
Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?

author:Listen to old about the NBA


全场‬出战‬31分钟的‬莫兰特‬,26投17中,命中率高达65%,三分命中率更是可怕,投出‬6投5中,罚球13中10,总计‬得到49分 4篮板‬ 8次助攻 1次‬抢断‬ 2次封盖 ,正负值‬两队‬最高‬+23。


Monsters go out on a campaign, and no grass grows! Cattle! Cattle! Cattle!

Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?

The first war sets four records:

1, 23 minutes to cut 40 points, set a personal scoring record of 40+ fastest.

2. Morant scored 83 points in the first two games, setting the record for the most points in the first two games of the new season in Grizzlies history.

3. 19 points in a single quarter, the current record for the highest score in a single quarter in the new season.

4. 49 points in a single game, the first 40+ in the new season, and the current record for the highest single game.

Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?

Morant's future can be expected!

他仅仅‬才23岁! The road to superstardom has just begun, the future can be expected, maybe the sky is his limit! 休赛期和追梦‬格林、克莱汤普森‬在社媒上打嘴仗,隔空‬喊话勇士‬‬; 所有人都认为他只是年少轻狂,新赛季两场常规赛的表现证明‬他‬有‬这个‬实力‬,打了多少人的脸,征服了多少看轻他的球迷?

Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?

Both MVP and Scorer want?

Morant said in an interview that the goal of the new season is to capture the MVP. "I'm not a player who prioritizes personal goals, but MVP is the goal of all players in the league!" Morant said so and did so.

在MVP的竞争中莫兰特已经率先发力‬起步,暂时领先MVP‬大热‬东契奇! 得分‬方面‬,目前场均得到41.5分排名得分榜第一!

按照莫兰特目前的势头发展下去,在保证个人健康以及球队战绩的前提下,非常有可能直接抢走MVP、得分王两项‬大奖‬! 你们‬觉得‬有希望‬吗‬?

Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?
Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?
Morant blasted 49 points, reversed the Rockets, set a record of 4, MVP and scoring champion wanted?