
The mysterious tribes of the Himalayas: vegetarian, no marriage, and special ways of breeding

author:Literature and history are also exciting

The peach blossom garden recorded in the "Peach Blossom Origin" has beautiful scenery, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and do not communicate with the outside world. Such a place seems to be only found in legends, but there really is such a magical tribe near the Himalayas, the Zoba tribe.

The Zoba people are very similar to the people in the Peach Blossom Garden. In the Taohuayuan, people "do not know Wei Jin" and do not know anything about the changes of the outside world. In the Zoba tribe, people's lives are completely disconnected from modern society and do not communicate with the outside world.

The mysterious tribes of the Himalayas: vegetarian, no marriage, and special ways of breeding

Similar to Taohuayuan is the scenery, which is very beautiful. On a clear night, without a hundred-foot-high dangerous building, it seems that you can just reach out and pick up the stars. Far from the city, there is no billowing smoke from industry, the sky is exceptionally blue and the air is exceptionally fresh.

However, the Zhuoba tribe is different from Taohuayuan. Although the people in the peach blossom garden do not communicate with the outside world, it can be inferred from what the fishermen see that their customs, culture, and even clothing are highly consistent with the outside world.

But in this mysterious tribe of Zoba, there are still some customs that are very ancient. These customs are contrary to some customs in modern society, especially their marriage customs, which are diametrically opposed to ours.

Beautiful location and love vegetarian food

This ancient tribe has survived to this day with just over 3,000 people living in the Himalayas. Unlike what they imagined, their living conditions are not bad, and to some extent it can be said that the living conditions are relatively good.

The mysterious tribes of the Himalayas: vegetarian, no marriage, and special ways of breeding

The Zoba people live in the lower and middle part of the Himalayas, where the climate is milder than the upper part of the mountain range, and belongs to the monsoon climate zone.

At the same time, the meltwater of ice and snow in the upper part of the mountain range can provide sufficient water for the Zoba people to live and farm. Coupled with the fact that there is no industrial pollution, the environment in which the Zoba people live is very beautiful and the climate is more suitable.

The origins of civilization are mostly near the watersheds of large rivers, because sufficient water sources can make agriculture develop better. The Zoba tribe obviously has this advantage, and they also have enough water sources to develop agriculture.

Sufficient water sources and suitable climate make the agricultural cultivation of the Zoba people very convenient. They sowed the seeds and yielded good yields, even if they didn't work hard to get the crops.

This may also be one of the reasons why the Zoba people have been able to live in a small-scale peasant economic model, because their land is fertile and the water source is plentiful, so their annual food production is enough for the Zoba people to live. Therefore, there is no need to communicate with the outside world in exchange for living materials.

The Zoba people also have a custom: the whole tribe advocates vegetarianism. This has to do with their beliefs, just as the Hui don't eat pork, and the entire tribe of Zhuoba people is very fond of vegetarianism.

The mysterious tribes of the Himalayas: vegetarian, no marriage, and special ways of breeding

The Zoba tribe has no institution of marriage

What makes the Zoba people very different from the outside world is their marriage system. In modern society, most countries practice monogamy, and some backward areas also have systems such as polygamy or polyandryism. But the Zoba tribe simply did not have a marriage system, and their union with each other was not guaranteed by law.

All the people in the Zoba tribe are lifelong unmarried, and there is no marriage in their lives. Of course, they also have to reproduce, and unlike modern society, their relationship between the sexes is more ancient times.

The Zoba people's understanding of gender relations is very similar to that of the ancient maternal lineage society, and they do not establish very stable partnerships. They will follow their hearts and choose their partner at every moment.

Bonding with a partner does not require prayer or parenting, but can form a partnership by living together. When the two people feel that they are not suitable for each other, they can be separated, and the partnership will end without any formalities and procedures.

The Zoba people are very open to both sexes, somewhat similar to open marriage.

The mysterious tribes of the Himalayas: vegetarian, no marriage, and special ways of breeding

Because there is no institution of marriage, some immoral behaviors that are seen by the outside world are suitable in Zoba. For example, cheating, small three, etc. This is not an ethical act in the eyes of the Zoba people, but rather encourages it in their culture.

The culture of the Zoba people encourages people to pursue happiness ceaselessly, coupled with the absence of the constraints of the marriage system. The idea of marriage and love of the Zoba people does not seem to follow the footsteps of civilization, and has remained in the ancient matriarchal social period.

This also makes the relationship between the Zoba people jaw-dropping and even a little incomprehensible to the outside world.

Strange costumes

Every ethnic group has its own culture and clothing, and the Zoba people are no exception. Because it lives in the Himalayas, even if the middle and lower parts of the mountain range are warmer, their temperatures are much lower than in the plains of the interior. Therefore, the daily clothing of the Zoba people is mostly made of sheepskin.

The main forms of clothing of the Zoba people are sheepskin dresses and sheepskin capes, and they also particularly like these two forms of clothing. At the same time, because of their unique ideas of marriage and love, Zoba attaches great importance to the external image of the individual.

The Zoba people will decorate their clothes with various shells, ribbons and some silver products to make their clothes look gorgeous enough. In this way, to attract the opposite sex, while showing their charm.

The mysterious tribes of the Himalayas: vegetarian, no marriage, and special ways of breeding

In addition, the Zoba people especially like to wear flowers on their heads, unlike everyone who wears only one flower in their daily lives. The Zoba people seem to decorate their heads as a large vase, and they wear flowers of all colors on their heads and wear as many as possible.

This is true for men, women and children, and even more, the head is full of flowers, which looks like a walking vase.

This isolated tribe in the Himalayas has a beautiful environment and a simple way of life. There are also cultures and marriage customs that are different from many ethnic groups, which are the Zoba tribe.