
A magic recipe: summer dry grass soup, cure cervical lymph tuberculosis, lymphadenitis. Composition: Summer dry grass, rhubarb, licorice, fried once taken. Cure the fistula, the saber, whether it has collapsed or not. scrofula

author:Old Chinese medicine said nail milk

A magic recipe: summer dry grass soup, cure cervical lymph tuberculosis, lymphadenitis.

Composition: Summer dry grass, rhubarb, licorice, fried once taken.

Cure the fistula, the saber, whether it has collapsed or not.

Fistula refers to an infectious surgical disease born in the neck. Between the skin and flesh of the neck, there can be nucleus blocks of different sizes, which are connected to each other, of which the small one is called fistula, and the large one is called fistula, which is collectively called fistula. Modern medicine calls this lymph node.

Sabre, before and after the fingers of the ear, suddenly has sores like a sabre, such as apricot kernels, varying in size. Similar to modern medicine of cervical lymphadenitis.

The above symptoms are mostly caused by liver qi depression, long time fire, phlegm fire depression.

Summer dry grass can clear the liver fire, scatter depressed knots, for the treatment of fistula tuberculosis is a common drug for phlegm fire.

Rhubarb settles bitterly and is known for its laxative intestinal heat accumulation. But it also has the effect of good deeds and blood stasis. For example, the treatment of maternal stasis abdominal pain, and blood stasis block and other blood stasis soup, rhubarb as the main drug.

Licorice root clears the heat and strengthens the spleen, and the main muscle of the spleen, the fistula sabre, is the lesion on the skin of the muscle. Therefore, licorice not only serves as a blending medicine in this formula, but also can introduce medicine into the disease center and treat the disease together.

Reminder: Everyone's physical condition is different, the formula provided by the article should be added or subtracted according to the situation, and it is recommended to find a professional doctor for guidance.

Pay attention to @ old Chinese medicine said nail milk, I am your TCM friend around you [heart]

#Health Science Contest ##Health Star Program ##养老知识大赛 #

A magic recipe: summer dry grass soup, cure cervical lymph tuberculosis, lymphadenitis. Composition: Summer dry grass, rhubarb, licorice, fried once taken. Cure the fistula, the saber, whether it has collapsed or not. scrofula
A magic recipe: summer dry grass soup, cure cervical lymph tuberculosis, lymphadenitis. Composition: Summer dry grass, rhubarb, licorice, fried once taken. Cure the fistula, the saber, whether it has collapsed or not. scrofula
A magic recipe: summer dry grass soup, cure cervical lymph tuberculosis, lymphadenitis. Composition: Summer dry grass, rhubarb, licorice, fried once taken. Cure the fistula, the saber, whether it has collapsed or not. scrofula

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