
Authoritative Express | add a new member to the World Amphibian Family of the Hundred Mountains Ancestral Horned Toad

Source: Xinhua News Agency

On the 19th, the phased results of the Biodiversity Background Survey (Phase I) in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province were announced. A new species of amphibian found in the survey was named Megophrys baishanzuensis. A paper describing this species, jointly authored by the Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Chengdu Institute of Biology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has recently been published in ZooKeys, an authoritative journal of international animal taxonomy. (Reporters: Zhao Yue, Wei Yijun, poster design: Xu Lejing)

Authoritative Express | add a new member to the World Amphibian Family of the Hundred Mountains Ancestral Horned Toad

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