
3.0 the second half of the lottery card suggests that these two have, Gan Yu is my first c, I was very careful at the time, xinhai is my cooking role, and it is also my abyss two team has always been


3.0 Lower half draw card recommended

These two have, Gan Yu is my first c, I was raised very hard, the sea of hearts is my cooking role, but also my abyss two team has always been a must, these two I played quite hard, so it should be okay to draw cards.

Ganyu I used the fine five broken demons, almost graduated it, an arrow 30,000 9 looks, the Ronggan team did not look carefully, must have broken 100,000, all said that Ganyu does not eat weapons, anyway, I finally abyss to replace Ganyu The reason for part is because I can't smoke Amos I think the damage to break the demons is not enough, no Amos is still quite painful, the demon graduation is 40,000, Amos graduated 60,000, the basic 30% gap. (Change it here, even if it is not Yangshou, Amos can always have 50,000 graduates, the difference is 20%... The measurements are different, the weapon gap look at the video, but my impression that there is no Amos people feel quite painful) But even so she is still the top c, mainly because the role itself has no shortcomings, even if the 30 version lacks the main c, she is definitely worth extracting. Don't worry too much about the operation... To put it mildly... Mobile phones can't play with the power bow to play eat chicken, right? Unless you decide never to smoke a bow and arrow, it is always understood as an act of unearned gain.

The words of the sea of hearts... How to say it, I think it is easy to use, the first time I opened the abyss was to smoke the sea of hearts she took me over... Then I have never changed it, the big world I will not take the emperor will take her, I think the big world is a little better than the emperor. This role is very magical, people who did not smoke feel that they do not lose, people who smoke also feel that they do not lose, anyway, they have used it and said well... Besides, it has attracted the heart of the sea... In short, she is always drinking soup, and Nilu has to have her when she comes to the team.

Card drawing suggestion: lack of master c, especially no Ayahua is best to smoke a ganyu top, pure mengxin, has missed the emperor jun, that pumping heart sea, anyway, I think there is no emperor I can not play Ronggan, I take ganyu generally must take the emperor.

Want to smoke Nilu and is not for viewing, it is recommended to smoke a heart sea, grass milk before the Nilu teammates are not Barbara or heart sea, if you insist that for Nilu Barbara is good to use then you will take it, I respect and ridicule. (OK, respect blessings, heart sea old "little Barbara" up, I recommend everyone Nilu to take Barbara...)

My previous card recommendation of Ganyu and Xiaogong said that Ganyu was better, but in fact, for me personally... Even if I give me the night palace ganyu I will not use to go down to the abyss, the current choice of teams, permafrost, thunder country, really can not do the next position of inductive intensification, are not all advocating brainless operation well... Archer I generally play in the big world, the abyss does not want to fight very tired, the small mention said before is easy to use is also because the damage is enough and the operation is smooth enough. #原神 #原神日常 #原神抽卡

3.0 the second half of the lottery card suggests that these two have, Gan Yu is my first c, I was very careful at the time, xinhai is my cooking role, and it is also my abyss two team has always been
3.0 the second half of the lottery card suggests that these two have, Gan Yu is my first c, I was very careful at the time, xinhai is my cooking role, and it is also my abyss two team has always been
3.0 the second half of the lottery card suggests that these two have, Gan Yu is my first c, I was very careful at the time, xinhai is my cooking role, and it is also my abyss two team has always been

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