
This is a long-awaited book, I was lucky enough to read it this fall, and it took me a month to listen to the whole book, a book that allows people to read and listen continuously, which shows that it is a good book. It's true

author:Silent music

这是一本期待已久的书,今年秋天有幸读了,还用了一个月的时间听完了整部书,一本书能让人连续阅读和聆听, 可见是一本好书。真的很喜欢书的名字 flee as a bird to your mountain 寓意是逃离和救赎。

艾米莉狄金森有诗道:”没有一艘船, 能像一本书, 也没有一匹马, 能像一页跳跃的诗行那样, 把人带向远方. 这条路最穷的人也能走, 不必为通行税伤神. 这是何等节俭的车, 承载着人的灵魂.” 我想《你当像鸟飞往你的山》就是这样一本有力量的让心灵得到救赎的书。

书的开头这样写道:“My strongest memory is not a memory. It’s something I imagined, then came to remember as if it had happened.”这是一本回忆录,塔拉的故事始于她的故乡巴克峰。 父亲经营一座垃圾废料场,母亲是草药师兼职助产士。她从童年起就被父母所控制, 不上学,不就医,但凡有不同意见便被视为“恶魔”。17岁时,受哥哥泰勒的影响,她自学考上了大学,读了研究生,获得了博士学位, 从此逃离了故乡的山峰,像飞鸟一样找到了自己信仰的山林。书的结尾写道:“You could call this self-hood many things. Transformation. Metamorphosis. Falsity. Betrayal. I call it an education.”不难理解是教育给她力量,引领她飞往她的山, 但更重要的是强大的生命力和自我成长的勇气和决心。


This is a long-awaited book, I was lucky enough to read it this fall, and it took me a month to listen to the whole book, a book that allows people to read and listen continuously, which shows that it is a good book. It's true
This is a long-awaited book, I was lucky enough to read it this fall, and it took me a month to listen to the whole book, a book that allows people to read and listen continuously, which shows that it is a good book. It's true
This is a long-awaited book, I was lucky enough to read it this fall, and it took me a month to listen to the whole book, a book that allows people to read and listen continuously, which shows that it is a good book. It's true

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