
Do tumor patients need to avoid mouthing? Guidance on dietary knowledge such as whether you can eat "hair objects" (2)

author:Brave s8At

What are the dietary contraindications for breast cancer patients?

A high-fat diet and alcohol consumption significantly promote breast cancer recurrence. Studies have found that eating red meat (beef/lamb, etc.) /liver or bacon etc. every day increases the risk of breast cancer recurrence by nearly 1 times, and the daily consumption of butter/margarine/lard increases the risk of breast cancer recurrence by 70%, and the risk of quoting beer every day increases by 58%. In addition, antioxidant micronutrients such as vitamin C/vitamin E/selenium have been found to have a positive effect on preventing breast cancer recurrence.

What should I do if the patient has difficulty swallowing?

Dysphagia is often a complication of head and neck radiotherapy or oral surgery. If the symptoms are not severe, it can be overcome by eating a soft diet/finely boiled solid food, or eating with soup, but not advocating liquid intake to avoid food from entering the respiratory tract; If symptoms are severe, tube feeding or intravenous nutrition is indicated.

What should I do if I have anorexia in cancer patients?

Psychological depression/anxiety can also worsen symptoms of anorexia. Encourage patients to eat more, and should also enhance the color/aroma/taste of the diet to stimulate appetite; Appetite can also be boosted by doing moderate activities half an hour before meals; Use a small number of meals to ensure adequate intake of protein and calories; As far as possible, patients should eat with their families and friends to create a good psychological atmosphere.

What are the main manifestations of malnutrition in cancer patients?

(1) Mental malaise/poor response, fatigue/tiredness. (2) Loss of appetite / wasting, weight loss, less than 20% of normal value. (3) Dry skin / edema / muscle laxity, reduction of muscle tissue and subcutaneous fat, making the skin lack of elasticity. (4) Serum albumin/hemoglobin/serum iron are lower than normal values.

Do you need to juice vegetables and fruits?

Juicing can increase the diversity of the diet, especially when chewing or swallowing, and juicing also helps the body absorb some of the nutrients in vegetables and fruits. Fruit juice may contain less fiber than whole vegetables and fruits, and drinking large amounts of juice can also add extra calories to people's diets.

Can sugars "cause" cancer or accelerate cancer progression?

No, there is no direct evidence that sugar intake increases the risk of cancer or making it worse (progressing). Most foods and beverages high in sugar are low in nutrients, and it is recommended to limit the intake of foods and beverages with added sugar.

Can a vegetarian diet reduce the risk of cancer?

A vegetarian diet is one that is high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and low in red meat. There is no direct evidence that a vegetarian diet helps reduce the risk of cancer compared to a meat-rich diet.

Do cancer patients eat more legumes?

Legumes are an excellent source of protein. With weak estrogen activity, it has been shown in animal studies to prevent certain hormone-dependent cancers. Pulses contain compounds with antioxidant properties that may have anti-cancer effects. For breast cancer survivors, the therapeutic effect of tamoxifen can be enhanced.

Should cancer patients eat more organic foods?

The term "organic" is often used to describe foods without pesticides and genetic modifications (GMOs), but also to describe meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products from animals that are not given antibiotics or growth hormone. Currently, there is no study to show whether organic foods reduce the risk of cancer or recurrence more than other foods.

How do obese cancer patients eat?

If a patient is obese and recovers well after treatment, then a moderate amount of "avoidance", reducing a fatty diet, and maintaining a healthy posture are more beneficial. For example, rectal cancer, breast cancer, etc., disease and diet and obesity have a certain relationship, then changing the bad diet structure, not eating refined processed foods, increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits, reducing red meat intake is a certain benefit.

What should I do if the patient is malnourished?

Complete three meals as much as possible, in addition to this, add an appropriate amount of food, do not wait for hunger to eat. Not only eat more, but also eat well. During meals, you can eat some foods with high calorie energy and high protein. Moderate activity can promote digestive function and improve appetite. Do not drink plenty of water (soup) during meals to avoid affecting the amount of food you eat.

Can oncology patients be vegan?

No. Tumors are always a wasting disease, and a well-nourished, strong body is also good for fighting tumors.

What do patients eat well in chemotherapy?

Food is light and soft and easy to digest: mainly cereals and potatoes, vegetables, fruits, with easy-to-digest egg soup, tofu, chicken, fish and so on. If the treatment response is larger, the diet is mainly semi-liquid, such as vegetable porridge, eight treasure porridge, dragon whisker noodles, bread, egg soup, bean blossoms, boiled cabbage tofu and so on.

Do cancer patients have to eat a low-sugar diet to starve cancer cells?

Wrong. A low-sugar diet does not starve cancer cells, but increases the chances of malnutrition in cancer patients. Getting enough calories and protein is the primary goal to maintain a better body to overcome the discomfort during treatment.

Should the diet of cancer patients be light and mainly vegetables and fruits, and avoid animal products such as milk or meat?

Wrong. Cancer patients should maintain a balanced diet to provide the body with adequate nutrients. Cancer patients need a high-protein diet, meat and milk are rich in high-quality protein, reducing eating will lead to insufficient protein absorption and accelerate muscle loss.

Is there any evidence that a ketogenic diet can treat cancer?

No single food can treat cancer. Some studies have shown that the ketogenic diet has been linked to slow growth of certain types of tumors in mice. And, the ketogenic diet has also shown promise in studies of certain types of brain tumors. But studies have also found that low-fat diets reduce the risk of recurrence of some types of breast cancer.

What do I need to pay attention to in the diet of patients with advanced liver cancer?

Eat less and more meals, reduce the burden, 4-5 meals a day, people with portal hypertension should not eat hard food, and those with bleeding can eat less bad fiber or no fiber high vitamin high protein temperature suitable food after hemostasis. Avoid tobacco and alcohol, avoid strong irritating condiments, avoid strong tea, and avoid excessive salt.

How to adjust the diet in advanced bowel cancer?

Advanced patients often have intestinal stenosis should be given nutrient-rich fiber-less foods, can drink honey water and eat bananas and other laxatives, contraindicated spicy foods and indigestible diets and raw and cold diets.

How to adjust the diet in the early stage of bowel cancer?

In the early stage, stool changes are the main symptoms, so more foods containing crude fiber can be ingested, such as leeks, celery, sweet potatoes, coarse grains, beans, to prevent constipation, but the processing should be meticulous, avoid excessive rough food stimulation of the tumor site, and prevent diarrhea.

How to pay attention to diet for esophageal cancer?

When eating, you should chew slowly, eat less and eat more meals, you should do coarse grains, avoid eating rough food, and eat warm food to avoid too cold and too hot. Consume a digestible diet that reduces irritating factors in foods.

How to adjust the diet after radiotherapy?

Rinse your mouth frequently, keep your mouth moist, prevent oral infections, drink more water or drink high-calorie beverages every day, and avoid foods that are too strongly seasoned. Food should be made in a smooth shape, for example, if the meat is frozen, it can also be eaten with gravy, broth or drink to aid swallowing.

Diarrhea after radiation therapy, how do I adjust my diet?

If the radiation therapy site is in the abdomen, such as rectum, bladder, uterus, etc., excessive peristalsis of the intestine can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Improvement methods should avoid eating gas-prone, rough, multi-fiber foods, such as beans, onions, potatoes, milk, carbonated drinks, etc. Irritating foods and condiments should also be avoided.

What should I do if the patient loses his appetite after radiation therapy?

After head and neck radiotherapy, taste cells are destroyed, usually reducing sensitivity to sweets and acids and increasing sensitivity to bitterness. The improvement method should be a small number of meals, and the sweet and sour taste can be strengthened when cooking, and bitter foods can be avoided.

Can cancer patients drink chicken soup?

Strictly speaking, there is nothing that cancer patients cannot eat, but eating scientifically and healthily can more effectively prevent cancer recurrence, prolong life, and improve quality of life.

Lamb, seafood, and fish are "hair products" that cancer patients can't eat?

There is no such thing as "hair" in Western nutrition. Of course, some people are allergic to seafood, fish and other foods. In the diet of cancer patients, beef and mutton, poultry, and fish are needed to ensure the intake of high-quality protein. High-quality protein comes from the four major categories of milk, eggs, lean meat, and soy products.