
The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

author:Director Li Yan

Cerebral infarction, also known as stroke, is caused by a sudden decrease or cessation of blood flow to the local blood supply arteries in the brain tissue, and the light will appear dizzy, numb limbs, and the heavy will be comatose.

There is no absolute seasonality in the incidence of cerebral infarction, and the age of the affected population is also widely distributed. They all think it is an old age disease, only at the age of 60 or 70. In fact, the onset of diseases at the age of 20 and 30 is not uncommon, which can cause serious disability and even fatality. Hemiplegia, aphasia, hemiplegia, and bedridden are all serious sequelae brought about by cerebral infarction.

Whether it is middle-aged and elderly or young people, we must strictly prevent cerebral infarction. In general, cerebral infarction also has early symptoms, if you can judge these signals of cerebral infarction in time, or can effectively reverse the damage of cerebral infarction to the brain. Today, I summarized the daily ten taboos for cerebral infarction patients and sent them to our patient friends! I hope you pay attention to ~

1. Avoid alcoholism

Heavy alcohol consumption is not good for blood vessels, and alcohol consumption is one of the triggers for cerebral infarction.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

2. Avoid excessive blood pressure reduction

Excessive blood pressure reduction is to cause a recurrence of cerebral infarction, so it is necessary to use the drug correctly, in daily life, it is necessary to measure blood pressure problems regularly, adjust the dose, and do not arbitrarily increase the amount of yourself, so as not to cause more discomfort.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

3. Avoid cold

Cold stimulation can not only cause small blood vessel contractions, but also cause increased blood viscosity, easy to induce cerebral infarction, so winter is often the high incidence of cerebral infarction season, this season is particularly important for the secondary prevention of cerebral thrombosis.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

4. Avoid raw, cold and spicy irritating foods

This type of food is easy to irritate blood vessels. Such as liquor, pepper, spicy hot pot, etc., as well as hot foods such as strong tea, mung beans, sheep, dog meat and so on.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

5. Avoid anger and melancholy

Poor mood, especially anger or long-term depression and anxiety, can cause vascular neuromodulation, or lead to cerebral vasoconstriction, which is an important cause of cerebral infarction.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

6, avoid high-fat, high-calorie food

If you continuously enter a high-fat, high-calorie diet, you can further increase blood lipids, increase blood viscosity, and easily form arteriosclerotic plaques, eventually leading to recurrence of cerebral infarction.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

7. Avoid overwork or poor rest

Overwork or poor rest can easily cause blood pressure fluctuations or changes in hemodynamics, and it is easy to cause the formation of cerebral thrombosis.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

8. Avoid smoking

People who smoke regularly are prone to blood clots, because the carbon monoxide in cigarettes enters the bloodstream, which will make the blood vessels lack of oxygen, and long-term smoking will also stimulate the blood vessel wall, so that the vascular lumen is more and more narrow, resulting in a decrease in the rate of blood circulation, resulting in the appearance of thrombosis.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

9. Avoid dehydration caused by severe vomiting and diarrhea

Because dehydration can increase the viscosity of the blood, therefore, dehydration caused by various reasons can induce recurrence of cerebral infarction, patients and their families should be vigilant, if the tendency to dehydration should be treated as soon as possible.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

10. Avoid staying up late

Some studies have shown that staying up late will make the level of various hormones in the body secrete 5% higher than that of the average person, but the increase in hormone levels will also increase the epinephrine, causing abnormal vasoconstriction and blood pressure, and will also aggravate the thickness of the blood, resulting in the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. So why is the cerebral infarction getting younger and younger, now there are ten young people, eleven people stay up late.

The daily ten taboos for patients with cerebral infarction, especially in the elderly, should pay attention to

Health tips

In daily life, do more shaking your head, moving the ankle, can effectively prevent the occurrence of stroke, because all exercises have the effect of improving blood circulation, so usually do exercises or do some personal stretching exercises, will be a good prevention of stroke

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