
World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)

author:Salt jar jar

Kádeja, son of Lothar, wields the legendary Staff of Aetiyesh and is hailed by the heroes of Azeroth as the world's greatest guardian. When Khadeja was a teenager, he entered the Dalaran School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic, and in order to find out the secret of the Great Mage of Mediven, the Council of Dalaran Kenrito sent Khadeja to Karazan to steal the study of Magic of Madivan, and Khadeja became The only disciple of Madiwen. Khadeja was very intelligent and hard-working, so he made rapid progress in the study of magic, and he was deeply loved by Madiwen, through Whichevan, Khadeja met King Ryan and Anduin Lotsa of Stormwind City, and later became very friends with Madivan's lover, Garona, a half-orc assassin.

When the orcs invaded Azeroth through the Gate of Darkness, Khadeja was surprised to find that the soul of his mentor Madiven had been possessed by Sagras, who was the culprit in opening the Dark Gate, so he first traveled with Garona to Stormwind City to find Anduin Lotsa to discuss countermeasures, and then the three of them returned to Karazan together to kill Madivan and successfully sealed Sagras's soul, Khadega also received Madiven's staff: the legendary Staff of the Guardians of Eties (often called the Chicken Leg Staff), unfortunately, During the battle with Madiwen, Khadeja was cursed, which caused Khadeja to be a young man who instantly aged dozens of years and became a white-haired old man, however, more unfortunately, Garona later infiltrated StormWind City to assassinate King Ryan, causing StormWind City to be immediately breached by the orc army.

World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)


World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)


Later, Khadeja took refuge in Lordaeron with and in lotsa's army, during which time Khadega helped Lothar convince the Human Nations Alliance, trained the army, and appointed Trajan as commander-in-chief, focusing on ways to close the Dark Gate. Soon after, Ogrem Hammer of Doom launched the Second Orc War, pointing his sword directly at the kingdom of Lordaeron, swinging north, Khadeja and Anduin Lotsa participated in and commanded Hillsbride's sniper battle, successfully foiling Ogrem's plan to cross the hills directly to Lordaeron, and with Trajan to the Silver Moon City of the High Elves to participate in the defensive battle of Querceiras, saving the elven danger in time.

When Ogrem approached the foot of Lordaeron, Khadegar rushed to Lordaeron at the first time, commanding the garrison to defend stubbornly, and finally, he successfully waited for reinforcements from Trajan, Tolbeon and other troops, the crumbling kingdom of Lordaeron was rescued from disaster, during Lordaeron's defensive battle, Guldan betrayed the orc tribe, so the strength of the orc army was greatly reduced, and the Lordaeron coalition army blew a counter-offensive horn and drove the orc army to Blackstone, but unfortunately, Khadegar's friend, The Alliance's supreme commander, Anduin Lotsa, was killed here by Ogrem, and in his grief, Khadeja supported the Allied deputy commander-in-chief Trajan taking over the supreme command, and under the attack of the morale-ridden Coalition, Trajan defeated Ogrem and captured him, and the orc army was driven to the Cursed Lands.

World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)

Anduin Lothar

Khadegar used the results of his research to successfully close the Dark Gate, the Orc army was defeated due to lack of supplies, most of them captured by the Confederates, so far, the Orc Invasion War was over, Ogrem was captured, the Orc army was defeated, and the Dark Gate was closed. The short-term victory ushered in the rebuilding of Stormwind City, but the threat of the Dark Gate remained, because Khadeja could not completely close or destroy it, the Dark Gate always had a small crack stirring, in order to monitor the changes in the Dark Gate, Khadeja built a camp watchtower in the Cursed Land, and stationed a large number of soldiers just in case.

Khadeja's worries remain, as the orc shaman Naozu uses the energy of Guldan's Skull to open the Dark Gate again, and he sends the Taron Blood Demon to steal three artifacts from Azeroth: the Book of Madiven, the Eye of Dalaran, and the Scepter of Sagras. Kadega predicts that Neozu's plan is to use these three artifacts to open more portals to other worlds, and in order to stop Neozu's plan, Kadega, Trajan and Aurelia, Kudran Brute Hammer, and Torbain, in the name of the son of Lothar, form an expeditionary force through the Dark Gate to Delano.

World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)

Sons of Lothar big five

Upon reaching Delano, Khadeja successfully tracked the direction of the Three Artifacts, first wounding Deathwing at Blade Mountain, acquiring the Skull of Guldan, and then stopping Neozu at the Temple of Carapo. Surprisingly, At this time, Naozu opened many portals and escaped from one of them, fortunately, Khadeja still regained the artifact at a critical moment. When Neozu opened the portal, he generated a huge amount of energy, and immediately a big explosion occurred on the planet Draenor. In order to prevent this destructive energy from destroying Azeroth, which is connected to Draenor, they must use the energy of the Skull of Guldan and the three artifacts to completely close the Dark Gate. At the same time, the Draenor Expeditionary Force could never return home, however, they were ready for sacrifice.

The enormous energy generated by closing the Dark Gate sucked Khadeja into the twisted void, and his comrades were teleported away. Surviving in the Void, Khadega has been delving into the knowledge of magic and encountering Naru, who represents the Holy Light, in the twisted Void, and under the guidance of Naru, Khadeja comes to the ruins of Shatas, the sacred city of light of the Deryni, and later rebuilds the city of Shatas with the people of Deryni, where Kadega also explores the knowledge of Naru.

World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)


Soon after, the Burning Expedition of the Demon Legion began, the Dread Demon King Kazak opened the Dark Gate again, Prince Markzar, a disciple of Akmund and leader of the Burning Legion, invaded Karazan, and since Madiwen's death, Karazan's key has been on Kadeja, the warriors of Azeroth came to the collapsed Draenor Outer Territory to find Khadeja, Kadeja eventually reunited with the people of his hometown, and gave the warriors a way to find the key, along with the tribe, after the alliance army defeated Illidan and Kelsas in the Outer Realm, Khadeja also returned to the Dalaran Kenrito Council to begin years of closed-door cultivation...

World of Warcraft Heroes: Khadeja, Son of Lothar (Part 1)

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