
Aquarist contribution, the three main fish of Arowana, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

author:Fish farming veteran

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of the fish with Arowana, and what is the best fish? Limited to Arowana, the three main fish of the Red Arowana.

Aquarist contribution, the three main fish of Arowana, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

1. Flying anchovies

As the most common fish pairing of Arowana, this pair of flying anchovies is the most classic combination in the fish tank of Arowana lovers.

It symbolizes the beautiful meaning of the dragon and phoenix, dragon flying phoenix dance and so on.

As a kind of tool fish, the flying anchovy undertakes the work of cleaning the fish tank such as removing brown algae and fish manure, which is of great help to the stability of the water quality in the fish tank.

Arowana also seems to be particularly friendly to them, and there are very few cases of flying anchovies being attacked by arowana.

However, the flying anchovy is not a completely trustworthy companion fish.

It is difficult for us to imagine that the flying anchovies, which have no chicken power on the outside, can also pose a threat to the fierce arowana, and when there are parasites and other problems on the surface of the arowana body, the horror of the flying anchovies is reflected, and they will be very keenly aware of the problems on the surface of the arowana, and then go up to suck it.

Light will cause the arowana to lose scales, heavy may cause the Arowana trauma infection, even if the scales are lost, it also affects the hair color of the Arowana, which is a real headache for friends who want to raise Arowana.

Aquarist contribution, the three main fish of Arowana, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

2. Tiger fish

It is also a classic arowana with fish.

We will often see that there are several tiger fish in a dragon fish tank.

Like the Arowana, the tiger fish is a large carnivorous and fierce fish.

As we mentioned before, dragonfish have a strong sense of territory, in the wild, each dragonfish has its own territory, if found in their territory of another dragon fish or other predatory fish, they will not hesitate to defend their territory.

In the same way, if there is a tigerfish in the tank, a fierce fish-level ornamental fish, the dragonfish's instinct to defend the territory is likely to be stimulated, so as to attack it.

Many tiger fish that are polycultured with Arowana are like a piece of carbon, black and not slippery.

It is worth noting that the combat effectiveness of adult goby is not weaker than that of arowana, and it is called a tiger fish not only because of its appearance, but also because of its predatory characteristics.

They always like to sneak up and ambush like tigers, and bite directly when the dragon fish is not ready, and the dorsal fin tail fin pectoral fin of the dragon fish is often bitten by this guy.

The Dragon Tiger pairing turned into a Dragon Tiger Fight, which was also bad enough.

However, the advantages of tiger fish are still there, that is, to stimulate the desire to eat arowana, when the arowana does not like to eat, you can put a tiger fish to stimulate it to hunt.

Aquarist contribution, the three main fish of Arowana, what are the advantages and disadvantages?

3. Stingray

Stingray is the three major fishes along with flying phoenixes, tiger fish, and dragon fish.

As a pure benthic fish, stingray avoids the range of the arowana so well that it basically does not fight with the arowana when feeding, but this situation is not absolute.

Arowana also goes downstairs to find food, and if it comes across a stingray that is foraging, it is likely to go to war.

Although the physical damage of the stingray is not strong, but the chemical damage can really kill the arowana, if the arowana is pricked by its tail spine, the aquarists are ready to hold the fish tank and cry.

In addition to the three main fish, there are many varieties that can be raised with Arowana, and we will continue in the next issue.

I am a veteran of fish farming, more ornamental fish problems please pay attention, thank you!

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