
The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

author:Ecological Art & Zhang Xiaomin
The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

  Indoor plant landscaping is a shared architectural space in which people further introduce plants from nature to their own building spaces such as living rooms, living rooms, study rooms, and offices, as well as public shared architectural spaces such as supermarkets, hotels, cafes, indoor swimming pools, and exhibition greenhouses. The self-use space generally has a certain degree of privacy, the area is small, mainly for rest, study, and conversation, and the plant landscape should be elegant and quiet. The shared space is mainly based on travel and appreciation, of course, there are also sitting and eating, resting, the space is generally larger, the plant landscape should be lively and colorful, and even there are terrain, mountains, water, small bridges and other structures, such as the Guangzhou White Swan Hotel and the Beijing Kunlun Hotel lobby shared space landscape. Indoor plant landscaping needs to scientifically select shade-tolerant plants and give meticulous, special maintenance management, reasonable design and artistic layout, coupled with modern lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and other artificial equipment to improve indoor environmental conditions. Create an environment that is conducive to plant growth, but also meets the requirements of people's life and work, physical and psychological requirements, so that people feel comfortable, elegant, beautiful, as if in a quiet, beautiful natural world.

  As early as the 17th century, indoor greening was in its infancy, and the one-leaf orchid and the weeping gentleman orchid were the first plants to be selected as indoor greenery. At the beginning of the 19th century, cactus plants were popular, and later ferns, small fairy flowers, etc. were adopted one after another, and more and more varieties were adopted. The development of recent decades has enabled indoor greening to reach a prosperous stage.

  Section 1: Indoor environmental and ecological conditions

  Indoor ecological environment conditions are very different from outdoor conditions, usually insufficient light, low air humidity, poor air circulation, and constant temperature. Therefore, it is not conducive to plant growth, in order to ensure plant growth conditions, in addition to selecting plant species that can adapt to indoor growth, it is also necessary to improve indoor light, temperature, air humidity, ventilation and other conditions through artificial device equipment to maintain plant growth.

  First, lighting

  (1) Indoor lighting overview

  The main ecological factor restricting plant growth indoors is light, and if the light intensity does not reach above the light compensation point, it will lead to weak plant growth and even death. Synthesizing the data on the relationship between light and plant growth in all aspects at home and abroad, it is generally believed that the light intensity is lower than 3001x, and plants cannot maintain growth; The illuminance is 300-800lx, if it is guaranteed to last for 8-12 hours a day, the plant can maintain growth and even add a small number of new leaves; Illuminance in 800-1600lx, if it can last for 8-12 hours a day, the plant grows well and can be replaced with new leaves; The illuminance is above 1600lx, and if it is extended for 12 hours a day, it can even flower. In addition to the condition of a window or a floor-to-ceiling window, the general diffuse light only in the room cannot meet the normal growth of plants.

  (2) Sources and distribution of indoor light

  1. Natural light: from the top window, side window, roof, patio and other places, natural light has a variety of spectral components required for plant growth, without cost, but affected by latitude, season and weather conditions, the indoor light surface is also due to the orientation, glass quality and other changes. Generally, the roof and top window have the best lighting, the plant is less disturbed, the light intensity and area are large, the light distribution is uniform, and the plant growth is symmetrical. The window lighting is low in intensity, small in area, and leads to lateral growth of plants. The orientation of the side windows also affects the light intensity in the room.

The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles
The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

Direct light: The south window, the east window, and the west window all have direct light, and the south window has the most direct light and the longest time, so near the south window, it can be equipped with plant species that require a large amount of light, and even a small number of flowering species. Such as cacti, crab claw orchid, rhododendron and so on. When there is a curtain to cover, you can plant slightly shade-tolerant plants such as tiger tail orchid and hanging orchid.

  Bright light: The east window and the west window are mostly diffuse light except for the shorter direct light, which is only 20%-25% of the light intensity of direct light. The sunset light in the west window is strong, and the sun is properly shaded in summer, and indoor light can be supplemented in winter, and multi-pulp plants such as cacti can also be planted. The east window is equipped with some rubber trees, turtle back bamboo, change leaf wood, cycad, scattered tail sunflower, wen bamboo, watercress green, cold water flower and so on.

  Moderate light is near the north window, or from the strong light window plus a distance, its light intensity is only about 10% of the direct light, can only be planted with some ferns cold water flowers, evergreen and other species.

  Weak light: four corners of the room, out of and away from the light source of about 6.5cm of the wall, the light is weak, only 3%-5% of the direct light. It is advisable to plant shade-tolerant taro palm bamboo and so on.

  2. Artificial light: Indoor natural light is not enough to maintain plant growth, so artificial light needs to be set up to supplement. There are incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps in Changbei. The advantages and disadvantages of the two are as follows: the former lamp has many shapes and can be designed as a spotlight with light intensity. The advantage is that the light source is concentrated, compact, and the installation price is low; Small size, many types, many red lights. The disadvantage is that the energy effect is low, and the light intensity often does not meet the requirements of flowering plants; High temperature, short life; Uneven distribution of light, etc. Therefore, it should be mixed with natural light or fluorescent lamps with blue light in the living double environment, and the distance between the plant and the plant should not be too close, so as to avoid burns. Fluorescent lamps are the best artificial light. The advantage is that the energy effect is large, less heat than the heat emitted by incandescent lamps, and the life is long; The light distribution is uniform, the light color is more, and the blue light is higher, which is conducive to the growth of foliage plants. The disadvantage is that the installation cost is higher; The light intensity cannot be gathered together, and the light efficiency of the middle part of the lamp is higher than that of both ends, and the daylight is low. In addition, there are mercury lamps that are often used in commercial environments with high roofs, but the cost is high.

  Second, the temperature

  Most of the plants used for indoor landscaping are native to the tropics and subtropics, so its effective growth temperature is not higher than 10 °C at night at 18.24 °C. If the temperature suddenly changes, the double temperature is too high, which will lead to excessive water confirmation, resulting in wilting; Too low a temperature at night can also cause damage to plants. Therefore, a thermostat is often set up to add energy when the temperature drops at night. The opening and closing of the top window can control the flow angle of the air to adjust the indoor outflow and humidity.

  Third, humidity

  Indoor air phase * inch humidity is too low is not conducive to plant growth, too high people will feel uncomfortable, generally controlled at 40-60% is beneficial to both. Indoor landscaping, pools, cascading waterfalls, fountains, etc. all help to increase air humidity. In the absence of these devices, adding spray, moistening the ground around the plants and planting in pots can also help increase air humidity.

  Fourth, ventilation

  Poor indoor air circulation often leads to poor plant growth, and even leaf wilt, leaf rot, disease and insect breeding, etc., so it should be adjusted through the opening of windows. In addition, the air conditioning system and cold and hot air outlets are set up to adjust.

  Section 2: Selection of houseplants

  In recent decades, indoor greening has developed rapidly, not only in the increase in plant species, but also in the increasing level of artistry and maintenance of planting. Indoor plants are mainly based on foliage species, with a small number of flower and fruit viewing species, as exemplified as follows:

  1. Climbing edges and hanging plants

  Ivy (Hedera spp.), Scindapsus aureus, Ficus pumila, Sedum morganianum, Ceropegia woodii, Chlorophyium capense, Chlorophyium capense(var.marginata), Zebrina pendula, Commelzna communis, Gynura aurantacea, Hoya carnosa, Hoya bella, Philodendron oxvcardium, Philodendron scandens, Lycaendron scandens, Lycaena (Philodendron panduraeforme), Philodendron andreanum, Syngonzum podophyllum, Syngonium podophyllum cv white butterfly, Cissus antarctica, cissus repens), purple kudzu (crzssus discolor? striped white powder vine (Cissus striata), rhombifolia rhombifolia, epipremnum pinnatunz, turtle back bamboo (Monstera deliciosa), weeping pot grass (Sedum sarmentosum).

  2. Foliage plants

  Alocasia macrorrhiza, Cyperus alternifolius, Aspidlsiraelatior, Tiger tail orchid (Sansevieria trifasciata), Golden Edge Tiger Tail Orchid (Sansevieria trifasciatacv. Laurentii), Sansevieria cylindrica, Sansevieria hahnii, Broad-leaved Tigertail Orchid (Sansevieria thyrsiflora), Commeline communis, Cold Water Flower (Pilea notata), Pileacadierei, Andersa Stem cold water flower (Pileapumila), transparent grass (Pileamuscosa), Bamboo (Aspara splumosa), Chicken DownZhi (Asparagus plumosa var·nanus), Asparagus sprengeri, Sedum lineare, Tiger Ear Grass (Saxifraga stolonifera), Calathea insignis, Calaihea zebrina, Calathea ornata, Calaihea leOpardina, Calathea makOyana, Calathea warscewiczzi, Maranta arundinacea), Leopard-print arrowroot (Maranta bicolor), wrinkled arrowroot (Maranta leuconeura), Phrynium placentarium, flower candle (Anthuriuln andraeanum), deep-cracked flower candle (Anthurium variabille), matonia arundinacea, white flower reticulated grass (Fitionia verschaffeliii), Tradescatia fluminensis, Mimosa pudica, Pteris cretica, Platycerium bifurcatum, Nest fern (Neot topteris nidus), Iron horn vine (Asplenium bulbiferum), Clematis fern (Adiantum capillusveneris), Boston fern [Nephrolepis exaltata var. Bostoniensis), Nephrolepisauriculata, Polysti-acrostichoides, Liriope spp., Cordyline australis, Cordyline futicosa, Cordyline stricta. Cordyline terminalis, Cordyline terminalisvar.bella, dragon's blood (Dracaenadroco), Brazilian iron tree (Dracaena fragrans). Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana)。 Dracaena deremensis, Dracaena godseffzana, Dracaena marginata. Dracaena sanderiana, coral pineapple (Aechmea fasciata), neoreglia carolinae, pineapple (Ananas comosus), pineapple (Ananas comosusvar. variegata), billbergiapyramidalis, billbergia nutans, cryptanthus acaulij, nieffea picta, Guangdong evergreen (Aglaonema modestum), red-backed gui (Excoecaria cochinchinensis), Two-color red-backed laurel (Excoecaria bicolor), peacock wood (Dizygotheca elegantissima), octagonal gold plate (Fatsia japonica), duck foot wood (Schefflera actinphylla). Araucaria heterophylla?, Cycasrevoluta, Cycaspeciinata, Thorny Leaf ∷Battle–ycas rumphii), Eraser (Ficus elastica), Ficus benjamina, Ficus lyrata, Codiacumvariegatum, Pocket coconut (Chamaedoreaelegans), puffed coconut (Howeiaforsterana), arecatriandra (arecatriandra), loose tail flower (Chrysalidocarpuslutescens), soft leaf thorn flower (Phoenixrebelenii). Swallowtail brown (Pinangadiscolor), ∽≧ &&hapishumilis), Rhapisexcelsa, Shaft (Licuala ortunei), Short-spiked Fishtail (Caryota mitis), Caladium bicolor, Peperomia caperata, Silver Leaf Pepper (Peperomia). hederzfolia), Peperomia magnoliaefolia, Peperomiaobtuszfolia, Peperomiate trophylla, Calanthe spp., Bgonia spp., Plectran-thus spp.

  3. Aromatic, flower-viewing, fruit-viewing plants

  Masts (Gardeniajasminoides), Osmanthus fragrans, Sinningia speciosa, Cymbidium goeringii, Convallaria maialis, Mzchelia figo, Milan (Aglaia odorata), Magnolia coco), Hosta plantaginea, Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis, Chloranthus spicatus, Murraya paniculata, Clivia miniata, Arisaema scherzerianum, Primula malacoides), Bauhinia purpurea, Saintpauliaionantha, Kalanchoelaciniata, Rhododendronspp., Camellajaponica, Hydrangea (Hydrangeamacrophylla), Dragon spit beads (Clerodendronthomsonea), yellow cicada (allemadaneviifolia) Aphe1andra squarrosa, hoya carnosa, begonia senzperflorens, cinnabar root (Ardisia crenata), purple golden bull (Ardisiajaponica), Ilex cornuta, Nandina domestica, Japanese skimmia japonica.

  Section 3: Landscape design of indoor garden plants

  Indoor plant landscape design should first obey the nature and use of indoor space, and then make full use of walls, ceilings and floors to select plant materials according to its scale, shape, color and texture, and conceive and design them to achieve the purpose of organizing space, improving and rendering the atmosphere of space.

  1. Organizational space

  Spaces of different sizes are planted through plants to achieve the theme of highlighting the space, and can use plants to separate, define and guide the space.

  (1) Organize tours

  In recent years, the ground floor or floor of many large and medium-sized public buildings often open up tall and spacious "shared spaces" with certain natural lighting and certain temperature and humidity control, which are used to arrange large indoor plant landscapes, supplemented by mountain rocks, pools, waterfalls, small bridges, and winding paths, forming a group of indoor viewing centers. Guangzhou Little White Swan Hotel fully considers the characteristics of tourism, using the mainland's traditional freehand natural landscape garden, small in the big layout techniques, in the ground hall wall to build a rockery, the top of the mountain has a pavilion, the mountain wall waterfall straight down, the wall in addition to planting a variety of shade-resistant ferns, grass along the steps, turtle back bamboo, but also according to the overseas Chinese homesickness of the tourism psychology, engraved with "hometown water" three big characters. Under the waterfall, there are zigzag pools with fish in the pool, bridges are built on the pool, and tourists are guided to enjoy the scenery of the Pearl River. Plants such as dry umbrella grass, bright mountain ginger, brown bamboo and other plants are planted by the pond, and nest ferns are suspended from high. The beautiful garden landscape and the dots make tourists stay and forget.

  There are many supermarkets in Western European countries, and the interior green design is very successful. In addition, an all-climate, indoor commercial street has been built, which has become a multi-functional shopping mall. In order to increase turnover, we attach great importance to the design of plant landscapes, so that customers feel like they are in an open-air shopping mall. There are not only weeping plants such as green lotuses and ivy vines, but also weeping banyan trees, seasonal flowers and various foliage plants. Japanese women are good at flower arrangement, and flower arrangement exhibitions are often held in supermarkets and major department stores to attract female customers to visit and shop. Flower counters are also often set up to both operate and beautify the business environment. Large tree platforms are often set up on the ground floor or between the floors, and the wide perimeter allows customers to sit down and rest. There are also tables and chairs under the tall weeping banyan tree for eating and resting.

  In order to make the environment more beautiful and natural, the large indoor swimming pool places a large and real pebble on the side of the pool, plants large trees and coconuts and other brown plants on the wall, and paints desert and tropical landscapes on the wall, true and false, to fake and false, so that swimmers are like swimming in tropical rivers and lakes. In order for plants to grow and thrive, roofs are often made of translucent fiberglass or glass.

  In some office buildings with rented commercial offices, in order to improve the success rate of negotiations between Party A and Party B, as well as the quiet and beautiful office environment, more attention is paid to indoor plant landscapes. The architectural design has left space for the plant landscape, such as a British office building, the office is arranged in the periphery of the building, and the center of the building is vacated to arrange the inter-floor and ground floor garden, and the elevator faces the garden for plexiglass, so when the elevator is up and down, the passenger can have a visual view. Floor-to-ceiling glass walls are used in the office facing the gardens on all floors. Therefore, although negotiating transactions indoors, it is like being in a natural environment; The atmosphere is harmonious and comfortable, and psychological analysis increases the success rate of the transaction.

  The garden landscape in the exhibition greenhouses of some European and American countries is also commendable. Indoor micro-terrain undulating, there are pools, waterfalls, rocks, roads, small bridges, etc., plants planted in the ground, without potting, especially individual tropical greenhouses, dug indoors 1.5 to 2m deep, on which tropical ravines are planted with shade-loving and wet plants, but also equal to increasing the height of the greenhouse; Waterstones are pasted on the walls and ferns are planted; Indoor plants make full use of the epiphytic and parasitic landscapes of the rainforest, ranging from lush foliage to colorful orchids, bromeliads, and numerous coleus plants. The cactus exhibition greenhouse at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, UK, is also extremely interesting. The interior is arranged according to the ecological environment, and there are many small pebbles of similar color and appearance around the raw stone flowers, and tourists are interested in crouching down to distinguish the authenticity. Tall hexagonal prisms, cacti and various pulpy plants rise and fall, and most of the flowers are extremely gorgeous and peculiar.

  The café next to Heathrow Airport in London, England, is decorated with palm plants and large trees such as weeping banyan trees, and small bridges, railings and kiosks are created with pine logs with bark. 

  (2) Separation and limitation

  Some of the intimate requirements of the day spoon environment, in order to talk, read, solo, etc., can be used to separate and limit the space into a local small environment. Horned plants are also separated inside some commercial streets and even in zoo songbird houses. A separation: Siyun corner flower wall, flower pond, barrel planting, potted plant, and other methods to demarcate the boundary, divided into a certain leakage, and slightly hidden space. It is necessary to be so that it is not separated. The effect of blending with each other. However, the visual height when arranging must be taken into account when walking and sitting.

  Limited: flower platform, trees, pools, stacked stones, etc. can become the core of the local space, forming a relatively independent empty direction, for people to rest, stay and appreciate, the British Stirling Supermarket elevator bottom staff has a half-circle large fish pond, plus swimming koi fish, the pool side is planted with a variety of guankou ten plants, attracting many children and customers to stay in the pool to appreciate. The immediate space is divided into another space with a completely different function, with tables and chairs set up under several tall weeping banyan trees for guests to rest and eat, creating a quiet place in this bustling commercial environment. And these two adjacent spaces, through the plant organization space, do not interfere with each other.

  (3) Disclosure and guidance

  In some public entertainment places with flexible and complex space, through the landscape design of plants, it can play a role in organizing routes and channeling, and the guidance of the main entrances and exits can be used to attract people's attention by watching strong or large plants, and plants can also be used as barriers to prevent wrong guidance, so that they unconsciously follow the route of plant layout.

  Second, improve the sense of space

  Indoor plant landscape design is mainly to create a beautiful visual image, but also through people's sense of smell, hearing and touch and other physiological and psychological reactions, feel the perfection of the space.

  (1) Connection and penetration

  The plant landscape of the building entrance and the entrance hall can play a role in the natural transition and extension of people entering the interior space of the building from the external space, and there is an uninterrupted sense of indoor and external dynamics. This auspicious achieves the effect of connection. Indoor dining rooms, living rooms and other large spaces are also often through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, waiting for the external plant landscape to penetrate in, as a reference for the interior, and expand the sense of indoor space, so that the boring indoor space brings a derivative vitality. Many large hotels in Japan, Europe and the United States and the Fragrant Hills Hotel in Mainland China use this cleanser. 

  The plant landscape not only allows indoor and outdoor spaces to penetrate each other, but also helps to connect and integrate with each other. For example, The Shanghai Longbai Hotel uses a pool of water to connect the three indoor and outdoor spaces into one. The front entrance hall part of the pool water is only exposed in a small part, most of which is a water body with natural light in the middle, and the pond is arranged with a planting pond made of natural mountain stones, planting ornamental plants such as Nan Yingchun, Moss Pu, and aquatic iris, and a large part of the water body in the back is in Muroshibu. One body of water connects three spaces, and the middle space is separated by two glass walls, so the effect of penetration and connection is good.

  (2) Rich and embellished

  The indoor visual center is also the most ornamental focus, usually with plants as the main body, with its brilliant colors and graceful posture to attract the attention of tourists. In addition to live plants, large cut flowers or dried flower arrangements can also be used. Sometimes a variety of plants are arranged into a group of plant groups, or flower tables, or flower ponds. There are also larger visual centers, using plants, water, stones, and then using light and shadow effects to strengthen the changes, forming a landscape with sound and color. Walls are also often arranged as visual centers, the simplest way is to place large and beautiful potted plants or bonsai in front of the wall, there are also ponds planted in front of the wall, plant ornamental plants, or intentionally recess the gable into an alcove-like niche, with a pink single bamboo, golden jasper bamboo or other plants in front, like a mural. There are also bonsai with mountain stones and potted plants on the walls.

  (3) Foil and contrast

  The indoor plant landscape should be related to the furniture furnishings in terms of color and volume, and there should be coordination, but also with foil and contrast. Suzhou gardens often use the pane frame to take the outdoor plants as the scenery, indoor viewing, in order to add interest, on both sides of the indoor window frame to hang two pictures, or landscapes, or plants, and the picture of living plants in the window, contrasting with each other. In the middle of winter in the north, the room is covered with snow, the indoor heating is foreign, and then the ornamental plants are arranged on the window sills, corner corners, tabletops, and furniture tops, which appear to be full of spring in the interior, and the contrast is strong, and some miniature potted plants, such as miniature moon seasons, miniature bonsai, are placed on the desk. On several cases, it sets off the elegance of the owner.

  (4) Obstruct and control the line of sight

  Some parts of the interior that obstruct the view, such as the side of furniture, the heating pipes that are idle in summer, fireplaces, corners, etc. can be covered by plants.

  Third, render the atmosphere

  Different indoor spaces have different uses, and the rational design of plant landscapes can give people different feelings. Examples of regulations are as follows:

  (1) Entrance

  The population of public buildings and the entrance hall are the places that people must pass, and the stay time is short and the traffic volume is large. The plant landscape should have a simple and distinct welcoming atmosphere, and potted plants with larger, upright postures and straight leaves can be used to prevent people from entering and leaving the line of sight. Such as brown shelving, coconut, palm bamboo, cycads, araucaria and so on. It can also be used in potted flowers with bright colors, the pots should be thick and simple, commensurate with the volume of the entrance, and on the prominent porch, you can plant vines such as wood fragrance and lingxiao along the pillar. Indoor entrances, generally dark light, narrow site, should choose slender shade-tolerant plants. Such as brown bamboo, dry umbrella grass, etc., giving people a lively and clear feeling.

  (2) Living room

  It is a place to receive guests or family gatherings, and pays attention to the soft and humble atmosphere. Plants should be simple, beautiful and generous, and should not be complicated. The color requirements are bright, and the darkness will affect the mood of the guests. In the corner of the living room and next to the sofa, the official places large foliage plants, such as Araucaria, weeping fig, turtle back bamboo, palm plants, etc., can also use the flower stand to arrange potted flowers, or hanging or straight up. Such as green lotus, hanging orchid, locust leaf begonia, four seasons begonia, etc., so that the corner of the living room is colorful and vibrant. Corner cabinets and coffee tables can be placed in small pots of orchids, coleus, bulbous orchids, evergreens, and dry umbrella grasses. Cyclamen come and wait, or accompany them with flower arrangements. The top of the cabinet and the wall are equipped with hanging plants, which can add to the indoor decoration space picture, more three-dimensional, and do not occupy the area of the living room, commonly used hanging bamboo insults, white powder vines, touch ferns, ivy, green lotus and other plants. If appropriately accompanied by calligraphy or murals, the environment is more elegant.

  (3) Residence

  For rest and sleep, the living room requires an atmosphere that makes people feel relaxed and can relax tension, but there may be differences for different personalities. For those who like tranquility, only a few foliage plants need to be light and slender, such as hanging orchids, bamboo, Boston ferns, and mushroom coconuts. Choose the flowers at the right time should not be brightly colored, you can choose African violet and so on. The corner can be decorated with Brazilian iron trees, pocket coconuts, etc. For those who are lively and cheerful, full of youth and vitality, in addition to foliage plants, you can also add some potted flowers such as flaming fire crane flowers, geraniums, cyclamen, etc., but it is not appropriate to choose large or fragrant plants. Special attention should be paid to safety in children's living rooms. It is mainly small foliage plants, and according to the characteristics of children's curiosity, some interesting plants can be selected, such as pansies, puppy flowers, leafy wood, and cordyceps. Mimosa, etc., coupled with a container with a certain animal shape, is conducive to the enlightenment of children's thinking ability, but also can add a joyful atmosphere to the environment.

The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

  (4) Study

  As a study room for study and writing, it is necessary to create a quiet and elegant atmosphere so that it is conducive to concentrating on studying and studying. The indoor layout should be simple and generous, and it is better to use foliage plants such as palm family. Bookshelves can be placed with weeping vines, small foliage plants can be placed on the desk, and bamboo containers are coated to double the elegant atmosphere of the study. Optional anchovy bamboo kang, etc.

  (5) Stairs

  Each building has stairs, often forming a dark, uncomfortable dead end. Plants can not only cover up dead corners, but also add a beautified atmosphere. Some large hotels and restaurants, in order to improve the quality of the environment, attach great importance to the plant planting of the staircase part. Wide staircase with pots of flowers or foliage plants every few steps. On the wide corner platform, some larger plants can be planted, such as rubber trees, turtle back bamboo, dragon's blood tree, brown bamboo and so on. The railings of the handrails can also be wrapped with vines, xueli, xilin taro, rhombus white pink vines, etc., so that the natural atmosphere of the surrounding environment is multiplied.

The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

  Section 4: Conservation and Management of Indoor Plants

  Due to the particularity of indoor environmental conditions, conservation management is correspondingly unique.

  First, the "light adaptation" of houseplants

  Indoor light is low, and plants suddenly move from high light to grow under low light, often because they cannot adapt, resulting in death. Therefore, it is best to "light adapt" for a period of time before moving indoors. Placed in slightly lower light than the original growth conditions, but higher than the future indoor growth environment. During this time, due to the low light of the plant, the physiological pressure will cause the photosynthetic rate to decrease, using the stored substances in the body. At the same time, efforts are made to increase the chlorophyll content, adjust the arrangement of chloroplasts, reduce the respiratory rate and other changes to improve the utilization of low light. In the case of smooth adaptation, chlorophyll increases, and the chloroplasts are basically rearranged. It may have lost a lot of old leaves, but some new leaves were produced, and the plant survived. Some yin foliage plants, such as from the beginning of reproduction to the completion of growth are in shade conditions is the best way to adapt to light, the obtained plant light compensation point is low, can effectively use the low light indoors, and long life, some shade-tolerant woody plants, such as weeping figs need to be cultivated in full sunlight to obtain a robust tree body. However, before moving indoors, it must be adapted at a lower level than the original light, and after moving to the indoor environment, the adaptation will be further deepened until each leaf is produced under the new growth environment conditions. The degree of adaptation of plants to low light conditions is related to the length of time, body size and age, and is also affected by external factors such as fertilization and temperature. It usually takes 6 weeks to 6 months or more. Large deciduous figs take at least 3 months, while small potted plants take much less time. Proper nutrition is important to help plants adapt to low-light environments, and when plants are in the light adaptation stage, the amount of fertilizer applied should be reduced. The increase in temperature causes an increase in the respiration rate and light compensation point, so the low-temperature cultivation environment is ideal for light adaptation before moving indoors.

Although some plants do not have a large demand for light, due to the low light of the growth environment and poor growth, they need to be put back into high light in a timely manner to recover. Since the leaves produced by the plant in low light have adapted to the low light environment, if the light is suddenly too strong, the leaves will be injured. Exhaustion, and serious injuries occur. Therefore, it is best to adapt them to growth at a light intensity less than 5-10 times higher than the original growth environment.

The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

  2. Cultivation vessels

  In addition to direct planting, most of the plant materials used for indoor greening are planted in various pots, bowls, boxes, boxes, baskets, slots and other containers. Due to the shape of the container. The colours and textures are miserly and often become part of the art of interior furnishings.

  The container must first meet the requirements of plant growth, have a sufficient volume to accommodate the normal growth and development of the root system, have good air permeability and drainage, and be strong and durable. The fixed container should be arranged for the drainage system during the construction of the building. Moving containers, often cushioned with trays, so as not to stain the indoor floor.

  The shape and volume of the container. Color, texture induction and planted plant coordination, should not be strong contrast, or noisy. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the coordination of wall, floor, furniture, ceiling and other horizontal furnishings.

  The materials of the container are clay, wood, rattan and bamboo. Pottery, stone, brick, cement. Plastics, fiberglass and metals, etc. In addition to the good water permeability of the sticker container, the appearance is simple, and it is easy to build itself with the plant. However, it is not suitable for the decorative atmosphere, and it is necessary to put a container of other materials on the outside. Containers made of natural materials such as wood, rattan, and bamboo are made of ordinary materials, have simple and natural interests, and are easy to flexibly arrange, but they are strong and durable. Ceramic containers have a variety of styles, attractive colors, strong decoration, and are still widely used, but they are heavy and easy to break. Stone, brick. Containers such as coagulators have a hard surface. Rough, different masonry forms will produce interesting changes in texture, because of their heavy weight, the design is often combined with building components to make a fixed container, and its shape should be unified with the interior plane and space composition, such as can be combined with walls, columns, steps, railings, partitions, seats, sculptures, etc. Plastic and fiberglass containers are lightweight, colorful, and versatile, and can be imitated in a variety of textures, but have poor air permeability. The metal container is smooth, bright, decorative, simple in silhouette, and is set in many sets outside the planting pot, suitable for modern spaces.

The future prospects of houseplane landscaping are broad - technical articles

  Third, the cultivation method

  (1) Soil cultivation

  It is mainly mixed with gardeners, peats, rotting leaves, sand, etc. to form easy and fertile pots. Hong Kong's own production of high-quality pots is, sticker: peat: sand: frog stone = 1: 2: 1: 1. Planting one plant per pot is easier to manage. If a variety of plants are planted in a large planting pot and a combination of planting is formed, the management is more complicated, but the ornamental effect is greatly improved. Combined planting should choose plant species with less differences in light, temperature, moisture and humidity requirements, and plant them together, high and low, each with its own posture, and can also be inserted with a water pipe and inserted with several flowers in time. Such as peacock wood, hanging bamboo plum, purple-leaved begonias, variable leaf wood, silver-edged ivy, vines and taro. White-spotted coarse ribweed can be planted together.

  (2) Media culture and hydroponics

  Although the potted plant with mud as the substrate has a long history, due to poor hygiene, it is not suitable as an indoor cultivation method, especially not suitable for wards, so as to avoid some fungi in the soil from having a root patient physique. However, media culture and hydroponics can overcome this disadvantage. Materials used as a medium are clay, perlite, locust, pumice, sawn, peanut shell, peat, sand and so on. The commonly used ratio is: peat: perlite: sand = 2: 2: 1; Peat: pumice: sand = 2:2:1; Peat: Sand worker 1:1; Peat: Sand worker 3:1 etc. After adding nutrient solution, it can provide oxygen, water, nutrients and have a fixed and supporting effect on the roots. Suitable as a non-cultivated plant, common are duck's foot wood, octagonal golden plate, bear's paw wood, loose tail sunflower, golden wasabi, pocket coconut, dragon's blood tree, weeping banyan tree, rubber tree, araucaria, change leaf wood, turtle back bamboo, green lotus, clematis fern, kidney fern, nest fern, plantain, sea potato, foreign ivy, peacock wood and so on.

  (3) Epiphytic cultivation in tropical areas, especially in the rain forest, there are many epiphytes, they do not need mud, often epiphytic on other plants, decaying wood. Plant bodies such as plant fibers on epiphytic plants or dead roots and leaves at the base of the plants are used as epiphyte substrates. The epiphyte landscape is very beautiful and is often the main cultivation method for the exhibition greenhouse Shen key landscape. As a support for epiphytic cultivation, it can be used for tree ferns, decaying trees, palm trunks, planks, and even rocks, baskets, etc., and the epiphytic medium can be used for fern roots, water, moss, wood chips, bark, leaf sheath fibers of coconut or palm rest, coconut shell fibers, etc. Wrap the plant roots in the medium, bundle them, and attach them to the supports. In daily management, we should pay attention to spraying water and improve the air humidity. Common epiphytic plants include orchids, bromeliads, clematis ferns, water keels, staghorn ferns, bone fragments, kidney ferns, nest ferns and so on.

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  (4) Bottle planting

  Small plants with high temperature and high humidity can use this cultivation method. Using colorless and transparent wide-mouth bottle glassware, select short, slow-growing plants such as tiger ear grass, watercress green, and reticulated grass. Cold water flowers. Hanging orchids and cacti are planted in the bottle, properly planted, interesting, bottle plants can be placed on the desk, can also be suspended.

  4. Watering, fertilizing and cleaning

  Indoor plants have slower physiological activities due to low light, and the amount of watering is much lower than that of outdoor plants. Therefore, it is better to water less than to overspent. Generally every 3-7 days of watering, spring, summer growing season appropriate more watering, at present many countries indoor cultivation using media culture and hydroponics, containers are equipped with semi-automatic watering system, plant nutrients are also obtained from liquid fertilizer. The lower level of the container is equipped with a water tank with a water injection hole on one side and a water level indicator on the other side to display the highest and lowest water level. The medium filled in the container uses capillary action or gauze strip water seepage to absorb water and liquid fertilizer from the bottom of the container to the roots of the plant.

  Usually, before fertilizing houseplants, water the potting soil to dampen it, and then fertilize it with liquid fertilizer. Foliage and summer flowering plants are fertilized in summer and early autumn; Winter flowering plants are fertilized in late autumn and spring.

  Regularly and carefully scrub large leaves with warm water, the leaf surface will be more smooth and beautiful, and the leaf surface after removing dust can also make more use of carbon dioxide, and for houseplants with small leaves, regular water spraying has the same effect.

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