
Why do Chinese rarely eat turkey? Have you ever raised a turkey?

author:Siren's Voice

Don't talk about raising turkeys, I'm sure many people have never seen a turkey in person.

It is reasonable to say that the world trade is so circulating, ostrich meat has been on the cooking menu of major anchors, raising a turkey should not be a big problem. In fact, when you open Taobao, there are indeed many farmers who sell small turkey seedlings. But nationwide, it cannot be rolled out on a large scale.

Why do Chinese rarely eat turkey? Have you ever raised a turkey?

The reason is naturally an economic problem:

1. The cost of turkey farmers is much higher than that of ordinary chickens, ordinary white feather chickens only need 42 days to get out of the pen, while turkeys need 140 days to get out of the pen. More than 100 days, but it needs silver with white flowers.

Although turkeys grow large, the cost is completely disproportionate compared to their cost.

2. Turkeys are very aggressive and require more breeding space than ordinary domestic chickens. Turkeys also like to fight with each other, which increases the cost of breeding.

Why do Chinese rarely eat turkey? Have you ever raised a turkey?

3. Turkey tastes very poor

Turkey is not very expensive, interested friends can buy one to try, but the taste will make you want to touch it again in your life. The meat is hard and the taste is poor. A bit like wood slag, the taste is far less than that of local chicken.

4. The turkey is too big, the ordinary oven can not hold a whole one, can only be chopped in batches to eat, not in line with the Chinese eating habits.

Why do Chinese rarely eat turkey? Have you ever raised a turkey?

In addition, I also shared the fun facts about the turkey:

I still remember feeding turkeys 7 years ago, when I was inexplicably beaten by 8 turkeys. They joined forces to chase me and peck, and I ran into the house and closed the door, and the 8 turkeys still didn't want to disperse, and were still grunting at the door, as if to say, "You come out!" ”

Turkeys are very capable of imitation, although they can't talk like parrots, but you sing a simple song and they will follow you, which is very interesting. There are many bloggers abroad who run to chicken farms and sing loudly, and then a large piece of turkey echoes the sound of imitating human singing.

Friends, what interesting stories do you know about turkeys? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area together.

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