and contempt: contempt; Slander.

●Qian, Tao: 1,000, Qianqiu Foundation; Swing [Note: Simplified: Swing].

●Autumn, whip: autumn; Swing.

●Pine, Pine: pine tree; Loose, fluffy.

●Salty and salty: salty for all ages; Saltwater;

●Direction, direction: direction, direction; Go ahead.

●御, 禦: 御 (referring to the emperor) driving personal expedition; Resistance.

●Clouds, clouds: Zi Yue Shiyun; Clouds, Yunnan Province.

●Rue, Rue: Rue, all sentient beings; Cymbidium.

●Regards, dedications: tribute, dedication; Delicate.

● Zhu, zhu, vermilion; 硃 [Note: noun, 硃sand].

●Zhu, Zhu: Zhu [Note: Ancient Musical Instruments]; Building, nesting.

● Quasi, quasi: permit, brigadier general, permit; Criteria, aim, standards.

● Restoration: restoration; Open, refined.

● Farewell, goodbye: farewell, others, differences; Awkward.

●Bu, Qi: divination, uncertain future; Radish.

●Species, species: species [Note: surname]; Species origin, farming.

●Insects, bugs, insects: insects, caterpillars; Long worm [Note: The original character for "虺", poisonous snake].

●Party, Party: Party item [Note: surname], Party member.

● Valley, valley: valley, dilemma; Whole grains, rice.

● Rowing, rowing: rowing, rowing; Scratch.

● Several, several: coffee table, almost, several.

●Home, home: family, hometown, scientist; Furniture, furniture.

● According to the evidence: strained; Occupy, stronghold, indignation.

●Papers, papers: reading tens of thousands of papers, test papers; The wind swept away the clouds and rolled up thousands of piles of snow.

●Oh, yes: I can't stand it; Understand, at a glance, not clear; Lookout.

●Tiredness, fatigue, fatigue; Tire; Ropes, crimes, ropes.

●Pu, Pu: Pu Dao, Pu Su, Pu Shi.

● Servant, servant: "Fall forward" means servant, the former servant follows; The meaning of "servant, slave" is used. servant, servant, servant; Ancient officials shoot with servants, with servants.


●Qu, Qu: bending, opera; Wine, koji.

● Dormitory, dormitory: dormitory; Give up, give alms.

● Surgery: Cangshu [Note: Chinese herbal medicine], Baishu [Note: Chinese herbal medicine]; The technology industry has a strong attack and technology.

●Platform, platform, platform: 1. Tiantai [Note: mountain name and place name]; 2. First-person pronouns, star names. Santai, Brother Tai, Taifu Brother Tai, Taijian; 3. Pavilions, stages; 4. Writing desk; 5. Typhoon.

●Husband, wife: husband, brother-in-law, wife; The old term used to refer to the words used for husband's servitude, Che 伕, Huo 伕, and Pick.

●Moss, Moss: moss, moss; garlic and garlic;

●Body, body: body (pronounced stupid) fu [Note: Old refers to the person carrying the coffin]; Physical, athletic, considerate.

●Tu, smear: 1. Tu [Note: water name; surname], Tu Yue [Note: the twelfth month of the lunar calendar], Tu Wu [Note: Water name (see "Shanhai Jing Beishan Jing")]; 2. The meaning of the road is generally painted, which is common with "way"; 3. Creatures smeared, altered, smeared, graffiti, smeared.

● Call, call: long call and short sigh; Appeal, appeal.

●Commission, commission: commission; Hire, servants.

●Folding, folding: folding, breaking; Folding, folding, twisting.

● Conscription, levy: expedition, expedition, conscription, taxation; Levy, pursuit, proof, fulfillment, signs and signs, recruitment, taxation, solicitation, inquiry, symbolism, and characteristics, without levy or disbelief.

●Symptoms, symptoms: symptoms, symptoms [Note: Abdominal lumping] knots.

●Remittance, remittance: convergence, remittance; Convergence, vocabulary, debriefing.

●Su, Su: surname, Su Dongpo; Perilla, Jiangsu, Soviet; Wake up.

●Altars, altars: the Temple of Heaven, the flower bed, the altar, the forum, the sports altar; Pots and jars, pots.

●Regiment, regiment: unity, group, division, regiment member, regiment commander; Soup balls, rice balls.

●Dirty, dirty: dirty; Internal organs, internal organs.

● Only, only a few words, one; But there is.

Attached: 43 cases of easy typos in traditional and simple conversion

On some special occasions, such as calligraphy works, antique buildings, exchanges with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas, historical scenes in film and television works, etc., it is necessary to use certain traditional characters.

For scholars of ancient Chinese and ancient Chinese culture, it is also often necessary to convert simplified characters into traditional characters. The vast majority of simplified characters correspond one-to-one with traditional characters, but there are also some simplified characters that are not simple one-to-one correspondence with traditional characters, because some traditional characters are simplified by borrowing another ready-made homophone with fewer strokes, or several traditional characters are combined to simplify into one simplified character.

People who have not systematically learned traditional characters often do not understand these situations, thinking that as long as there are many strokes, they must be the corresponding traditional characters, so they make mistakes when changing from simple to complex, such as changing "queen" to "queen", "permission" to "permit", and "haircut" to "haircut", making jokes that do not know how to pretend to understand. Here are 43 common examples of traditional and simplified character conversions to remind editors who are not familiar with traditional characters.


1. Back (back, swing)

When pronouncing bēi, the meaning is to carry it with the back, and its corresponding traditional character is "揹", such as "to carry, backpack, backpack, backpack, carry the old man across the river".

All meanings when pronouncing bèi do not correspond to traditional characters, and "back" is the original character, such as "back, back, backlight, leeward, backshadow, recitation, memorization, carrying people (secretly, concealed), ears, backs, backs, mountains and seas".

bǔ、bo (soft)

2. Bu (Bu, 蔔)

There are two meanings when pronouncing bǔ: one is a surname, such as "Bu Guiying"; The second is "divination, divination." When interpreting these two meanings, "Bu" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character.

Only when pronounced bo (softly) in "radish" has the corresponding traditional character "蘿蔔".


3. Cai (才、纔)

When speaking as "ability or referring to a person with certain ability", "cai" is the original word, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "talent, talent

The traditional character corresponding to the following meaning of "talent" is "纔", which means that it has just happened: "She just came, and she didn't care to go up to see you"; Or it means that this was not the case, and now a new situation has emerged: "He said it three times, and I understood what he meant"; Or it means that the number is only small: "There are only a dozen families in this small village"; Or emphasize: "I am the class leader!" Or it means that things are realized late: "You will not enjoy pure blessings until you are old"; Or used in conjunction with "must, only" to indicate a situation that arises for some reason: "Only by persevering to the end can victory be achieved". Only the "talent" in this sense can be converted into "cho".


4. Ugly (ugly, ugly)

It was originally the second character and one of the opera characters in the "Zi Ugly Yin 卯辰巳巳 Wu Shen Youxi Hai" of the Twelve Earth Branches, which was used for words such as "ugly time (1-3 a.m.), ugly year (such as Xin ugly year), ugly cow" and "clown, clown, literary ugly, martial ugly, famous ugly" and other words. These meanings of "ugly" are the original characters, and there is no corresponding traditional character.

The traditional character "醜", which means "ugly, disgusting, and undignified", borrows the homophone "ugly" with few strokes, so only the "ugly" with such meanings as "ugly, scandalous, ugly, ugly, ugly" can be converted into "ugly".


5. Out (out, out)

When used as a measure word for opera passages and scripts, "out" has a corresponding traditional character for "齣", such as "The most wonderful play in "Shajiabang" is "Zhidou"", where "出" can be converted into "齣".

Words such as "out", appear, publish, appear, shoot, attack, sweat, produce, produce, export, mountain, title, famous, sort, perform, produce, contribute, go in, out, perform, produce, contribute, go in", etc. cannot change the word "out" into "齣".


6. Yodo(沱、澱)

This character has two meanings: when speaking as a shallow lake, "dian" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "Haidian District" in Beijing and "Baiyangdian" in Hebei Province.

The corresponding traditional character for "starch, precipitation" is "澱". Someone printed "Haidian District" as "Hailian District" on their business cards, and this is wrong.


7. Dou (斗, fight)

When pronouncing dǒu, "dou" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as the capacity word "合 (gě), rise, bucket, stone (dàn)", the container "dou" used in the old times to measure grain, and the related "doufang, douche, douli, dougao, dougong, cloak, sidecar, star dou, caigao badou, big dipper, douzhuan xingqi" and other words "dou" cannot be written as "fight".

It can only be written as "fight" when it is read dòu and solved in the sense of "struggle, fighting, competition", such words include "struggle, fighting method, cockfighting, bullfighting, brawl, fighting spirit, fighting spirit, fighting wit, fighting mouth, fighting heart, fighting eye, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, wrestling, fighting in the open and dark" and so on. The eliminated variant of "鬥" also includes "閗、闘、鬭".


8. Evil (evil, evil)

When pronounced è and wù, the corresponding traditional characters are "evil", such as "evil person, bully, villain, evil feeling, deterioration, evil, evil disease, evil fruit, demon, vice, evil, malignant, evil, malicious, mischievous, evil words hurtful people, evil full of evil, vicious, evil,

When pronouncing ě, the corresponding traditional character is "惡" or "噁", such as "disgusting".


9. Fa (發, FA)

The corresponding words for "hair" include "develop, start, discover, invent, get rich, go crazy, publish, disease, issue, face, payroll, developed, germinate, launch, generate, fire, worry, start, release, release, tremble, launch, issue, trigger, distribute, distribute, exert, set off, vigorous, angry and strong" and so on.

"髮" corresponds to hair-related words such as "hair, long hair, short hair, hairstyle, mane hair, baldness, hairdressing, haircut, hairpin, hairpin (qiǎ), finger, hair oil, hair wax, hair milk, hair style, hair wife, hair small (childhood friend), hair salon, wig, hair dye", etc. Some small shops write "beauty salon" as "beauty salon" is shameful.


10. Fan (範, 範)

"Fan" is originally a surname character, that is, when the surname is spoken, there is no corresponding traditional character.

The homophone "fan" is borrowed when simplifying the word "fan", so the "fan" in "model, norm, teacher, demonstration, norm, prevention, category, template, scope, example, model, paradigm" can be converted into "fan", as long as you pay attention not to write the surname "fan" as "fan", otherwise the gentleman and miss surnamed fan will have an opinion about you.


11. Fu (復, 複)

There are two traditional characters corresponding to "復": "復" and "複".

"Fu" means "come back, go back, restore, again". The words corresponding to the traditional character "repetition" include "repeat, repetition, reply, reply, reply, reply, restore, revival, restoration, comeback, revenge, copying, resuming, rereading, rereading, revision, replying, resuming work, retro, re-examining, resurrection, reproduction, reproduction, resumption, resumption, repetition, repetition, renewal, Fudan University" and so on.

"Complex" means not single, majority, corresponding to the traditional characters "complex" words include "complex, complex, complex, complex sentence, plural, polyphonic, compound eye, compound leaf, compound surname, complex, compound teaching class, duplex house" and so on.

To convert "complex" into "complex" or "complex", it is necessary to distinguish what its meaning is, and it is impossible to take it for granted. Note that "over" is not related to "complex". The "overturn" of "covering, subverting, and turning the world upside down" cannot be written as "repetition".


12. Dry (dry, dry, dry)

"Stem" has many meanings when pronounced gān: one is the "stem" of "heavenly stem", and related words include "heaven and earth branch, dry branch chronicle"; The second is "offending, disrupting or associated", and related words include "interference, interference, irregularity, interference, interference, interference, interference"; The third is the "shield", such as "gange, gancheng". These meanings of "stem" are the original characters, and there is no corresponding traditional character. The famous swordsmith of the Warring States Wu Kingdom, "gan general", is pronounced as Gānjiāng, and this "gan" also does not correspond to traditional characters.

When "dry" is pronounced gān, it also has the meaning of "dry, less moisture, depleted, white land, empty content, and relatives who are confessed", and the corresponding traditional character for "dry" in these meanings is "dry", and related words are "dry, dry, dry, dry, clean, cheers, dry food, dried vegetables, dried grass, dried fruits, dried batteries, godfather, dry sisters, biscuits, dried meat, dried apricots, old white dried (wine), dried red or dried white (wine), dry sitting for two hours" and so on.

When "dry" is pronounced gàn, the corresponding traditional character is "幹". Common related words include "cadre, competent, officer, general (person with strong working ability), worker, drive, trunk road, trunk line, trunk canal, main stream, trunk, lean and so on.

By the way, the character "qian" is pronounced qián in "qiankun, qianlong" and personal names, and cannot be simplified to "dry".

13. Valley (trough, grain)

"Valley" has three meanings:

One is the narrow passage between two mountains or similar meanings, such as "valley, river valley, deep valley, low valley, trough, valley, valley floor"; The second is a surname, such as "Gu Wenyue". The above two meanings of "valley" do not correspond to traditional characters.

The third refers to food crops, which correspond to the traditional characters for "grain", such as "five grains, rice, grains, millets, ears, chaff, grass, grains, barns, seedlings, bran, and valley rain (solar terms)".


14. After (after, after)

"After" has two meanings:

One is the proper wife of the monarch or emperor, such as "Hou Yi, Three Empresses (referring to Xia Yu, Shang Tang, King Wen of Zhou), Empress, Empress, Empress Dowager, and Empress Concubine". The meaning of "後" does not correspond to traditional characters, and cannot be written as "後".

The second refers to the back in the order of time, orientation, etc., the original word "after" in this sense is "after", and the homophone "after" with fewer strokes is borrowed when simplifying, and the related meaning of words are "back, back head, after, back hand, back head, harem, backyard, reserve, junior, descendant, backup, logistics, back, day after tomorrow, stepmother, offspring, fear, queen, afterlife, after dinner, afterlife, afterlife, after death), after people before and after, thinking before and after" and so on.


15. Hu (Hu, 鬍)

The traditional character for "beard, beard, goatee, beard, beard, rendan beard, razor", etc. is "鬍".

For example, the "Hu" of "Huqin, Erhu, Jinghu, Gaohu, Banhu, Gehu, Hudi, Huma, Hudou, Pepper, Walnut, Carrot, Nonsense, Huxiao", etc. do not correspond to traditional characters.


16. Guy (partner, partner)

Its basic significance is twofold:

One is the meaning related to "food", such as "food, house, husband, bag, and start", which does not correspond to traditional characters.

The second is the meaning related to "majority, cooperation", such as "partnership, accomplice, gang, dispersal, gang, gang, group or gang", and the corresponding traditional character of "partner" in this sense is "partner".

Note that "in" has two meanings. When it means to join a "food group", it can only be written as "joined", such as "he joined the group in the school cafeteria at noon"; When it means joining a certain "officer's gang", it can be written as "joining the gang", such as "Lin Chong was cornered by Gao Fei, and finally went to Liangshan to join the gang". "Buddy" can also be written as "buddy".


17. Acquired (acquired, acquired)

"Gain" has two traditional counterparts: one is "穫" and the other is "get".

"Harvest" is associated with harvesting crops, such as "harvesting".

"Capture" is related to hunting, such as "capture, capture, capture"; The word "gained" that means "gained, gained, known, guilty, benefited, learned, released, rescued, won, awarded, approved" should also be converted to "gained".


18. Several (several, several)

When pronouncing jī, when reading "low table", these meanings of "few" are the original characters, there is no corresponding traditional character, and the related words are "several cases, coffee table, window clear and clear, shu few, near, odds".

When the table is "close", the traditional character for "few" for "almost" corresponds to "few".

When pronounced jǐ, it means "ask how many are there", and the corresponding traditional character for this meaning is "several", geometry, hours, minutes, days, years, points, degrees, severals, several times, geometry, several times, geometry, hours, minutes, minutes, hours, times, geometry, geometry, hours


19. Borrow (borrow, borrow)

"Borrowing" has two meanings: when "temporarily using other people's property and returning it afterwards", "borrow" is the original word, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, borrowing borrowing, borrowing borrowing, borrowing borrowing, borrowing borrowing a knife, borrowing a loan, borrowing a loan, borrowing a knife, borrowing a loan, borrowing a loan, borrowing a loan, borrowing a knife, borrowing a loan

In addition, when "pretending to pretext, using", its corresponding traditional character is "borrow", such as "excuse, borrow, relying on" can be converted into "excuse, excuse, relying on".

Notice that "by" itself has two pronunciations, jiè and jí. When reading jiè as "mat" as "grass", it cannot be simplified to "borrow", and when reading jí as "messy", such as "cup and plate are messy, messy" cannot be simplified to "borrow".


20. Roll (volume, volume)

When pronouncing juǎn, the corresponding traditional character is "捲", which means to roll flat and straight things into a circle, and related words are "curly, cigarette, tape measure, curly hair, curly hair (fà), luggage roll, roll cover, roll (a steamed pasta), tendrils, cabbage, comeback, roll escape, tornado, shrinkage, tongue roll, film, egg roll, cigarette roll, a roll (measure word) paper, roll up the wind and waves, get involved in disputes, roll up the winch, roll up the mat", etc.

When pronouncing juàn, there is no corresponding traditional character, which means a measure word for paper and paper products, and cannot be written as "捲". Related words include "test paper, examination paper, hand-in paper, white paper, case file, closed paper, open paper, marking paper, picture paper, volume, paper (test paper), scroll, frontispiece, volume, file, second volume, open paper is beneficial, hand does not release the paper" and so on.

21. Li (里、诏)

"Li" has two meanings:

The first is "places where many people live, grass-roots organizations of ancient household registration management, and mainland municipal length units", and the meaning of "li" in this regard is the original character, which does not correspond to traditional characters. Related words include "neighborhood, township, hometown, lane, lane, lilong, lizheng (head of ancient grassroots residents' organizations), Hepingli (place name), kilometer, mileage, milestone, eight miles between two villages" and so on. In some countries, the monetary unit "lira" and transliterated foreign names such as "Marie Curie" cannot be written in traditional characters.

The second is "the inner layer of clothing or the reverse side of the textile or within a certain range and a certain container", and the meaning of "li" in this regard corresponds to the traditional character "裏" ("里" is a variant of eliminated). Related words include "inside, clothes, inside, inside, room, inside, courtyard, inner belt (inner tube), inner string, tenderloin, inner hand, inside and outside collusion, inside and outside, inside and outside, here, there, where, inside, house, heart, inside, unknown, inside, noodles, inner three layers, three layers outside, eating in a bowl and looking into the pot" and so on.

liǎo、le (輕声)

22. (the, see)

When reading softly le, "has" is a particle and has no corresponding traditional characters, such as "He drank a cup of tea, read the newspaper for a while, made two phone calls, and then got up and went home."

When reading liǎo, only when it means "clearly know" can it be converted into the corresponding traditional character "瞭", such as "understand, understand things, know as well, and understand at a glance". Note that "瞭 (liào) lookout" can only be written as "lookout", not "lookout".

The other meanings of "以(liǎo)", such as "end, complete, denoting possible and impossible", do not correspond to traditional characters, such as "to get, to be unacceptable, to be great, to be dang, to break, to settle, to settle, to settle the account, to one hundred, not to finish, to have no interest", etc.

Me (softly)

23. Mo (麽)

The traditional counterpart of "?" is "麽". This word is a fictitious word used to suffix certain words, such as "so, then, how, what, how, how, how, or" (this usage used to be written as "end"). "Mo" is sometimes used for meaningless serifs in lyrics, such as "Eryi Erlang Mountain, Gao, Mo Gao".

Note that "?" is written differently than "幺 (yāo)". "Mo" is also pronounced mó, which is used for "幺麽", which is pronounced yāomó, which means "tiny or refers to a villain".


24. Meng (Meng, 矇, 濛, 懞)

This character is more complicated, and there are three pronunciations.

When pronouncing mēng, when the table is deceptive and guessing arbitrarily, the corresponding traditional character is "矇"; When he was in a coma and delirious appearance, he still wrote "Meng".

When reading méng, there are three corresponding traditional characters. First, to describe the rain drops, the corresponding traditional character is "濛"; Second, it describes simplicity and honesty, ignorance and lack of culture, "obscurant, enlightened, enlightened, fa meng, mengguan, mengxue, and mengtong", where the traditional corresponding character for "meng" is "懞"; Third, blindness in the eyes is called "Meng", which corresponds to the traditional character "矇".

There are also four meanings when reading méng that do not correspond to traditional characters, namely: (1) covering, such as "blindfolding, covering the head and face, covering the quilt and sweating"; (2) suffering, such as "being wronged, suffering, dusty, dirt, and suffering"; (3) Indicates receiving benefits from others, such as "courtesy and guidance from you"; (4) Concealment, cover-up, such as "deception, deception, deception, (being kept in the dark)."

When pronouncing měng, there is no corresponding traditional character for "things related to the Mongolian people", such as "Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongolian, Inner Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongolian, Mongolian-Chinese, Mongolian-Mongolian, Mongolian-Chinese, Mongolian-Chinese,


25. Noodles (noodles, noodles)

Except for the meaning of "flour" and "like flour", which correspond to the traditional character "noodles" ("麪" is an obsolete variant character), the other meanings of "面" do not correspond to traditional characters.

Related words that can be converted into "noodles" are: "flour, noodle soup, noodles, noodles, bread, plates, noodles, rolling pins, pasta, batter, noodles, dough, gluten, ground noodles, noodle bags, white noodles, soba noodles, soba noodles, yellow rice noodles, soybean noodles, mung bean noodles, barley noodles, miscellaneous noodles, sticky noodles, hair noodles, dead noodles, cut noodles, hanging noodles, hand-rolled noodles, ramen noodles, skull noodles, soup noodles, marinated noodles, fried sauce noodles, dried noodles, shredded meat noodles, Yangchun noodles, fried noodles, pepper noodles, chalk noodles, Medicine noodles, white noodles (referring to heroin)", the "noodles" in these words can be converted into "noodles".

The meanings of "face" that does not correspond to traditional characters are:

(1) Faces, such as "face, face, face, face

(2) Face-to-face, on-the-spot, and meeting, such as "interview, interview, face-to-face, meeting, meeting, meeting";

(3) the number of meetings, such as "one acquaintance, I have only met him twice";

(4) Oriented, such as "facing the future, facing the wall, and living in the face of the mountain";

(5) the façade of the building, such as "facades, storefronts";

(6) aspects, such as "front, back, back, side, bottom, top, all aspects, alone, all-inclusive";

(7) suffixes of azimuth words, such as "inside, outside, east, south, above, below, right, left, front, back";

(8) The outside of the object, such as "surface, plane, picture, water, ground, sea, mirror, wall, (banquet) table, concave mirror, convex mirror";

(9) The front of clothing or bedding, such as "jacket surface, quilt surface, mattress surface, shoe upper, coat surface";

(10) Geometry refers to figures with length, width but no thickness, such as "point line surface, area, hexahedron", "bevel" in mechanics;

(11) Measure words, such as "two pennants, a mirror, and a gong".

From (1) to (11), the "face" in these senses is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character.


26. Fiber (纴, 纖)

The traditional characters corresponding to "fiber" are "縴" and "纖".

When pronouncing qiàn, the corresponding traditional character is "縴", and related words are "fiber, fiber, rope, hand, baochu pull, back (bēi) fiber".

When pronouncing xiān, the corresponding traditional character is "纖", and related words include "fiber, slender, delicate, delicate, cilia, slim, dusty, small, cellulose, chemical fiber", etc.


27. Qu (曲, 麯)

When reading qū, there are three situations:

(1) It is interpreted as "bending", and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "bend, twist, zigzag, curve, curve, crankshaft, twist, curved pen, paper clip, curvature, curved surface, crank, hockey, right and wrong, curved meaning, curved to the fullest", etc.;

(2) as the surname 解 (Qū), such as "Qu Yunxia". In both cases, the "qu" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character.

(3) The traditional character corresponding to "koji" related to sake brewing is "麯", such as "jiuqu, daqu, xiaoqu, red koji, yellow koji, touqu, kojiu, kojiu, koji, koji (for sake brewing), etc.

When pronouncing qǔ, it is composed of "music", and "qu" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "song, musical song, opera, Kunqu opera, ancient song, xiaoqu (referring to the minor key of folk songs), trilogy, serenade, quyi, music score, qu species (referring to the variety of quyi)", etc.


28. She(she, 捨)

When pronounced shě, it means "to give up" or "to give", corresponding to the traditional character "捨", and related words include "abandonment, porridge, food, sacrifice, reluctance, sacrifice the roots, sacrifice oneself to save others, sacrifice life for righteousness, sacrifice near and far, sacrifice oneself, sacrifice life and forget death, sacrifice one's life to protect a car, sacrifice one's life, sacrifice oneself for justice, give alms, pursue relentlessly, fall in love, difficult to share, difficult to choose" and so on.

When pronounced shè, it means "house" or "relatives who claim to be younger than themselves", "house" is the original character, there is no corresponding traditional characters, related words are "house, dormitory, school house, cold house, chicken house, cow house, pig house, house, brother, sister, nephew, house, house, houseroom". The Buddhist term "relish" is pronounced shèlì.

Lao She's original name was Shu Qingchun, and his character She was obtained by splitting the character "Shu" with his surname, so he pen name Lao She. At that time, the pronunciation of shě "捨" had not yet been simplified to "she", so "Lao She" should be read as "old shè".


29. Su (Su, 囌)

The corresponding traditional character "蘇" has more meanings:

(1) Make "plant names", such as "Suzi, Perilla, White Su";

(2) as a solution for "drooping ornaments", such as "tassels";

(3) Make a solution of "reawakening from a coma", such as "awakening and resuscitation";

(4) as a place name solution (Sū), such as "Jiangsu, Suzhou, northern Jiangsu, southern Jiangsu, Suxiu";

(5) "Soviet, Soviet" solution (Sū), such as "Soviet District, Students Studying in the Soviet Union, China and the Soviet Union", and other transliterated names, such as "Soda, Sudan, Aksu, Sumatra, Sumu (Township of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Pastoral District)";

(6) The surname (Sū), such as "Sansu (referring to Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Zhao)".

When solving "revival from coma", "resuscitation, awakening" can also be written as "recovery, awakening". The "Su" of "噜苏" is traditionally spelled "囌".


30. Taiwan (Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan)

When interpreted as "typhoon (tropical hurricane in the southeast sea of the mainland)", the corresponding traditional character is "颱".

When used in the following senses, the corresponding traditional character is "跺":

(1) A kind of building, such as "steps, observation platforms, viewing platforms, pavilions";

(2) Place the base of the object, such as "wax stand, lampstand, exhibition stand";

(3) A high platform in the classroom or venue that is convenient for hosting, speaking, and performance, as well as things related to performance, such as "podium, stage, rostrum, award platform, line, step, typhoon (referring to stage style), platform entrance, upstage, offstage, turntable";

(4) Buildings like platforms, such as "well platforms, window sills, stoves, balconies, platforms, platforms";

(5) measure words, such as "a tractor, a rotary bed, a song and dance show, three women and a play";

(6) Abbreviated as Taiwan, such as "Taiwan Strait Region, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Taiwan Compatriots, Taiwan Businessmen, Taiwan Capital";

(7) Furniture and utensils with a large flat surface, such as "writing desk, dresser, counter, operating table, billiards, tabletop, calendar, lamp", this meaning of "table" can also be written as "table".

Note: When used to honorific each other, such as "brother tai, taifu, taiqi, taijian", "tai" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character.


31. Altar (altar, 罎)

When this character is used as Tutai, Gaotai and their related meanings, its corresponding traditional character is "凇". For example, "Temple of Heaven, Temple of Earth, Temple of Sun, Temple of Moon, Altar of Sheji, Altar of Xiannong, Altar of Altar, Flower Bed, Chess Altar, Table Tennis Altar, Forum, Film Altar, Pulpit" and so on.

When "altar" is used as a ceramic pottery meaning, its corresponding traditional character is "罎". Such as "jar, wine jar, vinegar jar, altar jar".


32. Tuan (regiment, 糰)

When the meaning is related to noodle food, its corresponding traditional character is "糰", such as "dumplings, vegetable dumplings, dough balls, hemp balls, soup balls, dough flour (starch)" and so on.

The corresponding traditional characters in other meanings are "regiment", such as "tuan fan, tuan yu, tuan yin, reunion, unity, reunion, group worship, group practice, tuan grain, regiment leader, regiment member, group, group gymnastics, line group, huddle, group, regiment surrounding, forming clay into balls, corps, artillery regiment, theater troupe, Communist Youth League, literary and artistic troupe, song and dance troupe, tour group, delegation" and so on.


33. Department (Department, Department, Link)

This character is more complex , it has two corresponding traditional characters " 繫 " and " 系 " , but when making some meaning interpretations " , " 系 " is the original character , there is no corresponding traditional character.

When reading jì, there is only one meaning, which is to tie the object with a knot with a string, such as "tie the shoelaces, tie the buckle, tie a dead knot, tie it tightly with a rope, and untie the bell to be tied by the ringer". The traditional character equivalent here is "繫".

When pronouncing xì, there are three cases of "Department":

In the first case, "系" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character. When expressing the meaning of "system, teaching administrative unit of colleges and universities", "department" is the original character, and cannot be written as "department" and "繫", such as "system, series, faction, (Haihe) water system, (Sino-Tibetan) language family, immediate family, collateral family, Gui warlord, physics department, department head".

In the second case, when used in the verb sense to mean connection, attachment, leashing, tie, lifting up or down with a rope, and detention, the traditional corresponding character for "tie" is "繫", such as "to maintain, to connect, to succeed or fail to tie to this move, to meditate, to tie love, to tie a bucket from the well, to tie him down the well with a rope, to tie to prison, to prison".

In the third case, when used to express the meaning of the connection and connection of abstract things, the corresponding traditional characters can be "系" or "繫", such as "connection, maintenance, success or failure depend on this move".

In addition, when meaning " is " in written language , the traditional counterpart of " 系 " is " 係 " . For example, "Confucius is a native of Shandong, and it is indeed so".


34. Leaves (leaves, leaves)

When pronounced yè, its traditional corresponding character is "葉", such as "leaves, leaves, chlorophyll, leaves, coniferous forests, broad-leaved trees, lung leaves, shutters, leaf gong good dragon", etc.

When pronouncing xié, "leaf" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "leaf rhyme".

35. Yu (余, 余)

When the first person and surname are interpreted in composition, "Yu" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character. The traditional character corresponding to "surplus" when the meaning of "surplus" is "surplus", such as "remaining, balance, surplus grain, surplus stock, surplus party, surplus poison, cosine, remaining cut, remaining cut, remainder, residual heat, afterglow, aftershock, afterleisure, remaining life, afterlife, afterlife, yu que, yu nian, yuyin winding beam, yu xi, embers, rest, surplus, redundant, superfluous, amateur, work surplus, balance, more than 30 jin, more than 100 people".


36. Hoo (Hoo, Qi)

When pronounced xū, the meaning is sighing or describing the sound of breathing, such as "long and short sighs, panting".

When reading yū, the table stops the sound of animals. None of them correspond to traditional characters.

When pronounced yù, the meaning is shout, and its counterpart to the traditional character is "籲", such as "appeal, appeal".


37. Cloud (cloud, cloud)

When "speaking, language particles" and surname explanations in composition, "Yun" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "Zi Yue Shiyun, Renyun Yiyun, I don't know what to do" and so on.

When making the solution of clouds and mist and Yunnan Province, its corresponding traditional characters are "cloud", such as "cloud, cloud, sea of clouds, cloud rain, cloud xia, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,


38. Dirty (dirty, dirty)

When pronounced zāng, its traditional counterpart is "髒", such as "dirty, dirty (not stolen), not dirty, dirty sleeves".

When pronounced zàng, its traditional counterpart is "臟", such as "heart, liver, organs, five internal organs".


39. Zheng (正, 徵)

When interpreting the meaning of army marching and fighting, "zheng" is the original character, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "march, conquest, journey, conquest, conquest, expedition, long march, southern conquest and northern war".

When interpreted as "collection, expropriation, and solicitation", its corresponding traditional character is "levy", such as "conscription, conscription, conscription, taxation, essay solicitation, solicitation, consultation, recruitment, land acquisition, requisition, requisition, sign, symbol".

Note that in the ancient musical notation of the mainland, "徵" is one of the five tones. The five tones are "gong, shang, horn, sign, feather", which is equivalent to do, re, mi, sol, la in today's musical score. The meaning of "徵" does not correspond to simplified characters, pronounced zhǐ, not zhēng.


40. Only (only, only, only)

When pronounced zhī, its traditional counterpart is "隻", such as "alone, only words, boat, a rabbit, two hands, two boats".

When pronounced zhǐ, its traditional counterpart is 衹, as in "only, only, only, only, only, only, only, only have".


41. System (制, Production)

When the meaning of "make, do" is interpreted, its corresponding traditional character is "system", such as "manufacturing, clothing, plate making, shoddy manufacturing".

When interpreting the meaning of "formulating, stipulating or restricting", "system" is the original word, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "formulate, system, stop, air supremacy, legal system, control, containment, credit system, 100-point system, and work division system".


42. Bell (bell, bell)

When talking about the meaning of "clock, clock" and hanging clock, such as "bell, wall clock, table clock, clock, eight o'clock, morning bell and evening drum, midnight bell to the passenger ship", its corresponding traditional character is "鐘".

When speaking in the sense of "concentration", the traditional character corresponding to "bell" is "鍾", the common words are "love at first sight, Zhong Lingyuxiu", the traditional character of Zhongshan (Purple Mountain) in Nanjing is "鍾山" instead of "Bell Mountain", and the traditional character of scholar Qian Chongshu is "Qian Zhongshu" instead of "Qian Zhongshu".


43. Quasi-(quasi, quasi)

When interpreted in the sense of "standard, basis, accuracy, certainty" and "can be regarded as a certain kind of thing", the corresponding traditional character of "quasi" is "quasi", such as "standard, benchmark, standard, calibration, front sight, yardstick, criterion, accurate, prepared, quasi-guarantee, quasi-scorer, quasi-child, quasi-er, quasi-er, quasi-general, quasi-general, quasi-general".

However, special attention should be paid to the fact that when giving consent or permitting, "quasi" is the original word, and there is no corresponding traditional character, such as "permit, grant, grant, access, approve, approve, and disallow".

Chinese characters are hieroglyphics, and the evolution of Chinese characters is also the evolution of calligraphy calligraphy, from oracle bone script, jinwen (大篆), small seal, and then from small seal to affiliated book, from affiliated script simplified to grass, line, and kai three types of calligraphy.

Calligraphy writes more traditional characters, the reason is that we learn calligraphy, post, enter ancient times, in order to obtain its essence, the ancients wrote more traditional characters, and from an aesthetic point of view, calligraphy writing traditional characters has richer connotations than writing simplified characters. But not all characters are written in traditional characters, so the meaning is different.

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Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters
Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters
Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters
Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters
Wang Li: Ancient and modern characters, variant characters, traditional characters

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