
Only by preserving green waters and green mountains can we keep Jinshan Yinshan Chen Qiang, director of the Standing Committee of the Zhongxian County People's Congress, supervises the work related to forest fire prevention

author:Chongqing and the world
Only by preserving green waters and green mountains can we keep Jinshan Yinshan Chen Qiang, director of the Standing Committee of the Zhongxian County People's Congress, supervises the work related to forest fire prevention

On August 25, Chen Qiang, director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Zhong County, went to Renjia Town, Shanguang Township, and Xinsheng Street to supervise the work related to forest fire prevention. He stressed: It is necessary to maintain a high degree of vigilance, strengthen duty duty, wait in strict formation, strictly guard against death, strictly control and control, resolutely guard the bottom line of forest fire prevention work, and protect the green waters and green mountains.

In Tieshan Village, Renjia Town, Chen Qiang learned in detail about the distribution of fire prevention card points, the development of forest fire prevention work, and the implementation of fire prevention publicity. He pointed out that prevention is better than disaster relief, and the focus of forest fire prevention is "prevention" and the key lies in "prevention." It is necessary to strictly implement the "forest fire prevention and mountain sealing order", strengthen 24-hour all-round monitoring and patrolling, strictly control the source of fire into the mountains and into the forest, and implement the "last kilometer" of fire prevention work to ensure that forest fire prevention is foolproof. It is necessary to establish and improve the joint prevention and control mechanism for forest fire prevention, give full play to the role of grass-roots party members and cadres, forest rangers, and enthusiastic masses, make every effort to coordinate the strength of townships (streets), forestry, emergency response, and other departments, transmit pressure and responsibility, and form a joint force for grasping and managing the work together.

Only by preserving green waters and green mountains can we keep Jinshan Yinshan Chen Qiang, director of the Standing Committee of the Zhongxian County People's Congress, supervises the work related to forest fire prevention

Coming to the Forest Fire Prevention Checkpoint of FushanTang in Shanguang Township and the Forest Fire Prevention Checkpoint of Tianchi Forest in Xinsheng Street, Chen Qiang listened to the forest fire prevention work report under high temperature weather, carefully understood the situation of duty duty and emergency measures, and talked cordially with the on-site personnel, urging them to pay attention to heat prevention and cooling and personal protection.

Only by preserving green waters and green mountains can we keep Jinshan Yinshan Chen Qiang, director of the Standing Committee of the Zhongxian County People's Congress, supervises the work related to forest fire prevention

"Only by keeping the green waters and green mountains can we keep the golden mountains and silver mountains." Chen Qiang stressed: It is necessary to resolutely overcome the psychology of luck and the idea of laxity and paralysis, heighten vigilance, and adhere to normality, do a good job in the registration of vehicles entering the mountain and the investigation of fire, and effectively build an "iron wall" of guarding forests and preventing fires. It is necessary to focus on why and how to prevent it, use language that the masses can understand and understand, strengthen the publicity and guidance of forest fire prevention, strengthen the ecological judicial warning education, truly do the ideological work of the masses through and in a down-to-earth manner, continuously enhance the masses' sense of awe and legal discipline, and eliminate fire hazards from the source. It is necessary to simultaneously promote, strictly investigate and strictly punish all kinds of illegal use of fire in the wild, form a high-pressure situation of cracking down on the use of fire in the wild, do not let the punishment management be useless, become a "straw man", and earnestly use the power of the rule of law to protect the green waters and green mountains and guard the golden mountains and silver mountains.

Source: Chung County Rong Media Center

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