
A strange tradition of festivals around the world

author:C Xiucai

New Year's Celebrations around the world have their own unique ways of celebrating,

For example, Japanese people like to send New Year cards,

North Koreans will eat sweet rice,

Argentinians take a "New Year's bath",

The Portuguese bullfighting for the New Year.

However, there are also some local New Year's Day customs

It's unbelievable, even a little scary.

A strange tradition of festivals around the world

1. Cast out the ghosts with bread

In the past, the Irish were on New Year's Eve

will knock doors and walls with long bread,

Drive away the evil spirits that lurk in the home.

It is believed that bread was beaten against the wall

It can also drive away bad luck and bless the family

The new year will not go hungry.

2. Do not wash your clothes on the first day of the new year

Some people believe,

If you wash your clothes on january 1st,

You will wash the clothes of the dead,

One of your family members will die that year.

They think that new year's day to wash clothes

It will also wash away the good fortune of the year.

A strange tradition of festivals around the world

3. Don't throw things away on the first day of the new year

There is a superstitious saying that

New Year's Day can not throw anything at home,

Whether it's leftover pizza or empty wine bottles.

If you throw something on this day,

The people and things around you will be in this year

Leaving you one after another.

4. Open all doors and windows on New Year's Eve

Filipinos will be on New Year's Eve

Open all the doors and windows in the home to drive away najib.

According to Filipino tradition,

On December 31, the noisier the house, the better,

Because Filipinos believe that noise can drive away evil spirits.

A strange tradition of festivals around the world

5. Dress up as a monster on New Year's Eve

In some small villages in Japan,

Young men will dress up as raw ghosts (a man-eating devil)

Go from house to house to scare lazy people.

They also threatened to take away mischievous children,

But as long as the host brings out sake and rice cakes for hospitality,

They will leave.

It is said that these terrible ghost images

Can dispel diseases and disasters,

and bless the harvest of the coming year,

There is plenty of food all year round.

A strange tradition of festivals around the world

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