
After getting up in the morning, there are no 3 phenomena on the body, then congratulations, the body is not bad

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

It was cold, it was hard to get up again, and the coolness of the morning made it difficult for me to crawl out of the bed.

Along with the difficulty of getting out of bed comes the disease of creeping and waiting.

Autumn and winter are the high incidence of many diseases, especially some diseases that the elderly are susceptible to, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. And if the body has some health problems, it will also tell us through the performance of the body, when the body finds the abnormal performance mentioned in the text, we must pay attention to take care of their own health.

After getting up in the morning, there are no 3 phenomena on the body, then congratulations, the body is not bad

After getting up early, if the body does not have these three manifestations, it has the potential for longevity

1. Get up early and get dizzy

If you have dizziness when you wake up in the morning, you can generally divide it into three situations, (1) recently overworked, the body has not rested well, and sleep has not eased. (2) It is that the cervical spine is not good, such as cervical vertebrae bone hyperplasia, compressing blood vessels and nerves, it will affect vision and lead to dizziness. (3): The blood is relatively viscous, the blood circulation is slow, the brain is on the top of the heart, hypoxia and ischemia will lead to symptoms of dizziness, if accompanied by numbness in the hands and feet, it may be hypertension.

2. The first soak of urine in the morning is dark and abnormal

When you get up in the morning and go to the toilet, quickly open your eyes to see what the color of your first soak of urine today is, if it is pale yellow, close to transparent color, no odor, no long-lasting bubble, indicating that the body is no problem, if you find that your urine color is dark, there are sediments, for this phenomenon There are three situations, (1) drinking water is relatively small, but the color of urine is too dark. (2) Eating dragon fruit, cherry, etc. after a night of digestion and absorption before going to bed will also affect the color of urine. (3) It is the liver that has a problem, because the liver is a problem, the bilirubin in the body will accumulate in the body, and then excrete the body along the urine, and the color of the urine looks relatively dark.

After getting up in the morning, there are no 3 phenomena on the body, then congratulations, the body is not bad

3. Puffiness after waking up in the morning

In the morning, you should be refreshed, the body is full of vitality, if the body is puffy at this time, it cannot be avoided that it is not a physical problem. It can be divided into two situations, (1) drink more water before going to bed, and then there is no activity or urination all night, and after getting up, it will look a little puffy, but this puffiness will be alleviated if the physical activity is active for a short time. (2) If the body is puffy, especially the calf belly, eyelids and other parts of the puffiness, it may be a kidney problem, resulting in the body water can not be metabolized in time, a short time will not be relieved, if you press the calf belly, a press will have a concave shape.

Morning is the beginning of a good day, find that the body has any of the above abnormalities do not ignore, may be affected by diet, living habits caused, but may also be a signal of physical disease, if it is a day, frequent occurrence can be paid attention to, timely medical observation.

Of course, if you want to be healthy, you don't just have to observe what the body will have, especially the symptoms. For the sake of good health, even if you are in a hurry to go to work, in a short period of time, insist on doing these things well, and your body will slowly become healthy.

During the high incidence of diseases in autumn and winter, it is recommended to do 3 things well after getting up to improve immunity and reduce diseases

One: Open the window after waking up in the morning

After a night of sleep, the room is full of exhaust gas exhaled by the body, as well as moisture, the bedroom is also relatively humid, oxygen is not much, so after getting up in the morning, open the window to ventilate the room. Breathing more fresh air in the morning can also be refreshing, as for how big the window is, it all depends on how big the window of your home is, how the weather is outside, whether the air is good, etc.

After getting up in the morning, there are no 3 phenomena on the body, then congratulations, the body is not bad

Two: Stretch the meridians throughout the body

After a night of sleep, the body is not active, and the blood circulation in the blood vessels is slow, so after washing in the morning, you can do a simple activity in a well-lit place. Girls can do yoga, old people can twist their waists, shake their arms, kick and kick their legs, but have a stable support, or go downstairs for a jog. Stretch your body to refresh your mind and give your body a better state to meet the challenges of the day.

Three: Rub your face

After getting up in the morning and clocking in the window, you can look out into the distance for 5 minutes, and in the middle you can rub your face with your own hands, starting from the sides of the nose and gently rubbing, slowly rubbing to the forehead, then to the temple, from the temple down to the sides of the cheek, and finally to the chin. However, it should be noted that the hands should be clean and the skin is also very fragile, so as to prevent bacteria on the hands from rubbing on the face. This thing promotes blood circulation in the face, makes the complexion better, and can also refresh the mind.

In the morning, many people are busy, if you can't finish them one by one at 3 o'clock, it is good to stick to 1 o'clock. Life is long, sometimes it is not necessary to follow the rules of life, get up every morning after washing up and busy breakfast, and then go to work, lunch, work so that a day, in fact, when you first try to pull up the curtains in the morning to open the window at the moment you will feel that there are actually many things worth doing in life, such as morning health.

After getting up in the morning, there are no 3 phenomena on the body, then congratulations, the body is not bad

The most important thing in the morning is not only to insist on doing the above things, in fact, the most important thing is breakfast. Many people have a hasty breakfast in the morning, pick up a piece of bread, drink boiled water, or just a roadside stall. The weather is cold, the body needs more energy, and the diet should be more careful, especially for breakfast, must eat well. If you want a nutritious breakfast, here are a few combinations to try:

1. Fruit, milk, bread

2. Omelette, yogurt, fruit, bread

3. Bread, milk, eggs, fruit

4. Whole wheat bread, boiled eggs, breakfast meat, juice

5. Toast, boiled egg, coffee (milk)

The above pairings are very simple, just do it, and now there are machines to make reservations for boiling eggs, hot milk machines, and you can have a hearty breakfast in the morning. Try to choose fruits that do not taste intense, such as apples, strawberries, peaches, blueberries, bananas and so on. Preferably light, easily digestible, and nutritionally comprehensive.

After getting up in the morning, there are no 3 phenomena on the body, then congratulations, the body is not bad

In summary, if you want to be healthy, you must make good use of the morning time, it is best to do things that are conducive to good health, and stick to every day.


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