
Poetry / Ink Jiangnan Autumn Half Cool Moon Shines on the South Window, Silk Red Wine Wears Soft Intestines. A thousand mountains are difficult to send, and the starlight sighs and the moon is vast.

author:Pengcheng is not drunk

Silent Night Single Thoughts

Poetry/Ink Gangnam

The cool moon shines on the south window in the autumn, and the silk red wine wears soft intestines.

A thousand mountains are difficult to send, and the starlight sighs and the moon is vast.

Poetry / Ink Jiangnan Autumn Half Cool Moon Shines on the South Window, Silk Red Wine Wears Soft Intestines. A thousand mountains are difficult to send, and the starlight sighs and the moon is vast.
Poetry / Ink Jiangnan Autumn Half Cool Moon Shines on the South Window, Silk Red Wine Wears Soft Intestines. A thousand mountains are difficult to send, and the starlight sighs and the moon is vast.
Poetry / Ink Jiangnan Autumn Half Cool Moon Shines on the South Window, Silk Red Wine Wears Soft Intestines. A thousand mountains are difficult to send, and the starlight sighs and the moon is vast.

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